Eco-management System and Eco-concept of Sustainable Development

Major: Environmental Studies
Code of subject: 7.101.00.M.015
Credits: 6.00
Department: Ecology and Sustainable Environmental Management
Lecturer: associate professor Popovych Olena
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The aim of this course is to provide students with knowledge of environmental management as a field of environmental protection, management of anthropogenic environmental disturbance, environmental management system at the enterprise, environmental audit procedure, integration of the environmental management system into the general management system of the enterprise, eco-concept and eco-design, environmental labelling.
Завдання: Ability to solve complex tasks and problems in the field of ecology, environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources in the course of professional activity or in the process of study that involves research and/or innovation, and is characterised by complexity and uncertainty of conditions and requirements. К01. Ability to learn and master modern knowledge. К05. Ability to communicate in a foreign language. К12. Ability to apply new approaches to the analysis and forecasting of complex phenomena, critical thinking of problems in professional activities. К15. Ability to organise work related to environmental assessment, environmental protection and optimisation of environmental management in conditions of incomplete information and conflicting requirements.
Learning outcomes: ПР02. Be able to use conceptual environmental laws in professional activities. ПР05. Demonstrate the ability to organise collective activities and implement complex environmental projects, taking into account available resources and time constraints. ПР09. To know the principles of personnel and resource management, basic approaches to decision-making in conditions of incomplete / insufficient information and conflicting requirements. ПР10. Demonstrate awareness of the latest principles and methods of environmental protection. ПР13. Be able to assess the potential impact of man-made facilities and economic activities on the environment.
Required prior and related subjects: • Fundamentals of industrial ecology; • Standardization and prognostication of industrial pollution emissions; • Research methodology and modeling of processes of industrial waste treatment.
Summary of the subject: Given the current environmental situation, the system of public administration of natural resources and the organisation of environmental management needs to be significantly improved. As a general economic science, environmental management applies data from specific economic and natural sciences, their conclusions and provisions to justify the most effective methods of using the conditions and resources of nature. In the current environmental situation, there is an objective need for future environmental specialists to develop a clear understanding of the main environmental problems of our time and ways to solve them, knowledge of the environmental management system and the basic principles of its creation and functioning, regulatory frameworks and standards, and to understand the essence of the new system of the global scale "society - nature".
Опис: Introduction to environmental management systems. Introduction to the ISO 14000 series of standards. Introduction to ISO 14001 and 14004 standards. The concept of an environmental management system. Model of an environmental management system. Ways to reduce harmful emissions into the environment. Advantages and benefits of implementing an environmental management system. The concept of the environmental aspect, material environmental aspect, environmental impact. Stakeholders and their main motivations for implementing an environmental management system. Environmental policy of the enterprise. Primary environmental analysis of the enterprise. Assessment of environmental aspects. Methods of risk analysis. Environmental management activities: procurement operations, suppliers, contractors, selection of new technologies, transport, natural resources (energy, water), storage areas for raw materials and products, emissions (air, water), noise and vibration control, and conventional solid waste.
Assessment methods and criteria: • Tutorial Exercises, Seminars, Oral presentations (40%); • Final control (control measure, Test), written-oral form (60%).
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: According to the work program, the educational process is carried out in the following forms: - lecture classes; - preparation of reports on the topic of seminar classes and speeches at seminars. - the student's independent processing of educational material using lecture notes and basic educational literature, work with reference books, documents, regulatory and legal acts; - performance of individual control work; - control of all types of student activities.
Recommended books: 1. Лукянихін В.О. Екологічний менеджмент у системі управління збалансованим розвиток. - Суми: ВТД, 2002 р., 316 с. 2. В.Ф. Семенов, О.Л. Михайлюк. Екологічний менеджмент: Навч. Посіб. для студ. вузів – К.: Центр навчальної літератури, 2004.- 407 с. 3. Шевчук В.Я., Саталкін Ю.М., Білявський Г.О. та ін. Екологічне управління: Підручник. – К.: Либідь, 2004. – 432 с. 4. Назарук М.М., Койнова І.Б. Екологічний менеджмент. Запитання та відповіді: Навчальний посібник. – Львів: Еней, 2004. – 216 с. 5. Бобровський А.Л. Екологічний менеджмент. Підручник. – Суми: ВТД «Університетська книга», 2009. – 586 с. 6. Екологічний менеджмент і аудит. Навчальний посібник / Під ред. Рижкова С.С. – 3-тє видання доповнене – К.: «Видавничий дім «Професіонал», 2009. – 208 с. 7. Л.Ф. Кожушко, П.М. Скрипчук. Екологічний менеджмент. Підручник. – Київ, Видавничий центр «Академія», 2007. – 430 с.