Ecological Administration

Major: Environmental Studies
Code of subject: 7.101.02.E.027
Credits: 3.00
Department: Ecology and Sustainable Environmental Management
Lecturer: associate professor Popovich Оlena
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Ability to organize work related to environmental assessment, environmental protection and optimization of nature, in conditions of incomplete information and conflicting requirements. Be able to use the conceptual environmental patterns of environmental management in professional activities: • give students the necessary knowledge about the environment, teach aware that any intervention in nature can lead to both positive and negative consequences for human health; • focus on students because of irrational economic rights arising global environmental problems; • Show the relationship and interaction between the economy and the environment, economy and environmental management; • acquaint students with the existing ecological situation in Ukraine and ways of solving environmental problems.
Required prior and related subjects: • Environmental impact assessment • Environmental Control, • Legislation of Ukraine in the field of environmental management.
Summary of the subject: The aim of the course is to develop knowledge on environmental management for further use in professional activities.
Assessment methods and criteria: • Current control, oral examination (30%); • final control (control measure, test): written, oral form (70%)
Recommended books: 1. Білявський Г.О., Фурдуй Р. С. Основи екологічних знань. — К.: Либідь, 2000. — 287 с. 2. Джигирей В. С. Екологія та охорона навколишнього середовища: Навч. посіб. — К.: Афіша, 2001. — 271 с. 3. Корсак К. В., Плахотнік О. В. Основи екології. — К.: Знання, 2003. — 314 с.