Methods For Organic Synthesis In Pharmaceutical Production

Major: Industrial Pharmacy
Code of subject: 7.226.02.O.019
Credits: 5.00
Department: Technology of Biologically Active Substances, Pharmacy and Biotechnology
Lecturer: аssociate Professor, Ph.D. Lesya Zhurakhivska
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The purpose of teaching the course "Methods of Organic Synthesis" is the in-depth assimilation of knowledge in organic chemistry, familiarization of students with the methods and reagents of organic synthesis, in particular, the methods of building the carbon skeleton, the interconversion of functional groups, the use of protective groups.
Завдання: - general competencies: • Ability to apply knowledge in practical situations. • Potential for further education; • Responsibility for the quality of the work performed. - professional competences: • The ability to apply the formed holistic ideas about subtle organic synthesis in the search for new medicinal substances; • Ability to develop technological processes and methods of production of new medicinal substances and preparations; • The ability to identify the correspondence between the structure of a substance, its physical and chemical properties, reactivity and methods of its synthesis.
Learning outcomes: Knowledge of modern methods of experimental work in laboratory and production conditions. Knowledge of the chemistry and technology of various classes of drugs, requirements for the quality of raw materials and final products. Carry out the synthesis of organic compounds in order to obtain raw materials for medicinal substances. Be able to summarize and systematize information about the chemical structure, physical and chemical properties, methods of obtaining and analyzing modern medicinal substances. The ability to realize the need for lifelong learning in order to deepen the acquired and acquire new professional knowledge.
Required prior and related subjects: рrerequisites: Chemistry (organic chemistry) сo-requisites: Pharmaceutical chemistry, Chemistry and technology of medicinal substances
Summary of the subject: The discipline "Methods of organic synthesis" introduces students to various sources of raw materials for the production of intermediate products for medicinal substances, chemical plant protection agents and other products of fine organic synthesis; mechanisms of chemical reactions that are the basis of methods of organic synthesis and technological processes: sulfonation, nitration and nitrosation, halogenation, alkylation and acylation of amino and hydroxy compounds, oxidation and reduction, methods of interconversion of functional groups that have preparative value, methods that lead to increase of the carbon-carbon skeleton and its changes (condensation reactions - non-cyclic and cyclic condensation), ways of obtaining intermediate and final products of fine organic synthesis.
Опис: Various sources of raw materials for the production of intermediates for drugs, plant protection chemicals and other products of fine organic synthesis. Mechanisms of chemical reactions that underlie the methods of organic synthesis and technological processes. Reagents and conditions for the main methods of organic synthesis: sulfonation, nitration, nitrosation and diazotization, azo compounds, halogenation, hydroxylation, amination, alkylation and acylation of amino and hydroxy compounds, oxidation and reduction, condensation and rearrangement reactions. Ways of obtaining intermediate and final products of fine organic synthesis, schemes of synthesis of medicinal substances.
Assessment methods and criteria: The main methods of knowledge diagnosis are: current (PC) and semester control (SC), which is carried out from educational material, the scope of which is determined by the work program of the discipline for the semester. Current control is carried out during lectures in order to check the level of assimilation of theoretical and practical knowledge and skills of the student. The current control is 30 points, of which, the performance of laboratory work is estimated at 20 points (when performing laboratory work, the level of preparation and assimilation of theoretical material, completeness and accuracy in the preparation of laboratory work and defense are taken into account) and written express control No. 1 and No. 2 are evaluated a total of 10 points: test No. 1 is rated at 5 points (10 questions of 0.5 points each) and test No. 2 is rated at 5 points (10 questions at 0.5 points each). Semester control is conducted in the form of an exam. The exam is a form of SC of the student’s learning results exclusively for all types of work provided for in the program of the academic discipline, it is estimated at 70 points (the written component - 60 points and the oral component - 10 points): 10 questions of the first level - 2 points each (total - 20 points) ); 5 questions of level II - 4 points each (total - 20 points); 2 questions of level III - 10 points each (total - 20 points). Questions of the third level are supplemented by theoretical justification and/or presentation of schemes of transformations.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: • current control: written reports on laboratory works, oral questioning, two individual tasks – 30 points; • final control - 70 points (examination): written-oral form (60 points - written component, 10 points - oral component).
Recommended books: 1. Mulyak O.I. Metodi organichnogo sintezu. Lviv: Vidavn. Centr LNU im. I. Franka, 2008. 2. Ol. Shvajka Osnovi sintezu likarskih rechovin ta yih promizhnih produktiv: Posibnik. – Doneck. 2004. – 552 s. 3. V.Ya. Chirva, S.M. Yarmolyuk, N.V. Tolkachova, O.Ye. Zemlyakov Organichna himiya: Pidruchnik. – Lviv: BaK, 2009. – 996 s. 4. Yanchenko V.O., Smolskij O.S., Demchenko A.M. Osnovi himiyi geterociklichnih spoluk: navch. Posib. – Chernigiv: Chernigivskij nacionalnij pedagogichnij universitet imeni T.G.Shevchenka, 2010. – 224 s.