Programming, part 1 (Fundamentals of Algorithms and Programming)

Major: Computer Engineering
Code of subject: 6.123.00.O.010
Credits: 7.00
Department: Electronic Computing Machines
Lecturer: Nohal Mariia Vasylivna Kuzo Myroslav Mykolaiovych
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: know the basic structures of algorithms and the basics of algorithmization of problems; know the techniques of programming in the programming language C/C++; be able to develop an algorithm for a specific task; be able to write in the programming language C/C++ a program to solve a specific problem; be able to set up a program to solve a specific problem; be able to execute a program to solve a specific problem; have skills in operating systems and integrated software development environments.
Required prior and related subjects: previous: school course of mathematics, school course of computer science related and the following: Programming, part 2 (Object-oriented programming)
Summary of the subject: In this discipline the bases of algorithmization of problems, concepts of algorithm, types of algorithms - linear, with branching and cyclic algorithms, record of algorithms by means of block diagrams are considered. The programming language C/C++ is considered: program structure, data types, constants, variables, operations, operators, concepts of function, arrays, pointers, lines, means for work with text and binary files. Typical algorithms for searching, sorting, processing arrays and matrices, as well as examples of their implementation in the C/C++ programming language are considered.
Assessment methods and criteria: current control: written reports on laboratory work and oral examination (30%), test tasks (10%) exam: written and oral form (60%)
Recommended books: 1) Шпак З. Я. Програмування мовою С / Зореслава Ярославівна Шпак. – Львів: Оріяна-Нова, 2006. – 432 с. 2) Ковалюк Т. В. Алгоритмізація та програмування. Підручник / Тетяна Володимирівна Ковалюк. – Львів: Магнолія 2006, 2013. – 400 с. 3) Керниган Б. Язык программирования C / Б. Керниган, Д. Ритчи. – Москва: Вильямс, 2015. – 304 с. 4) С++. Основи програмування. Теорія та практика: підручник / О. Г. Трофименко, Ю. В. Прокол, І. Г. Швайко, І. Г. Буката. – Одеса: Фенікс, 2010. – 544 с. 5) Креневич А. П. С у задачах і прикладах : Навчальний посібник із дисципліни "Інформатика та програмування / А. П. Креневич, О. В. Обвінцев. – Київ: Видавничо-поліграфічний центр "Київський університет", 2011. – 200 с. 6) Шилдт Г. Полный справочник по С / Герберт Шилдт. – Москва: Вильямс, 2010. – 704 с.