Methods of Teaching Psychology in High School

Major: Psychology
Code of subject: 8.053.00.M.025
Credits: 3.00
Department: Theoretical and Applied Psychology
Lecturer: Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor Halyna Lialiuk
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: To know and understand different approaches, theories and concepts of teaching students, methodical and educational work of a scientific and pedagogical worker. Analyze the basic concepts of teaching methods psychology. Be able to demonstrate knowledge of psychology teaching methods in higher education: apply methods of analysis and comparison in practice. Possess descriptive, analytical research methods. Ability practically apply the knowledge gained from the course when passing assistant practice and performance of multimedia presentations.
Required prior and related subjects: Psychology of creativity and invention. Theoretical and practical problems of the psychology of well-being. Pedagogical practice. Rhetoric. Quality of higher education (formation of internal quality assurance systems). Professional pedagogy.
Summary of the subject: The methodology of teaching psychology in higher education is a discipline that examines the process of teaching psychology, its regularities, the connection with other sciences in order to increase the effectiveness of education; content of psychological education; the essence of the educational activity of psychology students; the main principles and features of the organization of the process of training psychologists in higher education; peculiarities of the pedagogical skill of a psychology teacher; methodological foundations of the organization of the educational process of teaching psychology in higher education.
Assessment methods and criteria: The following are methods of diagnosing the results of higher education students in the discipline "Methodology of teaching psychology in higher education": 1) oral survey; is carried out during lecture, practical, seminar and individual counseling sessions with the aim of identifying the level of assimilation of knowledge, skills, abilities and abilities by students of higher education 2) written control: written express surveys; control work for students of higher education; 3) side observation: during seminar classes, role-playing and business games, etc.; 4) discussions: during seminars and individual advisory classes, colloquiums; 5) method of problem situations; 6) pedagogical testing (use of pedagogical tests): express testing in lecture, practical, seminar and individual advisory classes Current control is carried out during practical, independent work, individual tasks and aims to check the level of knowledge, abilities, skills, values and other personal qualities acquired by the student of higher education during classes. The current evaluation of the educational work performed by the student of higher education is carried out according to the national scale and is recorded by a scientific and pedagogical worker in the journal of the work of the academic group. Based on the results of the current evaluation of the works performed by the student of higher education during the semester, a final current evaluation is derived, which is recorded in the journal of the work of the academic group and in the record of success and is determined by the formula: PPO = (sum of grades)/(number of grades)*20
Recommended books: 1. Булгакова Н.Б. Методика викладання у вищій школі : [навч. посібник] К. : НАУ, 2012. 204 с. 2. Власова О. Методика викладання психології: підручник. К.: Геопринт, 2011. 340 с. 3. Двіжона О.В., Руснак І.С. Методика викладання психології: Навчальний посібник. Чернівці: Рута, 2006. 231 с. 4.Методика викладання психології у вищій школі: курс лекцій для студентів спеціальності 053 «Психологія» ОС «Магістр» / укладачі Щербан Т.Д., Алмаші С.І. Мукачево : МДУ, 2017. 53с 5. Подоляк Л.Г. Психологія вищої школи:Навчальний посібник для магістрантів і аспірантів / Л. Г.Подоляк, В. І. Юрченко. К.:ТОВ « Філ-студія», 2006. С. 195-209.