Human Resources Management in Social Sphere Institutions

Major: Management of social sphere institutions
Code of subject: 7.232.01.M.016
Credits: 5.00
Department: Sociology and Social Work
Lecturer: Professor, Doctor of Political Sciences Klymanska Larysa Dmytrivna senior teacher Umanets Natalia Anatoliivna
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: Students' assimilation of the content of the most important ideas and practices related to the management of human potential in social security institutions, psychological mechanisms of organizational work with personnel, personnel evaluation procedures, hiring and firing.
Завдання: The study of an educational discipline involves the formation of competencies in students of education: ФКС 2.1. Ability to motivate people and move towards a common goal ФКС 2.2. The ability to create and organize effective communications in the process of managing the human potential of a social institution
Learning outcomes: PR2.1. Organize and carry out effective internal communications staff of the social sphere institution PR2.2. Be able to motivate the staff of the institution, delegate authority and manage human development
Required prior and related subjects: prerequisites: • Legal principles of management of institutions of the social sphere • Foreign language for professional direction • Personal and communication effectiveness of the head of the social sphere institution • Psychological principles and communication technologies in the management of institutions of the social sphere • Methodology and methods of scientific research requisites: • Supervision in institutions of the social sphere • Coaching and consulting in personnel management in social institutions • Administration of the organizational activities of the institution of the social sphere • Management practice • Practice on the topic of the master's qualification work • Completion of master's qualification work • Defense of the master's thesis
Summary of the subject: The study of this discipline involves students' assimilation of the content of the most important ideas and practices that affect the management of human potential in social security institutions; psychological mechanisms of organizational work with personnel, personnel evaluation procedures, hiring and firing. The course has a theoretical-practical direction, so the training does not follow the traditional scheme of lectures and seminars. Each class is combined because it combines mini-lectures and practical exercises. Successful learning of the course, therefore, is impossible without the active participation of students in educational sessions.
Опис: Topic 1. Management of human potential in the management system of institutions of the social sphere. 1. Development of labor science. 2. Characteristics of the main concepts: human potential, labor resources, labor potential, personnel potential, personnel, personnel management. Topic 2. Topic 2. Concepts of personnel/human potential management in historical retrospect 1. The main milestones in the history of personnel management. 2. Management of personnel development in the conditions of the knowledge-based economy. 3. Factors of personnel competitiveness based on the use of intellectual capital. Topic 3. Methodological foundations of human potential management in institutions of the social sphere 1. Approaches to the interpretation of the term "human potential". 2. The role of human potential for institutions of the social sphere. 3. The essence, functions and methods of human potential management. Topic 4. The nature of human behavior in institutions of the social sphere. Organizational behavior 1. Theory of personality behavior. Human behavior in a group. 2. Motivation of labor activity of personnel. 3. Ethics of business relations. Topic 5. Human interaction with the organizational environment 1. Communicative activity and business communication as a management function. 2. Interpersonal communication. 3. Business communication and its characteristics. Theme 6. Influence, power and leadership in the organization. 1. The concept of power and influence in management. 2. Forms of power. Concept of leadership. 3. Traits of a modern manager. Manager's work style Theme 7. Motivation and stimulation of personnel in institutions of the social sphere as an element of human potential management. 1. Theories of motivation and their use in various economic systems. 2. Modern motivational mechanisms to encourage staff to work effectively. 3. Methods of evaluating the effectiveness of the implementation of motivational mechanisms. Topic 8. Groups and teams in the organization. 1. Formation and types of groups and teams. 2. The influence of the group on the individual. 3. Organizational advantages of teamwork. Topic 9. Organizational context of human potential management. 1. The influence of "soft" factors on the management of human potential. 2. Features of national business culture. 3. Models of participation in management Topic 10. Organizational culture of institutions of the social sphere. 1. Characteristics of organizational culture and its components. 2. "Climate (atmosphere)" and "moral spirit" of the organization. 3. Tools for evaluating the organizational culture of a social institution. Topic 11. Personnel policy as an element of management of institutions of the social sphere. 1. Modern requirements for personnel policy. 2. The influence of external and internal factors on personnel policy. 3. Personnel monitoring as a mechanism for supporting an adequate personnel policy. Theme 12. Technologies in the management of human potential: formation of personnel. 1. The essence, purpose and tasks of personnel planning and formation. 2. Development of human potential as a means of ensuring the competitiveness of the organization. 3. Analysis of the qualitative basis of personnel. Topic 13. Technologies in the management of human potential: career planning and management 1. Formation of the general educational and qualification level of human potential. 2. Business career management. Topic 14. Technologies in the management of human potential: personnel evaluation. 1. The essence and types of personnel evaluation. 2. The essence and factors of labor force competitiveness. 3. Improving the qualifications of the organization's human resources 4. Methodical approaches to the evaluation of social institution personnel. 5. Management of human potential in crisis conditions.
Assessment methods and criteria: 1. Attestation of students in the discipline "Human Resource Management in social institutions" is carried out by means of objective control of the degree of achievement of ultimate goals. 2. Certification is based on the assessment of the level of competences and learning outcomes of the master's degree in "Social welfare", using integrated diagnostic methods: semester assessment (CI) of students' knowledge is based on the total number of points obtained by current control (PC), individual scientific task (IS) and participation in research. 3. The information base on the basis of which the means of objective control of the degree of achievement of the ultimate goals of the discipline is formed is its subject matter, tasks for practical and independent work, a list of references and guidelines. 4. Attestation of the quality of mastering the discipline is carried out after the students have completed the work program in full. Individual research task - - level of independence and depth of meaningfulness, level of awareness of factual material, terminology and concepts; - level of familiarity with factual material; - ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice; - timeliness of work presentation - high-quality presentation of an individual task (20 points)
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Current control (PC) - 40 points: PrZ – evaluations of speeches and answers at seminar classes - 10 points; PDZ - evaluation for the completion of mandatory current homework - 10 points; INDZ - evaluation for the performance of an individual research task - 20 points. • Examination control (EC) – 60 points.
Порядок та критерії виставляння балів та оцінок: 100–88 points – (“excellent”) is awarded for a high level of knowledge (some inaccuracies are allowed) of the educational material of the component contained in the main and additional recommended literary sources, the ability to analyze the phenomena being studied in their interrelationship and development, clearly, succinctly, logically, consistently answer the questions, the ability to apply theoretical provisions when solving practical problems;87–71 points – (“good”) is awarded for a generally correct understanding of the educational material of the component, including calculations, reasoned answers to the questions posed, which, however, contain certain (insignificant) shortcomings, for the ability to apply theoretical provisions when solving practical tasks;70 – 50 points – (“satisfactory”) awarded for weak knowledge of the component’s educational material, inaccurate or poorly reasoned answers, with a violation of the sequence of presentation, for weak application of theoretical provisions when solving practical problems;49-26 points - ("not certified" with the possibility of retaking the semester control) is awarded for ignorance of a significant part of the educational material of the component, significant errors in answering questions, inability to apply theoretical provisions when solving practical problems; 25-00 points - ("unsatisfactory" with mandatory re-study) is awarded for ignorance of a significant part of the educational material of the component, significant errors in answering questions, inability to navigate when solving practical problems, ignorance of the main fundamental provisions.
Recommended books: Азаренкова,Г. (2015) Управління персоналом в умовах економіки знань: монографія. Київ: УБС НБУ. Балабанова, Л., Сардак,О.(2011)Управління персоналом: підручник. Київ: Центр учбової літератури. Зайченко,О., Кузнецова,В.(2015) Управління людськими ресурсами: навч. пос. /за наук. ред. О. І. Зайченко. Івано-Франківськ. «Лілея НВ» Коваль,З.(2014) Менеджмент персоналу: навч.посібник. Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки Комунікації в публічному управлінні: аспекти організаційної культури та ділового спілкування (2016): навч. посіб. / уклад.: Гошовська В. А. та ін. Київ : К.І.С. Людський потенціал підприємницької діяльності: навчальний посібник (2021)/ за заг.ред. Н.Ю. Кубіній. Ужгород: Вид-во УжНУ «Говерла» Палеха,Ю. (2010) Менеджмент персоналу: навч.посіб. К.:Знання. Право соціального забезпечення(2013) навч. посіб. / авт.: С. М. Прилипко, Г. С. Гончарова, В. В. Юровська, О. О. Конопельцева; за заг. ред. В. В. Жернакова. Х.: Нац. ун-т «Юрид. акад. України ім. Ярослава Мудрого» Технології управління персоналом(2017): монографія/ О.А.Гавриш, Л.Є.Довгань, І.М.Крейдич,,Н.В.Семенченко. Київ. НТУУ « КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського»
Уніфікований додаток: Lviv Polytechnic National University ensures the realization of the right of persons with disabilities to obtain higher education. Inclusive educational services are provided by the Service of accessibility to learning opportunities "No limits", the purpose of which is to provide permanent individual support for the educational process of students with disabilities and chronic diseases. An important tool for the implementation of the inclusive educational policy at the University is the Program for improving the qualifications of scientific and pedagogical workers and educational and support staff in the field of social inclusion and inclusive education. Contact at: St. Karpinsky, 2/4, 1st floor, room 112 E-mail: Websites:
Академічна доброчесність: The policy regarding the academic integrity of the participants of the educational process is formed on the basis of compliance with the principles of academic integrity, taking into account the norms "Regulations on academic integrity at the Lviv Polytechnic National University" (approved by the academic council of the university on June 20, 2017, protocol No. 35).