Basic Physics for Advanced Materials Manufacturing

Major: Applied Physics and Nanomaterials
Code of subject: 6.105.02.E.096
Credits: 5.00
Department: Applied Physics and Nanomaterials Science
Lecturer: Ph. D., Associate Professor Anatoliy Kondyr.
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • be able to analyze the structure and phase composition of materials and evaluate the properties of metallic and nonmetallic materials to determine the possible appointment of materials on their properties, to conduct a comparative evaluation of materials according to their complex properties; • possess structural methods of research materials; • possess skills systematize data on the structure and properties of different structural and functional materials and conditions of their rational use. • be aware of the impact of external factors and conditions for machine parts and structural elements for various purposes, methods of appointment of material for manufacturing products for the predetermined set of physical, chemical and technological properties.
Required prior and related subjects: • prerequisites: mechanics, electricity and magnetism, thermodynamics and statistical physics, chemistry; • corequisites: methods of physical research, solid state physics, nanomaterials science, implementation bachelor qualification work, research practicum, physics and nanotechnology.
Summary of the subject: Classification of structural and functional materials. Physical and chemical fundamentals of the processes that take place during the technological processing methods that form the structure of materials. Structure and properties of materials at various stages of the formation of their structure. Basic physical, chemical, mechanical and technological properties of materials. The principles of rational choice of materials and their use in products.
Assessment methods and criteria: • writing reports on individual work, oral examination, reference work (40%); • final control (60% control measure, exam), written-oral form (60%).
Recommended books: 1. Технологія конструкційних матеріалів та матеріалознавство. Практикум: Навчальний посібник/ В. Попович, А. Кондир, Е. Плешаков та ін. ? Львів, Світ, 2009. ? 552 с. 2. Металознавство та термічна обробка./ Під. ред. О.М. Бяліка: Підручник для студентів вищих навч. закл. – К: Вища шк., 2008. – 384 с. 3. Махорт А.В., Чумак М.Г. Термічна обробка металів: Навч. посібник. – К.: Либідь, 2002. – 512 с. 4. Дяченко С.С., Дощечкіна І.В., Мовлян А.О., Плешаков Е.І. Матеріалознавство. – Харків: ХНАДУ, 2007. – 440 с.