Quantum Electronics and Laser Engineering

Major: Electronics
Code of subject: 6.171.00.O.033
Credits: 5.00
Department: Department of Electronic Engineering
Lecturer: D.Sc. Phys.-Math., prof. Mykytiuk Zinovij Matvijovych
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • Have an idea of the main stages of development of quantum electronics, as well as its prospects; • understand the physical phenomena that underlie quantum electronics; • know the physical basis of the interaction of quantum systems with the electromagnetic field; • know the basic types of lasers, the principle of their operation, the characteristics of laser radiation.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Physical foundations of electronic technology. Functional electronics, part 1. Co-requisites: Functional electronics, part 2. Lasers in medicine and biology.
Summary of the subject: • General characteristics of light waves. • Flat light waves. • Energy state of atoms. • Magnetic moments of atoms. • Energy state of molecules. • Oscillatory, rotational and vibrational-rotational spectra of molecules. • Spontaneous and induced transitions in quantum systems. • Spectral line. • Models of quantum systems. • Optical resonators. • Physical processes in optical resonators. • General characteristics of gaseous active media. • Ion lasers. • Molecular lasers. • Carbon monoxide laser. • Lasers on self-limited transitions in atoms and molecules. • Excimer lasers. • Chemical lasers. • Liquid lasers. • Lasers on cholesteric liquid crystals with dye admixture. • Solid state lasers. • Semiconductor lasers.
Assessment methods and criteria: current control (30%): reports on practical classes; - final control (70%): exam.
Recommended books: 1. З.М.Микитюк. Квантова електроніка/ Конспект лекцій (електронний варіант), 2014.– 120 с. 2. Велигоша А.З. Приборы СВЧ и оптического диапазона. Учебное пособие. – Издательство СКФУ. – 2014. – 203 с. 3. Миногин В.Г. Физика лазеров. Учебное пособие. –М.–Издательство МФТИ.– 2010. – 336 с. 4. Фізичні основи електронної техніки: Підручник/ З.Ю.Готра, І.Є.Лопатинський, Б.А.Лукіянець, З.М.Микитюк, І.В.Петрович – Львів: Видавництво «Бескид Біт», 2004. – 880 с.

Quantum Electronics and Laser Engineering (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Electronics
Code of subject: 6.171.00.O.037
Credits: 3.00
Department: Department of Electronic Engineering
Lecturer: D.Sc. Phys.-Math., prof. Mykytiuk Zinovij Matvijovych
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • Have an idea of the main stages of development of quantum electronics, as well as its prospects; • understand the physical phenomena that underlie quantum electronics; • know the physical basis of the interaction of quantum systems with the electromagnetic field; • know the basic types of lasers, the principle of their operation, the characteristics of laser radiation.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Physical foundations of electronic technology. Functional electronics, part 1. Co-requisites: Functional electronics, part 2. Lasers in medicine and biology.
Summary of the subject: Course project in the discipline "Quantum Electronics and Laser Engineering" is to study the physical processes of devices that use forced radiation, familiar with the methods of calculation and features of quantum amplifiers and generators; forming students' ideas about the main prospects for the development and improvement of quantum electronics. Stages of the course project: 1. Acquaintance with the task, methodology of the course project (course work) and clarification of the variant of the task. 2. Therms and splitting of energy structure in electric and magnetic fields. Thermodynamic equilibrium. 3. Calculation of the generation frequency of quantum electronics devices operating at transitions between magnetic sublevels. 4. Calculation of spectral characteristics of laser radiation. 5. Calculation of the gain of active media. 6. Calculation of energy parameters of ion lasers. 7. Calculation of the angle of divergence of the laser beam. 8. Defense of the course project.
Assessment methods and criteria: 1. Current control in the form of inspection by the teacher of parts of the course project in accordance with the description of the stages of the course project. 2. Final control in the form of defense of the course project. • Current control - 40%. • Checking the text and graphics of the course work - 20%. • Defense of course work - 40%.
Recommended books: 1. З.М.Микитюк. Квантова електроніка/ Конспект лекцій (електронний варіант), 2014.– 120 с. 2. Велигоша А.З. Приборы СВЧ и оптического диапазона. Учебное пособие. – Издательство СКФУ. – 2014. – 203 с. 3. Миногин В.Г. Физика лазеров. Учебное пособие. –М.–Издательство МФТИ.– 2010. – 336 с. 4. Фізичні основи електронної техніки: Підручник/ З.Ю.Готра, І.Є.Лопатинський, Б.А.Лукіянець, З.М.Микитюк, І.В.Петрович – Львів: Видавництво «Бескид Біт», 2004. – 880 с.