Research Seminar in the Field of Social and Behavioral Sciences

Major: Psychology
Code of subject: 8.053.00.O.007
Credits: 3.00
Department: Theoretical and Applied Psychology
Lecturer: Doctor of psychological sciences, professor Zinoviia Karpenko
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Knowledge (KS): КS 1. To possess modern knowledge of scientific methodology cognition: philosophical, general subject, specific subject and technological-methodical levels. КS 2. To know the main domestic and foreign psychological concepts, paradigms, theoretical and practical problems modern psychology. КS 3. To know a foreign language for verbal and written presentation of the scientific research results, to conduct a professional scientific dialogue, to acknowledge a scientific texts in foreign languages. Skill (SS): SS 1. Carry out substantiation, analysis, evaluation and synthesis of knowledge from various subject areas for formulating and substantiation of new theoretical provisions and practical recommendations in a specific field of psychological activity and in a specific psychological study. SS 2. Conduct scientific psychological research on various problems of the individual's life, adequately formulate hypotheses, determine their purpose and tasks, critically analyze the obtained results using methods of mathematical statistics, formulate author's conclusions and develop proposals, commercialize results of the research. SS 3. To produce new abilities, skills and methods psychological and socio-psychological research and psychological practice, with their help to solve urgent psychological problems that expand and review existing psychological knowledge. SS 4. Work in a group of scientists to solve joint research tasks, adhere to the norms of academic integrity, ethical norms and principles of scientific activity and interpersonal interaction.
Required prior and related subjects: Philosophy and methodology of science. Statistical methods of psychological research. Management of scientific projects. Methodology of preparation of scientific publications. Scientific research in psychological science.
Summary of the subject: The research seminar for postgraduate students in the field of social and behavioral sciences is aimed at orienting the individual and collective scientific research activities of postgraduate students in accordance with: a) the modern context of the scientific methodology of psychological research; b) areas of scientific and psychological activity of the department of theoretical and practical psychology; c) topics of dissertation studies of graduate students; d) criteria of validity, representativeness, prognosticity, heuristic value of the results of psychological research; e) formal requirements for the structure and design of theses texts. The teacher's approach to working with graduate students consists in organizing active research interaction and discussing basic problems and current issues of ongoing research.
Assessment methods and criteria: 1. Review of the relevant source base on the topic of the dissertation. 2. Comparative analysis of 3 conceptual models of psychological research related to the topic of the graduate student's dissertation. 3. Reviewing the empirical research programs of other scientists and their consistency with the conceptual model proposed by them. 4. Preparation and presentation of the prospectus plan of one's own scientific and psychological research. 5. Group discussion on problematic issues. 1. Literature review - 10 points. 2. Comparison of concepts - 20 points. 3. Review of empirical research programs - 20 points. 4. Prospectus plan of own research - 30 points. 5. Participation in a group discussion - 10 points. The score is 100 points, representing the sum of points received for each of the completed tasks.
Recommended books: 1. Балл Г.О. Раціогуманістична орієнтація в методології людинознавства. К.: Вид-во ПП «СКД», 2017. 204 с. 2. Велитченко Л.К., Подшивалкіна В.І. Методологічні та теоретичні проблеми психології: програмний конспективний довідник. Одеса: СВД Черкасов, 2009. 279 с. 3. Вітакультурна методологія: антологія. До 25-річчя наукової школи професора А.В. Фурмана: колективна монографія. Тернопіль: ТНЕУ, 2019. 980 с. 4. Карпенко 3. Аксіологічна психологія особистості. 2-ге вид., перероб., доповн. Івано-Франківськ: ДВНЗ «Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника», 2018. 720 с. 5. Савчин М. Методологеми психології. К.: Академвидав, 2013. 224 с. 6. Татенко В. Методологія суб’єктно-вчинкового підходу: соціально-психологічний вимір. К.: Міленіум, 2017. 184 с. 7. Титаренко Т.М. Сучасна психологія особистості. К.: Каравела, 2013. 312 с. – бібліотека психологічної літератури. - Національна бібліотека України ім. В. І. Вернадського. - портал професійних психологів України - електронна англомовна бібліотека