Methods of Teaching Law: Development of Didactics and Innovative Technologies

Major: Educational, Pedagogical Sciences
Code of subject: 7.011.01.E.046
Credits: 7.00
Department: Department of Pedagogics and Innovative Education
Lecturer: professor Kryshtanovych Myroslav
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: - ability to realize the need for lifelong learning in order to deepen the acquired and gain new professional knowledge; - Ability to acquire new professional and general knowledge, skills, abilities and abilities, including from other sources, by means of independent planning and selection, and integrate them with existing ones; - the ability to determine the phases, sequence and time of activities for achieving the goal (tasks realization) with the appropriate distribution of forces and resources at each stage; - ability to adhere to ethical norms and principles in professional activities and public life.
Required prior and related subjects: - Psychology - General pedagogy - Methodology of Law Enforcement: Innovative Technologies
Summary of the subject: "Law Enforcement Method" is a discipline that studies the teaching and learning processes of law. Its study involves solving a number of tasks of methodological and methodological professional training of law teachers, in particular: understanding and understanding of the modern educational paradigm; mastering the theoretical-methodological and methodological basis of the national education system; formation of the citizen's personality, world outlook, life guidance and guidance; familiarization with the normative-legal framework in the field of education.
Assessment methods and criteria: - monitoring of educational and cognitive activity; - oral interview (frontal, individual, combined); - written control of knowledge and skills is carried out through the implementation of individual tasks - essay, presentations, test assignments, abstracts; - final control (40%, current control, 60%, test score control).
Recommended books: 1. Бондар В. І. Дидактика: Підручник. – К.: Либідь, 2005. – 264 с. 2. Вітвицька С. С. Основи педагогіки вищої школи: Методичний посібник. – К.: Центр навч. літератури, 2003. – 316 с. 3. Власова О. І. Педагогічна психологія: Навчальний посібник. – К.: Либідь, 2005. – 400 с. 4. Чужикова В. Г. Методика викладання права : навч. посіб. [для студ. юрид. ф-тів вищ. навч. закл.] / В. Г. Чужикова ; Держ. вищ. навч. закл. "Київ. нац. екон. ун-т ім. Вадима Гетьмана". — К. : КНЕУ, 2009. 5. Криштанович М. Ф. Методика навчання права: навч. посібник / – Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2021. – 2 с. 217.

Methods of Teaching Law: Development of Didactics and Innovative Technologies (курсова робота)

Major: Educational, Pedagogical Sciences
Code of subject: 7.011.01.E.047
Credits: 2.00
Department: Department of Pedagogics and Innovative Education
Lecturer: professor Kryshtanovych Myroslav
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: - ability to realize the need for lifelong learning in order to deepen the acquired and gain new professional knowledge; - Ability to acquire new professional and general knowledge, skills, abilities and abilities, including from other sources, by means of independent planning and selection, and integrate them with existing ones; - the ability to determine the phases, sequence and time of activities for achieving the goal (tasks realization) with the appropriate distribution of forces and resources at each stage; - ability to adhere to ethical norms and principles in professional activities and public life.
Required prior and related subjects: - Psychology - General pedagogy - Methodology of Law Enforcement: Innovative Technologies
Summary of the subject: "Law Enforcement Method" is a discipline that studies the teaching and learning processes of law. Its study involves solving a number of tasks of methodological and methodological professional training of law teachers, in particular: understanding and understanding of the modern educational paradigm; mastering the theoretical-methodological and methodological basis of the national education system; formation of the citizen's personality, world outlook, life guidance and guidance; familiarization with the normative-legal framework in the field of education.
Assessment methods and criteria: - observation of educational and cognitive activities; - written control of knowledge and skills is carried out by performing individual tasks of the course work; - final score 100.
Recommended books: 1. Андрусишин Б. І. Методика викладання курсу “Основи правознавства”: [підручник] / Б. І. Андрусишин, А. Гуз. – К.: Знання, 2008. – 301 с. 2. Биков В. Ю. Дистанційне навчання в країнах Європи та США і перспективи для України: кол. монографія / В. Ю. Биков, О. О. Гриценчук, Ю. О. Жук та ін. – К.: Атіка, 2015. – С. 77–140. 3. Бондар В. І. Дидактика: ефективні технології навчання студентів / В. І. Бондар. – К.: Вересень, 1996. – 129 с. 4. Максименко В. П. Дидактика: курс лекцій: навч. посіб. / В. П. Максименко. – Хмельницький: ХмЦНП, 2013. – 222 с. 5.Оконь В. Основы проблемного обучения / В. Оконь. – М.: Просвещение, 1968. –208 с. 6. Ортинський В. Л. Педагогіка вищої школи / В. Л. Ортинський. – К.: Центр учбової літератури, 2009. – 470 с. 7. Чужикова В. Г. Методика викладання права: навч. посіб. / В. Г. Чужикова. – К.: КНЕУ, 2009. – 425 с. 8. Криштанович М. Ф. Методика навчання права: навч. посібник / М. Ф. Криштанович. – Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020. – 2 с.