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Practice on the Topic of Bachelor’s Qualification Work
Major: Environment Design
Code of subject: 6.022.03.O.71
Credits: 3.00
Department: Design and Architecture Fundamentals
Lecturer: Candidate of Architecture, Associate Professor Oksana Bilinska
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following program learning outcomes:
PLO1. Apply the acquired knowledge and understanding of the subject area and field of professional activity in practical situations.
PLO2. To communicate fluently in the state and foreign languages orally and in writing on professional issues, to form various types of professional documents in accordance with the requirements of the culture of oral and written speech.
PLO3. Collect and analyze information to substantiate the design project, apply the theory and methodology of design, professional terminology (professional direction), the basics of scientific research.
PLO4. Determine the purpose, objectives and stages of design.
PLO5. Understand and conscientiously perform their part of the work in the team; determine the priorities of professional activity.
PLO6. To be aware of responsibility for the quality of work performed, to ensure the performance of tasks at a high professional level.
PLO7. Analyze, stylize, interpret and transform objects to develop artistic and design solutions.
PLO8. To evaluate the object of design, technological processes in the context of the design task, to form an artistic and design concept.
PLO9. Create design objects by means of design and graphic modeling.
PLO10. Determine the functional and aesthetic specifics of formative design tools in the communicative space
PLO11. Develop a compositional solution of design objects in appropriate techniques and materials.
PLO12. Adhere to design standards and manufacturing technologies of design objects in professional activities.
PLO13. To know the achievements of national and world cultural and artistic heritage, to develop eco-culture through design.
PLO14. To use in professional activity manifestations of Ukrainian mentality, historical memory, national self-identification and creative expression; to apply historical creative experience, as well as successful Ukrainian and foreign artistic practices.
PLO15. To understand Ukrainian ethno-cultural traditions in stylistic solutions of design objects, to take into account regional features of ethno-design in artistic practices.
PLO 16. To take into account the properties of materials and structural structures, to apply the latest technologies in professional activities.
PLO17. Apply modern general and specialized software in professional activities (by specialization)
PLO18. Reflect morphological, stylistic and color-texture properties of design objects.
Communication (KOM):
COM1. Ability to communicate, including oral and written communication in Ukrainian and foreign languages (English, German, Italian, French, Spanish);
COM2. Ability to use a variety of methods, including modern information technology, to communicate effectively at professional and social levels
Autonomy and Responsibility (AR):
AiR1 Ability to adapt to new situations and make appropriate decisions.
AiR2 Ability to recognize the need for lifelong learning in order to deepen the acquired new professional knowledge.
АіR3 Ability to take responsibility for the work performed, make decisions independently, achieve the set goal in compliance with the requirements of professional ethics.
АіR4 Ability to promote the achievements of national and world cultural heritage, as well as to promote manifestations of patriotism, national self-awareness and ethno-cultural self-identification.
АіR5 Ability to form environmental awareness and personal culture, apply environmental principles in life and professional activities.
Required prior and related subjects: Previous Academic Disciplines:
- Fundamentals of health and safety;
-Discipline for choice;
-Discipline of choice;
Related and Further Academic Disciplines:
- Theory and methodology in the design of the subject environment
- Theory and methodology in the design of visual communications
- Discipline to choose from
- Marketing and management in design design
- Execution of bachelor's qualification work
Summary of the subject: The discipline "Practice on the topic of bachelor's qualification work" is a mandatory stage of completion of the full course of study for applicants for education of the Department of DOA of the IARD Institute, specialty 022 "Design". For the successful completion of the internship, the applicant is obliged to find a production base that corresponds to a certain specialization and topic of the thesis, to submit and conclude an agreement with the selected enterprise in advance to issue the relevant orders at the department. In case of untimely conclusion of the agreement with the enterprise, the student is obliged to undergo pre-diploma practice on the individual recommendations of the supervisor assigned to the group from the educational institution, institute or department.
Practice on the topic of the bachelor's qualification work is associated with gaining practical experience in a specialized company (enterprise) in the chosen direction in accordance with the specialization and topic of the bachelor's work.
Since the discipline "Practice on the topic of the bachelor's qualification work" is a compulsory subject for applicants for education in the basic direction 022 "Design", the student must pass this practice and provide the relevant materials for credit. The segment "Individual Task" is included in the program in order to acquire the skills and abilities of independent solution of production, scientific or organizational tasks by students during the practice, in particular the implementation of one or more individual tasks in the absence of a student contract with the enterprise. The supervisor of the internship from the university provides the student with tasks on the basis of the department, university in the context of the study area, specialization and topic of the bachelor's thesis. Such tasks activate the activities of students, enrich their worldview, increase their initiative and make the internship more constructive and purposeful. The results of the work obtained by the student during the individual assignment can be used in the diploma project, for the preparation of a report, publication of an article or for other purposes in agreement with the department, university and practice base.
Assessment methods and criteria: Control of the level of knowledge of students is carried out by checking independent work in the workplace in the form of a final semester test. The sum of all points received is the grade of the differentiated test.
Credit is a mandatory form of final semester control, which allows you to systematically assess the level of mastering the discipline "Practice on the topic of bachelor's qualification work". The final grade in points is not set "automatically".
Recommended books: Basic:
1. Bilukha M. T. Osnovy naukovykh doslidzhen: pidruchnyk dlia stud. ekon. spets. Vuziv / M.T. Bilukha. – K.: Vyshcha shkola, 1997. – 271 s.
2. Dokumentatsiia. Zvity u sferi nauky i tekhniky: struktura i pravyla oformlennia: DSTU 3008-95. – Vved. 23.02.95. – K.: Derzhstandart Ukrainy, 1995. – 38 s.
3. Ludchenko A. A. Osnovы nauchnыkh yssledovanyi : ucheb. posobye / A.A. Ludchenko, Ya.A. Ludchenko, T.A. Prymak; pod. Red. A.A. Ludchenko. – K.: Znannia, KOO, 2000. – 114 s.
4. Polozhennia pro provedennia praktyky studentiv vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladiv Ukrainy (zi zminamy i dopovnenniamy) Zatverdzheno nakazom Ministerstva osvity Ukrainy 8 kvitnia 1933r. № 93, zareiestrovano v Ministerstvi yustytsii Ukrainy 30 kvitnia 1933r za № 35 / Vyshcha osvita v Ukraini. Normatyvno-pravove rehuliuvannia. Normatyvnyi zbirnyk / za zah. red. M.F. Stepana, L.M. Horbunovoi. – K.: FORUM, 2007. – T. 2. – S.1111–1124.
5. Ruzavyn H. Y. Metodolohyia nauchnoho yssledovanyia: uchebnoe posobye dlia vuzov/ H.Y. Ruzavyn. – M.: YuNYTY – DANA, 1999. – 317 s.
6. Filipchenko A. S. Osnovy naukovykh doslidzhen: konspekt lektsii/ A.S. Filipchenko. – K.: Akademvydav, 2004. – 208 s.
7. Sheiko V. M., Kushnarenko N. M. Orhanizatsiia ta metodyka naukovo – doslidnytskoi diialnosti [Tekst]: pidruchnyk / V.M. Sheiko, N.M. Kushnarenko. – 6-te vyd., pererob. i dopov. – K.: Znannia, 2008. – 310 s.
Information Resources:
1. Elektronnyi navchalno-metodychnyi kompleks «Praktyka za temoiu bakalavrskoi kvalifikatsiinoi roboty» rozmishchenyi u virtualnomu navchalnomu seredovyshchi NU «Lvivska politekhnika» za adresoiu:
8.http://www.rosslynmedical.com11.Eva Minguet, Kidsdesign.Monsa; http://www.monsa.com
9. Ministerstvo osvity i nauky Ukrainy. Nauka. Atestatsiia kadriv vyshchoi kvalifikatsii. Reiestr naukovykh fakhovykh vydan: http://nfv.ukrintei.ua/
10. Natsionalnyi universytet «Lvivska politekhnika». Naukovi konferentsii: https://science.lpnu.ua/conferences
11. DSTU HOST 7.1:2006 «Bibliohrafichnyi zapys, bibliohrafichnyi opys. Zahalni vymohy ta pravyla skladannia» http://dnpb.gov.ua wpcontent/uploads/ 2015/12/DSTU-7.1-2006_2010.pdf
12. Oformlennia spysku bibliohrafichnykh posylan naukovoi literatury. Harvardskyi styl. http://lib.knukim.edu.ua/wpcontent/uploads/2018/10/Harvard_vs_DSTU-2015.pdf