Modern Research Methods in Organizational Psychology

Major: Psychology
Code of subject: 8.053.00.M.030
Credits: 3.00
Department: Theoretical and Applied Psychology
Lecturer: Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor Snyadanko Iryna Igorivna
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: - To be able to use a foreign language for oral and written presentation of the results of scientific research, conduct of professional scientific dialogue, full understanding of foreign language scientific texts. - Conduct scientific psychological research on various problems of the individual's life, adequately formulate hypotheses, determine their purpose and tasks, critically analyze the obtained results using the methods of mathematical statistics, formulate author's conclusions and develop proposals, commercialize the research results. - To produce new abilities, skills and methods of psychological and socio-psychological research and psychological practice, with their help to solve urgent psychological problems that expand and revise existing psychological knowledge. - Work in a group of scientists to solve joint research tasks, adhere to the norms of academic integrity, ethical norms and principles of scientific activity and interpersonal interaction. - Communicate in business scientific and professional language with the scientific community and the public in a certain field of scientific and/or professional activity. - Apply modern information and digital tools and technologies to ensure effective scientific and professional communications. - Present the results of your research at scientific events, use Ukrainian and/or foreign languages (primarily English) in scientific, innovative and pedagogical activities.
Required prior and related subjects: Organizational psychology; Management psychology; Mathematical methods in psychology; Statistical methods of psychological research; Experimental psychology; Research seminar in the field of social and behavioral sciences; Academic integrity and quality of education.
Summary of the subject: 1. Object and subject of research in organizational psychology. 2. Basics of methodology and construction of research in organizational psychology. 3. Organizing and conducting research on the organization's personnel (perfectionism of the organization's employees; professional burnout of employees in the organization; gender roles of employees, etc.). 4. Methodology for researching the effectiveness of psychological counseling in the organization. 5. Organization and methods of researching the effectiveness of psychological trainings in the organization. 6. Approaches and methods of researching corporate culture in the organization.
Assessment methods and criteria: Methods of diagnosing the results of student learning in the academic discipline: – oral survey at practical classes; – written control: solving practical tasks, working out the empirical results of scientific research; – discussions: during practical and individual advisory classes; – express testing and final testing; – exam. The semester evaluation is a summary evaluation of the CC results of all types of mandatory work provided by the work program of the academic discipline and the passing of the exam. Assessment of students' current performance is carried out at each seminar session on a 5-point scale and is entered in the journal of academic performance. Unpreparedness for class or an unsatisfactory answer is also subject to an appropriate evaluation and the student is assigned "0" points. The "0" points obtained in this case require working out. The grade obtained during working out is taken into account when determining the average score of the current academic performance. The quality of the test work is evaluated according to the following criteria: compliance of the content of the test work with the task and the requirements of the educational and methodological recommendations for its implementation; independence of solving the task; the presence of elements of a scientific and research nature. A student can score a maximum of 60 points on the exam. Distribution of points on a 100-point scale: Current control (CC): practical (seminar) classes – 40 points Examination control: written component – 40 points; oral component – 20 points
Recommended books: 1. Tkalych M., Snyadanko I., Guba N., Zhelezniakova Y. Social and psychological support for personnel in organisations: work-life balance programme // Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment. – 2020. – Vol. 8, No 2. – P. 159–166. 2. Hapon N., Vovk A., Snyadanko I., Fedyna L. Ontological security of an individual: attachment styles and coping strategies // Journal of Education Culture and Society. – 2021. – Vol. 12, No. 2. – Р. 317–329. 0,58 ум.д.ар. (За іншою тематикою) (Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index). 3. Сняданко І. І., Бойко А. О. Дослідження особливостей взаємозв`язку між рівнями самоефективності й перфекціонізму та їх роль у благополуччі особистості // Габітус. – 2020. – Вип. 17. – С. 152–157. 4.Жук, Н. (2021). Можливості використання сучасних комунікативних технологій в професійній діяльності патрульних поліцейських. ОРГАНІЗАЦІЙНА ПСИХОЛОГІЯ. ЕКОНОМІЧНА ПСИХОЛОГІЯ, (1(22), 61-68. 5. Дзюба, Т. (2021). Професійне здоров’я педагога в спектрі рівневого і критеріального підходів. ОРГАНІЗАЦІЙНА ПСИХОЛОГІЯ. ЕКОНОМІЧНА ПСИХОЛОГІЯ, (4 (24), 22-29. 6. Клочко, А. (2021). Психологічні особливості розвитку показників суб’єктивного благополуччя менеджерів освітніх організацій. ОРГАНІЗАЦІЙНА ПСИХОЛОГІЯ. ЕКОНОМІЧНА ПСИХОЛОГІЯ, (4 (24), 39-43. 7. Кокун, О., & Бахмутова, Л. (2021). Зміни психологічного стану українських експедиторів під час тривалого перебування в Антарктиці. ОРГАНІЗАЦІЙНА ПСИХОЛОГІЯ. ЕКОНОМІЧНА ПСИХОЛОГІЯ, (4 (24), 44-50. 8.Сняданко І. І., Грищенко О. В. Дослідження поняття “драйвер” у транзакційному підході // Сучасні виклики і актуальні проблеми науки, освіти та виробництва: міжгалузеві диспути : матеріали X Міжнародної науково-практичної інтернет-конференції (Київ, 13 листопада 2020 року). – 2020. – C. 491–497. 9. Грищенко О. В., Сняданко І. І. Роль соціального та психологічного благополуччя для керівників освітніх закладів // Психологічні умови благополуччя персоналу організацій : тези IІ міжнародної науково-практичної конференції, Львів, 7–8 жовтня 2021 р. – 2021. – C. 29–32.