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Communication Theory
Major: Environment Design
Code of subject: 6.022.03.O.64
Credits: 3.00
Department: Design and Architecture Fundamentals
Lecturer: Ruslan Halyshych, Philosopher Ph.D., Assistant Professor
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Know the types of communication that are realized through verbal and nonverbal information forms in order to effectively transmit and receive information. Understand the semantic methodology of classification of sign-image communication system and its expression in the design of visual communications in the compositional construction of the image. To find out the peculiarities of the significance of the phenomenon of mass communications in the development of material culture. Consider the communicative characteristics of design objects. Trace the patterns of formation, in the context of graphic and environment design, signs of visual communication, identification and navigation. Identify patterns of influence of artistic design on the environment of graphic and subject-spatial systems. Identify the mechanisms of influence of the factor of visual communication on the formation of the design of the subject environment. Understand the visual-communicative and artistic-compositional features of the formation of graphic design objects and environmental design. Know the specifics of visual communication channels, the advantages, disadvantages of information barriers and the main types of design that provide effective social communication. To be able to comprehensively comprehend and form a design that reaches the contact of the addressee by means of visual communication. To form a sign, figurative and symbolic system that is optimally adapted to multimedia, printing and advertising communication channels.
Integral competence. The ability to solve complex specialized tasks and practical problems in the field of design, or in the learning process, which involves the application of certain design theories and methods and is characterized by complexity and uncertainty of conditions.
General competences.
ZK1. Knowledge and understanding of the subject area and understanding of professional activity.
ZK2. Ability to communicate in the national language both orally and in writing.
ZK3. Ability to communicate in a foreign language.
ZK5. Ability to work in a team.
ZK7. Appreciation and respect for diversity and multiculturalism.
Special (professional, subject) competences of the specialty.
CS4. Ability to apply project graphics skills in professional activities.
CS6. The ability to apply special techniques and technologies of work in the relevant materials (by specialization) in design and artistic activities.
KS11. The ability to achieve success in a professional career, to develop and present visual presentations, a portfolio of one's own works, to possess entrepreneurial skills for carrying out design activities.
Results of training in a professional direction. Unit 2: Design of visual communications. Program learning outcomes. PRN2. To communicate freely in national and foreign languages orally and in writing on professional matters, to form various types of professional documents in accordance with the requirements of the culture of oral and written communication.
PRN3. Collect and analyze information to justify a design project, apply design theory and methodology, professional terminology (according to professional direction), the basics of scientific research.
PRN14. To use manifestations of Ukrainian mentality, historical memory, national self-identification and creative self-expression in professional activities; apply historical creative experience, as well as successful Ukrainian and foreign artistic practices.
PRN15. To understand Ukrainian ethno-cultural traditions in the stylistic solutions of design objects, to take into account the regional peculiarities of ethno-design in artistic practices.
PRN16. Take into account the properties of materials and structural constructions, apply the latest technologies in professional activities.
PRN19. Develop and present the results of work in a professional environment, understand the stages of achieving success in a professional career, take into account modern trends in the labor market, conduct market research, choose an appropriate business model, develop a business plan for professional activity in the field of design.
Required prior and related subjects:
Previous disciplines
Basics of visual communications and computer graphics
Fundamentals of subject design
Interactive design
Related and subsequent disciplines
Typography and fonts
Design of printed publications
Advertising design and copywriting
Summary of the subject: The object of study is the symbolic, figurative and symbolic structure of visual communication in mass culture. The method of considering the subject of communication theory is a combination of methods of social, marketing, advertising and communication and artistic and compositional analysis. Visual communication is a global phenomenon of formation of social production and consumer values that determine the level of material culture, and determines the nature of visual communications design, design of subject-spatial environment of the city, interiors of public buildings, outdoor advertising, shop windows, installations and exhibitions. The development of mass culture and mass art, their main types and their dependence on the factor of visual, verbal and artistic communication are considered. Sign indexes, iconic signs and symbols are studied from the standpoint of the theory of semantics. Psychological factors influencing effective communication are considered: attention, curiosity, desire and action and the main principles of the gestalt of a holistic image of artistic formation. They determine the nature of both communication and graphic and subject-spatial designs. Artistic and compositional factors of communication in mass art are considered in detail, such as: hierarchy of visual influence, conciseness, rhythm and contrast, metaphor, which, at the same time, are determining factors in the formation of graphic and environmental design. The phenomenon of artistic communication is traced, which is the main criterion of design and development of material culture in the global information infrastructure of post-industrial society. The practical part of the discipline is the design of an information booklet, program, poster and web page for a social or commercial event.
Assessment methods and criteria: The course of lectures, practical classes and course graphic work are evaluated comprehensively. Current control of lectures (seminars) - 20%. Final control - tests, oral answers - 30%;, abstract on the specified topic presentation of an idea - 50%.
Recommended books: 1. Gudman N. YAzyki iskusstva i podkhod k teorii simvolov. - Kompaniya Bobbs-Merrill, INC. Dochernyaya kompaniya Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc. IZDATELI: INDIANAPOLIS, N'YU-YOBS, KANZAS-SITI. - 277 s.
2. Otto G. Okvirk Robert E. Stinson Filip R. Vigg Robert O. Boun Devid L. OSNOVY ISKUSSTVA: TEORIYA I PRAKTIKA, 1998, - S. 104-106.
3. Bern Erik. Igry, kotoryye igrayut v lyudey. - Litur, 2001. - 576 s.
4. Bodriyyar ZH. Sistema veshchey. M .: Rudomno, 2001. - S. 177-212.
5. Bodriyar Zhan. Simulyakri i simulyatsiya / Per. z fr. V. Khovkhun. - K .: Vid-vo Solomii? Pavlichko "Osnovi", 2004. - 230 s.
6. Verkman D. K. Tovarnyye znaki. Sozdaniye, psikhologiya, vospriyatiye. - M .: Progress, 1986.
7. Gadamerkh. KH. Aktual'nost' prekrasnogo. - M .: Iskusstvo, 1991. - S. 288.
8. Gofman I. Analiz freymov: esse ob organizatsii povsednevnogo opyta. - M .: Institut sotsiologii RAN, 2003. - 752 s.
9. Igry i lyudi. Stat'i i esse po sotsiologii kul'tury / Rozhe Kayua; Sost., Per. s fr. i vstup. st. S. N. Zenkina. - M .: OGI, 2007. - S. 43-49.
10. Karl Gustav Yung, Erikh Noymann. Psikhoanaliz i iskusstvo. - M .: Refl-buk, Vakler, 1996. - 304 s.
11. Kassirer Ernst. Filosofiya simvolicheskikh form. Tom 2. Mifologicheskoye myshleniye. - M .; SPb .: Universitetskaya kniga, 2001. - S 120.
12. Kozlovski P. Kul'tura postmoderna: Obshchestvenno-kul'turnyye posledstviya tekhn. razvitiya: Per. s nem. - M .: Respublika, 1997. - S. 15-18.
13. Kotler. F. Osnovy marketinga. - M., 1992.
14. Kraft Z. Zashchitnaya marka. - Berlin, 1970.
15. Lavrent'yev A. N. Istoriya dizayna. Ucheb. posobiye dlya vuzov. - M .: GARDARIKI, 2007.
16. Lidvell U., Kholden K., Batler Dzh. Universal'nyye printsipy dizayna Per. Moroz. - SPb: Piter, 2012. - S.132, 160.
17. Lindsey P., Norman D. Pererabotka informatsii u cheloveka. M., Mir, 1974, - 550 s.
18. Mamardashvili A., Pyatigorskiy A. Simvol i soznaniye. - M .: Shkola, 1997. - 288 s.
19. Manuylov M.A. Psikhologiya reklamy. M., Gostekhizdat, 1925, - 36 s.
20. Mentatov V. V. Obraz, znak, uslovnost'. - M .: Vysshaya shkola, 1980.
21. Mitchell U. Dzh.T. Ikonologiya. Obraz. Tekst. Ideologiya / Per. V. Drozd. - Yekaterinburg: Kabinetnyy uchenyy, 2017. –240 s.
22. Morris CH.U. Osnovaniya teorii znakov // Semiotika. Sbornik perevodov. Pod red. YU. S. Stepanova. - M .: Raduga, 1982. - S. 37-89.
23. Panofskiy E. Smysl i tolkovaniye izobrazitel'nogo iskusstva. Stat'i po istorii iskusstva. - Sankt-Peterburg, 1999. - S. 46-65.
24. Pirs CH.S. Chto takoye znak? // Vestn. Tomskogo gos. un-ta. Ser. Filosofiya. Sotsiologiya. Politologiya, 2009. - № 3 (7). - S. 88–95.
25. Pobedin V. A. Znaki v graficheskom dizoyne. - Khar'kov: Ranok Vesta, 2001.
26. Utevs'ka F. I. Nevmirushchi znaki. - K .: Veselka, 1981.
27. Khiz Dzh., Potter E. Bunt na prodazhu. - M .: Izdatel'stvo «Dobraya kniga», 2007. - 456 s.
28. Eko U. Otsutstvuyushchaya struktura. Vvedeniye v semiologiyu. - TOO TK «Petropolis», 1998. - 432 s.
29. Yung, K.G. Simvoly transformatsii. - M .: AKT, 2008. - 731 s.