
Major: Public management and administration
Code of subject: 6.281.01.E.131
Credits: 3.50
Department: Administrative and Financial Management
Lecturer: -
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Knowledge of the objectives, principles and stages of implementing e-government. Knowledge of information infrastructure of e-government. Knowledge of the possibilities of using information technology in public organizations and public authorities; Skills of organisation of personal electronic environment for professional activities.
Required prior and related subjects: Пререквізит Кореквізит
Summary of the subject: Goals, objectives and basic principles of e-governance. Regulatory and legislative support for development of information society and e-government. Sectors and tools of e-democracy. Digital inequality in the information society and ways to overcome it. Electronic administrative services. Stages, conditions and problems of implementation of e-governance. Information infrastructure of e-government. Telecommunication and information-analytical system of government. Electronic document. Electronic signature. Internet communication in the public administration. Information security in e-government.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control (100%)
Recommended books: Elektronne uryaduvannya. Opornyy konspekt lektsiy / C. V. Dzyuba, I. B. Zhylyayev, S. K. Polumiyenko, I. A. Ruban, A. I. Semenchenko. Za red. A. I. Semenchenka. – Kyyiv, 2012. Dovidnyk e-vryaduvannya dlya mistsevykh orhaniv vlady ukrayiny. Praktychni vkazivky i krashchi praktyky mistsevoho e-vryaduvannya. – Akademiya elektronnoho upravlinnya, 2014. Tkachuk A. Mistseve samovryaduvannya ta detsentralizatsiya. Praktychnyy posibnyk / A. Tkachuk. – Shveytsars?ko-ukrayins?kyy proekt «Pidtrymka detsentralizatsiyi v Ukrayini – DESPRO». – K. : TOV «Sofiya». – 2012. – 120 s. Sendzyuk M. A. Informatsiyni systemy v derzhavnomu upravlinni: navchal?nyy posibnyk. / M. A. Sendzyuk. –K.: KNEU, 2004. –339 s. Matviyenko O., Tsyvin M. Osnovy orhanizatsiyi elektronnoho dokumentoobihu: Navchal?nyy posibnyk. / O. Matviyenko, M. Tsyvin – K.: Tsentr uchbovoyi literatury, 2008. – 112 s. Domaryev V. B. Orhanizatsiya zakhystu informatsiyi na ob'yektakh derzhavnoyi ta pidpryyemnyts?koyi diyal?nosti: Navch posib. / V V. Domaryev, S. O. Skvortsov – K.: Vyd-vo Yevrop. un-tu. 2006. –102 s.