Physical Methods and Means of Information Security

Major: Applied Physics and Nanomaterials
Code of subject: 6.105.00.M.070
Credits: 6.00
Department: Applied Physics and Nanomaterials Science
Lecturer: Docent Matulka Dariia
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: - knowledge of the physical principles of the development of devices for the protection of infomation - the ability to develop new security devices - knowledge of designing and analyzing devices for protecting information
Required prior and related subjects: pre-requisites: • Electricity and magnetism • Electrodynamics and field theory • Mathematical analysis
Summary of the subject: Types of threats to information resources. Protection of information transmitted through communication channels. Technical means for detecting and suppressing information leakage channels. Protection of information in the computer local and global networks.
Assessment methods and criteria: Practical work - 20 points Exam - 80 points
Recommended books: 1. Mельникoв B.П. Инфopмaциoннaя безoпaснoсть и зaщитa инфopмaции: yчеб. Пocoбие для студентов вyзов / B. П. Mельникoв, C. A. Клейменов, A. М. Петpaкoв - 4-e изд., стеp. - Мoсквa: Изд. центр ''Aкaдемия'',2009.- 330 с. 2. Яpoнкин B.И. Инфopмaциoннaя безoпaснoсть: учебник B. И. Яpoчкин ; oтв. pед. Л. И, Филиппенкo. - 4-е изд, - Мoсквa : Aкaд. Пpoект, 2006. - 542 c. 3. Бабаш А. B, Инфopмaциoннaя безoпaснoсть учебник / A. B. Бaбaш. - Мoсквa : PИОР, 2013, - 222 c