Administration of Organizational Activities of Social Sphere Institutions

Major: Management of social sphere institutions
Code of subject: 7.232.01.O.007
Credits: 7.00
Department: Sociology and Social Work
Lecturer: Shapovalova Tetiana Viktorivna, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The purpose of studying the academic discipline is to master the theory of effective management of institutions of the social sphere in the changing conditions of the socio-economic environment; organization of the change management process; application of universal tools for the development and implementation of strategic development projects of the institution; formation of a system of knowledge on the theory and methodology of quality management; principles of building and functioning of quality management systems; study of regulatory, organizational and economic issues related to quality management.
Завдання: General competencies Ability to evaluate and ensure the quality of work performed. Ability to communicate with representatives of other professional groups of different levels (with experts from other fields of knowledge/types of economic activity). Ability to show initiative and entrepreneurship. Ability to generate new ideas (creativity). Professional competencies Ability to optimize management decision-making processes in addressing issues of socio-economic assistance to vulnerable groups of the population. Ability to evaluate the process and results of professional activities and the quality of social services. Ability to identify professional identity and act in accordance with the values of a social worker. Ability to inform the public about the forms, methods and means of providing social assistance, pensions and insurance. Ability to develop, test and implement social projects and technologies. Ability to effectively manage an organization in the social sphere
Learning outcomes: Critically evaluate the results of scientific research and various sources of knowledge on social security, formulate conclusions and recommendations for its implementation. Mastering the methods of communication in the application of various forms of interaction and joint activities. Use foreign sources when performing tasks of research and applied activities, speak in a foreign language, both orally and in writing. Use general and specialized software to solve professional problems and carry out scientific research. Make decisions autonomously in difficult and unpredictable situations. Organize joint activities of specialists in various fields and non-professionals, prepare them for social assistance. Explain and provide reasonable answers to the population on the forms, methods and means of providing social assistance, pensions and insurance. Identify the needs of different segments of the population and develop appropriate social protection programs to address them. Develop and test social projects and technologies.
Required prior and related subjects: foreign language for professional purposes Financial and economic support of social institutions Legal principles of management of social institutions Personal and communication effectiveness of the head of a social institution Psychological principles and communication technologies in the management of institutions Management practice Practice on the topic of master's qualification work Execution of master's qualification work Defense of master's qualification work
Summary of the subject: The educational discipline "Administration of organizational activities of a social sphere institution" will be presented using various methods, including lectures, discussions, and interactives. A large part of this course will be done in the form of group classroom and extracurricular work. The teacher will provide students with individual consultations. Consultations between students and supervision (professional support) of the teacher will also be applied so that the valuable suggestions as well as the feelings of other students are involved in the process of acquiring the above-mentioned competencies and achieving learning outcomes.
Опис: Topic 1. Historical periodization of the development of administrative management Stages of management development. The emergence and development of the theory of administration. Theory of administration A. Fayol. Administrative school of management. Followers of Fayol and their ideas. Topic 2. Basic concepts of administration The concept of administrative management and its relationship with other disciplines. Concept, basic elements and functions of administration. Subjects and objects of administrative management. The concept, classification and content of the principles of administrative management. The concept, classification and content of administrative management functions. Mechanism of administration of the institution. Theme 3: Administrative methods of management and methods of administrative influence in social institutions Concept, characteristics and types of administrative methods of management. Organizational and administrative methods of management. Organizational and administrative methods. Discipline, responsibility and penalties in the organization. Forms of internal and external administration. Topic 4. Systematic approach to the administration of organizational activities in social institutions The concept and essence of a systematic approach. Concept, basic elements, properties of the system and their classification. Statics and dynamics of management systems. Bureaucratic management systems and their types. Topic 5. Functional content of the social sphere institution and administration of its functioning Processes and procedures in the administration of the institution. Administration of the organization of the process. Modeling the functioning of the institution. Administrative support of the institution's functioning cycle. Procedural support for the functioning of the institution. Topic 6. Organization of work processes for the management of a social institution The concept, content and specificity of managerial work. The concept, content and types of powers. The concept, content and types of powers. Formation of the composition and content of powers. Efficiency of managerial work. Delegation of authority. Topic 7. Regulatory and methodological forms of administration in social institutions Matrix modeling of functional interaction. Formation of the content of provisions on subdivisions. Development, approval and application of job descriptions. Theme 8: Administration in social institutions The concept, composition and role of administration in the institution. Administration and departments of the institution. Functions of the administration in the institution. Topic 9. Office and information technologies, their use in the management of social institutions Concept and types of office technologies. Organization of the workplace. Organization of work with documents in the institution. The concept and types of information technology in management. The role of information technology in management. Topic 10. Modernization and development of administration in the social sphere Concept and main directions of improvement of administration. Modernization of administration in the institution. Main directions and prospects for the development of administrative management. The concept and main directions of improvement of administration.
Assessment methods and criteria: Written and combined with an oral component exam, current (oral and written) control - notes on independent preparation for classes, presentations, oral presentations, tests, quizzes, individual research tasks. Assessment is based on an assessment of the level of achieved programmatic learning outcomes of the master's degree program "Management of Social Services Institutions", using methods of comprehensive diagnostics: semester control (SC) of students' knowledge is carried out by the total number of points obtained by the results of current control (CC), and the implementation of a control measure (CM). The information base on which the means of objective control of the degree of achievement of learning outcomes are formed is its subject matter, tasks for practical and individual work, a list of literature and methodological recommendations. The assessment of the level of achievement of learning outcomes is carried out after the students have completed the work program in full.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Current control - a maximum of 40 points, including: Completion of test tasks- from 0 points to 10 points Completion of individualized learning tasks - from 0 points to 30 points Exam - maximum 60 points
Порядок та критерії виставляння балів та оцінок: Essay (1-7 topics) - 14 points, 2 points for each topic: correct use of conceptual and terminological apparatus (1 point); the level of meaningfulness of knowledge – the ability to formulate independent evaluation judgments and theoretical conclusions (1 point). Test questions (1-11 topics) - 11 points: 1 point for 100% correct answers on each topic. Individual research task - 15 points: 1. Quality of knowledge – its completeness, depth, flexibility, systematicity, strength (4 points). 2. Level of independence and depth of meaningfulness, level of awareness of factual material, terminology and concepts (4 points). 3. Content, specificity, sufficient completeness of the statement of the question, completeness of the statement of each opinion, elimination of repetitions (4 points). 4. High-quality presentation of an individual task (3 points).
Recommended books: Bobrovska, O. Y. (2018).State and regional management: a textbook. Dnipro State Research Institute of National Academy of Social Sciences. URL: Gaevskyi, B.A. & Gaevska, O.B. (2012). Social management: a textbook. Kyiv: KNEU. Galushka, Z. I., Antokhov, A. A., Zapukhlyak, V. M., & Staroshchuk, B. D., et al. Management and administration: a textbook for masters. Chernivtsi: Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University. Gordienko, L.Y. (2016) Administrative management: a textbook. Kharkiv: KNEU named after S. Kuznets. Gurova, O.O. (2017). Organization management: a textbook. Kharkiv: KHNAU.URL: Degtyar, A.O., Degtyar, O.A., Kalashnikova, H.I. & Hnatenko, M.K. (2021). Public management and administration: a textbook. Kharkiv : NAU "KHAI". Mykhailytska, N.Y., Veresklya, M.R. & Mykhailytskyi, V.S. (2019). Administrative management: a study guide. Lviv: DUVS. Monastyrskyi, H.L. (2019). Theory of organization: a textbook. Kyiv: Znannya. URL: Selyutin, V.M., Yatsun, L.M., Olshansky, O.V. (2017).Theory of organization: a textbook. Kharkiv: KHDUHT. Chaika, G.L. & Chaika, O.G. (2018). Efficiency in management: Study guide. Kyiv: Znannya. Chaika, GL (217). Creativity in management: Study guide. Kyiv: Znannya.
Уніфікований додаток: Lviv Polytechnic National University ensures the realization of the right of persons with disabilities to obtain higher education. Inclusive educational services are provided by the Service of accessibility to learning opportunities "Without restrictions", the purpose of which is to provide permanent individual support for the educational process of students with disabilities and chronic diseases. An important tool for the implementation of the inclusive educational policy at the University is the Program for improving the qualifications of scientific and pedagogical workers and educational and support staff in the field of social inclusion and inclusive education. Contact at: St. Karpinsky, 2/4, 1st floor, room 112 E-mail: Websites:
Академічна доброчесність: The policy regarding the academic integrity of participants in the educational process is formed on the basis of compliance with the principles of academic integrity, taking into account the norms "Regulations on academic integrity at the Lviv Polytechnic National University" (approved by the academic council of the university on June 20, 2017, protocol No. 35).