Fundamentals of Theories of Transportation Processes and Systems Fundamentals of Transportation Processes and Systems Theories (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Transport technology (by Automobile Transport)
Code of subject: 6.275.03.O.064
Credits: 3.00
Department: Transport Technologies
Lecturer: PhD Barvinska Kh.
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • to know the basic traffic indicators and their changing regularity their methods and assessment; • be able to explore the main indicators of traffic and analyze their changes; • independently construct and evaluate basic functional paths between different indicators of traffic. • to calculate and build graphics mode of traffic movement on the highway section. • to provide assessment traffic performance on the highway section, to provide practical recommendations to improve bandwidth of highway sections.
Required prior and related subjects: • Supplying information to roadway users (project); • Fundamentals of road safety (project); • Traffic engineering (project).
Summary of the subject: Key indicators of traffic. Basic laws of changing the parameters of traffic. Building relationships between the main traffic indicators. The capacity of roads and intersections. Methods for determining bandwidth. Construction and interpretation of graphical models throughput road. Calculating bandwidth for uncontrolled intersection. Assessment mode of movement on the highway section. The definition and calculation of partial coefficients decrease throughput. Calculation capacity on stretches of road. Calculation of load on road stretches.
Assessment methods and criteria: defence of course paper (100%)
Recommended books: 1. Галушко В.Г. Вероятностно-статистические методи на автотранспорте / В.Г. Галушко. –К.: «Вища школа», 1976. –232 с. 2. Лобанов Е.М. Транспортная планировка городов./ Е.М. Лобанов. –М.: Транспорт, 1990. –240 с. 3. Иносэ X., Хамада Т. Управление дорожным движением. /Под ред. М.Я. Блинкина. Пер с англ. –М.: Транспорт, 1983. –248 с. 4. Сильянов В.В. Теория транспортных потоков в проектировании дорог и организации движения / В.В. Сильянов. –М. : Транспорт, 1977. –303 с.

Fundamentals of Theories of Transportation Processes and Systems Fundamentals of Transportation Processes and Systems Theories

Major: Transport technology (by Automobile Transport)
Code of subject: 6.275.03.O.063
Credits: 4.50
Department: Transport Technologies
Lecturer: As.P., Doс. Barvinska Kh. A.
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: - research transport processes, experiment, analyze and evaluate the parameters of transport systems and technologies; - develop, plan, to implement methods of organizing safe activities in the field of transport systems and technologies; - develop and use transport technologies taking into account requirements for environmental protection; - classify and identify transport processes and systems. - Evaluate parameters of transport systems. To carry out system analysis and forecasting of the operation of transport systems; - to organize and manage cargo transportation in various connections; - to organize and manage the transportation of passengers and luggage in various connections; - research types and types of transport systems. Find a solution to optimize the parameters of transport systems. To evaluate the efficiency of the infrastructure and the technology of the functioning of transport systems.
Required prior and related subjects: The general course of transport Freight transportation Information support for road users Passenger transportation Transport geography Transport planning of cities
Summary of the subject: During the study of this educational discipline, the student acquires theoretical and practical knowledge and skills regarding the study of traffic flow modeling processes. Gets an idea of the influence of road conditions on the processes of transportation of goods and passengers. He learns to apply the acquired knowledge in the design of road conditions and in the organization of road transport.
Assessment methods and criteria: Students' knowledge is assessed using the following methods: 1. Protection of reports for practical work in written form by conducting a control event on the subject of the work in the form of a test. 2. Conducting an exam in the environment of the National Security Service based on the results of studying the discipline, which consists of three-level theoretical and practical tasks. 3. Conducting the oral component based on the results of the written exam, the questions of which are based on the content of practical tasks.
Recommended books: Базова 1. Давідіч Ю. О. Конспект лекцій з дисципліни «Моделювання транспортних систем» / Ю. О. Давідіч, Г. І. Фалецька; Харків. нац. ун-т. міськ. госп-ва ім. О. М. Бекетова. – Харків : ХНУМГ ім. О. М. Бекетова, 2019. – 71 с. 2. Вельможин А.В., Гудков В.А., Миротин Л.Б. Теория транспортных процессов и систем. М., Транспорт, 1998. 3. Дмитриченко М.Ф. та ін. Основи теорії транспортних процесів і систем. - Навчальний посібник для ВНЗ. - К.: Видавничий Дім «Слово», 2009. - 336 с. 4. Бутько Т.В, Гребцов О.І. Головко Т.В. Транспортний процес та методи раціонального формування транспортних систем: конспект лекцій [Електронний ресурс] – Харків: УкрДАЗТ, 2009. – Режим доступу: title/order/desc.