Electronic Governance in Public Administration

Major: Law
Code of subject: 7.081.01.E.053
Credits: 5.00
Department: Administrative and Informational Law
Lecturer: Крикавська І.В.
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the discipline, students must demonstrate the following learning outcomes: - assessment skills to ensure the reliability of information and reliability of sources, to effectively process and use information for scientific research and practical activities; - to have practical skills in solving problems related to the implementation of procedural functions this subject of law enforcement; - change and integrate the necessary knowledge and solve complex law enforcement problems into different ones areas of professional activity; - to provide fundamental legal knowledge in the field of e-government in public administration; - ability to critically comprehend problems in the field and on the border of the field of knowledge; - ability to integrate knowledge and solve complex problems in broad or multidisciplinary contexts; - with understood unambiguous communication of own knowledge, conclusions and arguments to specialists and non-specialists, in particular, to students; - management of workflows or initial processes that are complex, unpredictable and require new strategic approaches.
Required prior and related subjects: Інформаційне право Правове забезпечення інформаційної безпеки Administrative Law Information law Legal support of information security
Summary of the subject: While studying the discipline "E-government in public administration" students will get acquainted with theoretical and practical question we are connected with the legal basis for the formation of e-government. There will be know about organizational and legal support of e-mail in government in Ukraine, the content of information infrast is revealede-government structure, electronic administrative services, organization of development and implementation of the "Electronic Parliament" system are investigated, "Electronic Court", "Portal Action" and others, e-government, methods and principles of its organization are characterize edition, electronic document management, issues related to information security in e-government are covered.
Assessment methods and criteria: Methods of diagnosing academic success, forms of measuring the level of knowledge acquisition in the discipline are: - oral examination in practical classes; - presentation at practical classes (with an abstract, report, discussion, etc .; - testing students' knowledge on the relevant topic of the lecture course; - written test (answers to the questions of the lecture course, solving practical problems, test tasks, etc.). Criteria for evaluating student learning outcomes: Current control - 40 points Exam - 60 points In total for the discipline - 100 points.
Recommended books: 1. KalnishYu. G. Public administration and administration:textbook.way. Poltava: RVV PDAA, 2015.- 279 p. 2. KukorinABOUT. B. Electronic documentcirculation and protection of information:textbook.way. Kyiv: NAPA, 2015. 82 p. 3. Naumik-Gladka KG State regulation of the development of the sphere of communication activity in the system of economic security of Ukraine / KGNaumik-Smooth // Problems of economy. - 2015. - № 2. - P. 87-92. - Access mode:http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Pekon_2015_2_13 4. Malishev MA The problem of inconsistencyconceptually-terminological component of Ukrainian legislation in the field of combatingcybercrime: materialsXVIII reporting student scientific conference (May 16, 2015, Odessa): in 3 vols. Vol. 3 / resp. ed.MV Afanasyev. - Odessa: Legal Literature, 2015. - P. 296 5. Hermann-Josef Blanke, Ricardo Perlingeiro The Right of Access to Public Information. Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany: part of Springer Nature, 2018. 6. Brizhko VM,FurashevV.M. Information law and information legislation: a scientific publication. - (NDIIPNAPRNOf Ukraine). Kyiv: Publishing HouseArtEK”, 2020. 288 p. 7. IT law / [auto.col.: О.П.Jochka, В.М. Martin, Yu.Ya.Samagaletc.] ; byhead. row. O.S.Yavorskaya. - Lviv: Levada, 2017. - 470 p. - ISBN 617-7527-07-6. 8. IT law: problems and prospects of development in Ukraine: Proceedings of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference. URL:https://www.academia.edu/35173056/ 9. IT law: problems and prospects of development in Ukraine: a collection of materials III-ohInternational scientific-practical conference. URL:https://www.academia.edu/38628059