Inspection Activities

Major: Environmental Studies
Code of subject: 7.101.02.E.031
Credits: 3.00
Department: Ecology and Sustainable Environmental Management
Lecturer: PhD, Assoc. Prof., Zoryana Odnorih
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: General competencies: ІНТ. ability to solve complex specialized problems and solve practical problems during professional activities in the field of ecology, environmental protection and sustainable use of nature and in the learning process, which involves the use of environmental science methods, characterized by complexity and uncertainty; Professional competencies: ФКС 2.2. Ability to organize work related to the assessment of the ecological condition of economic entities, environmental protection and optimization of nature management. Learning outcomes: АіВ1. Ability to adapt to new situations and make decisions. Program learning outcomes: ПР2.2. Demonstrate knowledge of modern legal framework in the field of environmental protection and nature management and be able to assess compliance with environmental legislation in enterprises.
Required prior and related subjects: • Environmental impact assessment • Environmental assessment • Climate Management
Summary of the subject: Purpose and tasks of the state ecological inspection. State and public, departmental and industrial environmental control. Rights and responsibilities of environmental inspectors. Standards of time when checking compliance with environmental legislation by enterprises. Planning and organization of the inspection by the state environmental inspector. Types of inspections. Documentation of the inspection. Inspection of air protection activities of the enterprise. Inspection of water protection activities of the enterprise. Inspection of waste management facilities.
Assessment methods and criteria: • current control, verbal questioning, control work (40%); •final control (control measure, test): testing form (60%).
Recommended books: 1. Нехорошков, В.П. Природоохоронне iнспектування: навч. посiб. / В.П. Нехорошков. - Одеса: Одеська держ. акад. холоду, 2011 – 156 с. 2. Сівак, В.К. Природоохоронне інспектування: навч. посіб. / В.К. Сівак, О.М. Данілова. - 2-е вид., перероб. і доп. – Чернівці: Чернівецький нац. ун-т, 2011. – 168 с. 3. Свояк, Н.І. Природоохоронне інспектування: практикум. / Н.І. Свояк. - Черкаси: ТОВ «Маклаут», 2009. - 262 с. 4. Ладиженський, В. М. Екологічне інспектування: конспект лекцій. / Харків: ХНАМГ, 2011. – 31 с. 5. Приходько, М. М. Екологічне інспектування: практикум/М. М. Приходько, Т. В. Кундельська. - Івано-Франківськ : ІФНТУНГ, 2013. - 53 с.