Personal and Communication Efficiency of Head of Institution

Major: Management of social sphere institutions
Code of subject: 7.232.01.O.002
Credits: 5.00
Department: Sociology and Social Work
Lecturer: Shkoliar Mariana, PhD
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: Mastering and implementation of the competences declared for this discipline; understanding of the essence of the organizational behavior of personnel and the factors that influence its modification at the individual and group level; mastering the skills of intervention in the main organizational processes: management, decision-making, communication, conflicts, etc.; mastering the ability to apply basic socio-psychological technologies in order to increase the efficiency of managerial activities and the work of personnel in the organization.
Завдання: The study of the academic discipline involves the formation of the following competencies in the student: General competences: ЗK 7 Interpersonal skills. ЗK 10 Ability to work in a team. Professional competences: СK 5 Ability to prove knowledge and own conclusions to specialists and non-specialists. СK 6 Ability to establish social interaction, cooperation, prevent and resolve conflicts. СК 8 The ability to optimize the processes of management decision-making in solving issues of social and economic assistance to less protected categories of the population. СK 9 Ability to evaluate the process and result of professional activity and the quality of social services. СK 10 The ability to reveal a professional identity and act according to the values of a social worker. СК 12 Ability to form a positive image of the profession, its status in society. СK 14 Ability to effectively manage the organization in the social sphere.
Learning outcomes: Mastering the methods of communication in the application of various forms of interaction and joint activities. Independently and autonomously find the information necessary for the development of professional skills and qualities. Make decisions autonomously in difficult and unpredictable situations. Organize joint activities of specialists in various fields and non-professionals, prepare them for social assistance. Explain and provide reasonable answers to the population on the forms, methods and means of providing social assistance, pensions and insurance. Demonstrate initiative, independence, originality, generate new ideas for solving professional problems. Develop training and exchange programs in the system of social protection. Demonstrate a positive attitude to one's profession and conform to ethical principles and standards of social work.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Foreign language by professional direction Methodology and methods of scientific research Financial and economic support of institutions of the social sphere Psychological principles and communication technologies in the management of institutions of the social sphere Legal principles of management of institutions of the social sphere Necessities: Administration of the organizational activities of social sphere institutions Practice on the subject of the master's qualification work Management practice Completion of master's qualification work Defense of the master's thesis
Summary of the subject: The discipline "Personal and communication effectiveness of the head of the institution" involves the analysis of the interdisciplinary field of knowledge, the synthesis of existing approaches, concepts and theories. The course examines topics related to the actual aspects of the formation and application of managerial competencies of the head of a modern organization, as well as the practical application of socio-psychological technologies in personnel management and the development of human potential of the organization of the social sphere. The study of the discipline involves the student's work in practical classes, performance of an individual task. The presentation of theoretical provisions and the implementation of practical tasks should be accompanied by close cooperation between the teacher and students, which significantly increases the level of efficiency of knowledge acquisition.
Опис: Manager in the organization. Managerial orientations of managers. Technology of development of professional and managerial self-determination of the manager in the organization. Organizational behavior: definition of the concept. Models of organizational behavior. Personality through the prism of individual factors affecting organizational behavior. Values, guidelines and motivation as regulators of personnel behavior in the organization. Socio-psychological processes in the group. Leadership and group phenomena. The role of teams in the functioning of organizations. Organizational processes. Organizational conflicts and the manager's role in their regulation. Communication in the organization. Principles and rules of professional ethics and effective communication in the "manager-subordinate" interaction system. Means of effective communication with citizens/clients means of effective communication.
Assessment methods and criteria: • oral interviews, participation in discussions and interactive exercises, presentation of the study project (45%) • final control test, written form (55%)
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Current control (PC) 45 points: - assessment for the performance of mandatory current practical tasks - 30 points. - evaluation for the performance of an individual research task - 15 points. Examination control - 55 points. Total for the discipline - 100. Report - 4 – quality of knowledge – its completeness, depth, flexibility, systematicity, strength; - correct use of conceptual and terminological apparatus; - speech culture (literacy, logic and sequence of presentation); - the level of meaningfulness of knowledge - the ability to formulate independent evaluation judgments and theoretical conclusions. Reviewing, opposing - 2 – correctness, logic, reasonableness, integrity of knowledge; - the ability to argue one's own judgments and conclusions during a scientific discussion. Supplement -1 - a scientifically based statement that reveals the essence of phenomena, processes, patterns. Express survey - 0.5 - a short correct answer without additional arguments. KR #1 - the maximum score is 15 points. Each student conducts a psychological diagnosis of personal qualities to a colleague using the following methods: R. Ketell's method of multifactorial personality research; "Value Orientations" by M. Rokich; The method of diagnosing interpersonal relations T. Leary; Determination of personality orientation; Questionnaire for the study of temperament Ya. Strelau. The obtained data are compiled, interpreted, compared with the professional profile of the manager, conclusions are drawn regarding the professional qualities of the person under investigation and recommendations for his performance of managerial activities. The results of the research, their interpretation, conclusions and recommendations must be presented in the form of a written work, the defense of which takes place at the last practical session. Research evaluation criteria: - structure and technical execution; - level of independence and depth of meaningfulness of conclusions and recommendations; - level of familiarity with factual material, terminology and concepts; - ability to analyze, compare, classify, summarize and formulate recommendations.
Recommended books: 1. Власова О.І. Соціальна психологія організацій та управління. Підручник. / О.І. Власова, Ю.В. Никоненко. - К.: Центр навчальної та практичної літератури, 2019. – 396с. 2. Жуковська Л. Е. Теорія організацій: навч.посіб. / Л.Е.Жуковська, Є.Г. Борисевич,Є.М. Стрельчук Є. М. – Одеса: ОНАЗ ім. О.С. Попова, 2011. -147с. 3. Заболотна В.О. Психологічні основи управління персоналом. Навчальний посібник ХХІ століття/ В.О.Заболотна. – К.: Гнозіс, 2010. – 248 с. 4. Мальська М.П. Менеджмент організацій: теорія та практика. Навчальний посібник./ М.П. Мальська, С.В. Білоус – К.: Центр навчальної та практичної літератури, 2019. – 190 с. 5. Мельман В. О. Конспект лекцій з навчальної дисципліни «Соціально- психологічні основи менеджменту» / В. О. Мельман . – Харків : ХНУМГ ім. О. М. Бекетова, 2018. – 47 с. 6. Нємцов В.Д. Менеджмент організацій. / В.Д. Нємцов, Л.Є. Довгань, Г.Ф. Сініок.. - К. : ЕксОб, 2002. - 388 c. 7. Психологія праці та інженерна психологія : навчальний посібник для студентів денної і заочної форм навчання спеціальності 053 «Психологія» - 2-ге вид,, перероб. і доп. / укладач О.С. Юрков. – Мукачево: МДУ, 2018 - 187с. 8. Скібіцька Л.І. Антикризовий менеджмент. Навчальний посібник. / Л.І. Скібіцька, В.В. Матвєєв, В.І. Щелкунов, С.М. Подрєза. – К.: Центр навчальної та практичної літератури, 2017. – 584с. 9. Соціальна психологія організацій. Навчально-методичний комплекс для студентів спеціальності 8. 040201 „Соціологія” освітньо-кваліфікаційного рівня „магістр” та студентів економічних спеціальностей /Укл.: Л.Д. Климанська, М.В. Школяр., В.Є. Савка – Львів: Видавництво Національного університету „Львівська політехніка”, 2007. – 48с. 10. Соціальний потенціал організацій: конспект лекцій та завдання і вправи для практичних занять для студентів спеціальності 054 «Соціологія» / уклад.: Л.Д. Климанська, М.В. Школяр, С.К. Андрейчук. – Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2017. – 168с. 11. Сучасна технологія оцінювання персоналу та кадрового потенціалу організації і її соціально-психологічний аспект : наук. розробка /В. М. Мартиненко, Ю. Д. Древаль, Ю. В. Конотопцева та ін. – К. : НАДУ, 2013. – 52 с. 12. Технології роботи організаційних психологів / За наук. ред. Л.М. Карамушки. Навчальний посібник / К.: Фірма «ІНКОС», 2005.- 366 c. 13. Byrne Z. Organizational Psychology and Behavior. An Integrated Approach to Understanding the Workplace. Kendall Hunt Publishing; 2 edition, 2019. 584p. 14. Landy Frank J. & Conte Jeffrey M. Work in the 21st Century: An Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 5th Edition, 2018, 704p. 15. Lawrence T. B., Phillips N. Constructing Organizational Life. How Social-Symbolic Work Shapes Selves, Organizations, and Institutions. Oxford University Press, 2019. 400 p. 16. Levy P. Industrial/Organizational Psychology. Understanding the Workplace. Worth Publishers. Sixth Edition, 2019. 640 p.