Foreign Language for Specific Purposes

Major: Environment Design
Code of subject: 6.022.03.M.38
Credits: 3.00
Department: Department of Foreign Languages for Humanities
Lecturer: Zakaulova Yu.V., Zhorniak N.Ye.
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: By the end of the module learners are expected to be able to: - make and give structured presentations of professional content using appropriate linguistic and non-linguistic means of communication; - demonstrate the ability to arrange the information on the common study and job/ specialism-related topics in a logical and coherent way, demonstrate a sufficient appropriate vocabulary range related to the topic; - demonstrate the general understanding of the objective, framework, general and detailed content and respective demands towards academic and professional documentation; - understand and interpret the notion of intercultural communication; - operate terms relevant to the topic; - master the skills of verbal and non-verbal communication on different levels considering the peculiarities of the latter in different countries; - work effectively with information sources, accumulate and operate data; - analyze the peculiarities of intercultural communication in different spheres.
Required prior and related subjects: The level of knowledge B1, English language for specific purposes.
Summary of the subject: The scope of intercultural communication. Factors influencing intercultural communication. How can we understand each other: the characteristics of effective listeners and speakers? Non-verbal communication and language. Tips on taking effective notes to record important information. The importance of intercultural communication in various career fields. Perspectives for intercultural communication. Cultural intelligence.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control: listening, monologic and dialogic speech, reading, writing. Final control: credit The distribution of points according to 100-point scale: 70 – current control; 30 – control written test Classroom work (70) Listening 10 Reading 10 Speaking 10 Writing 10 Self-study (30) LexicalandgrammaticalexercisesfromtextbooksandtestsinVirtualEducationalEnvironment (VEE) 10 Extracurricular reading 10 Educational and special professional vocabulary. 10
Recommended books: 1. Arent, R. Building the cross-cultural gap: Listening ans Speaking tasks for developing Fluency in English / -Michigan, 2009. 2. Stockinger, P. Intercultural communication. A general introduction. NATO Regional Cooperation Course.- Paris, 2010. 3. Behning, A. Intercultural communication: An Overview. – Berlin, 2017. 4. Holliday, A., Hyde, M., Kullman, J. Intercultural communication: An advanced resource book. – Taylor & Francis E-library, 2004. 5. Livermore, D. Expand your borders. Published by Cultural Intelligence Center. – Michigan, 2013. 6. Кострицька С.І., Зуєнок І.І., Швець О.Д, Поперечна Н.В. Англійська мова для навчання і роботи: підручник для студ. вищ. навч. закл.: у 4 т. Т. 1. Спілкування в соціальному, академічному та професійному середовищах = English for Study and Work: Coursebook in 4 books.Book 1 Socialising in Academic and Professional Environment/ С.І. Кострицька, І.І. 2.Зуєнок, О.Д. Швець, Н.В. Поперечна; М-во освіти і науки України, Нац. гірн. ун-т. – Дніпропетровськ : НГУ, 2015. – 162 с. 7. Convery I., Corsane G., Davis P. Making Sense of Place, Multidisciplinary Perspectives. – Boydell & Brewer, 2012. — 350 p. 8. Murphy R., English Grammar in Use. CEF Level: B1 Intermediate - B2 High Intermediate. Cambridge University Press. 9. Stone Philip, Hartmann Rudi, Seaton Tony (eds.) The Palgrave handbook of dark tourism studies. – New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. — 806 p. 10. The Routledge Handbook of Cultural Tourism / Ed. by: Melanie Smith , Greg Richards. – Routledge, 2012. 11. Електронний навчально-методичний комплекс «Іноземна мова за професійним спрямуванням, ч.1», Сертифікат №02044. Укладачі Білик О.О., Гавран М.І., Гук Л. І., Марціхів Х.Р.,Проць М.З. Адреса розміщення: Номер та дата реєстрації: Е41-185-191/2017 від 20.11.2017 р. 12. Dictionaries.