Legal Documents Drafting Practicum

Major: Law
Code of subject: 7.081.01.E.036
Credits: 5.00
Department: International and Criminal Law Department
Lecturer: Associate Professor Huzela Mykhailo
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: INT. Ability to solve research and / or innovation problems in the field of law. ZKZ. Ability to search, process and analyze information from various sources. ЗК10. Ability to develop projects and manage. SK15. Ability to independently prepare draft law enforcement acts, taking into account the requirements for their legality, validity and motivation. PC3.3 Ability to compile procedural documents. As a result of study of educational discipline student must be able to show such results of studies : The concept of criminal procedure acts, types, functions and classification of criminal procedure documents; - General description of the content and structure of basic criminal procedural documents of pre-trial proceedings; - Method of criminal procedure documents with the general rules of official record keeping, legal documentation, rules of substantive and procedural law; - Types of procedural acts prejudicial investigation; - Grounds and procedure for drawing up a petition to the investigative judge of the relevant procedural issues; - Grounds and procedure for the investigation (search) action, their documentation; - Grounds and procedure for suspension and resumption of pre-order execution of appropriate judicial decisions; - Grounds and procedure for completion of pre-order execution of appropriate judicial decisions; to know: Independently analyze the criminal procedure law to implement procedural acts and drawing up appropriate criminal procedural documents; - Analyze and give proper legal assessment of the facts established, constitute criminal procedural documents according to established conditions; - Apply techniques to identify, detect and study evidence-based information, its consolidation in the relevant criminal procedure documents; - Formulate legally justify, defend their position, execute it in the appropriate procedural document; - Properly organize and execute the materials of the criminal proceedings; - Use modern methods of research and analysis of issues arising in the preparation of criminal procedure documents. The study of the discipline involves the formation and development of competences: general: • Ability to search and analyze information from different sources; • Ability to work independently and in a team, the ability to communicate with colleagues on the scientific achievements on the field, and the general level and at the level of experts; • Ability to communicate effectively in a professional and social level; • Ability to act with social responsibility and civic consciousness; • Certainty and persistence in the performance of tasks received and responsibility for the quality of the work; professional: • Basic knowledge of basic sciences, to the extent necessary for the development of general professional disciplines; • The ability to find out causal relationships, analyze and summarize internal and external management information for planning, motivation, organization, staff and monitor the activities of subordinates; • Ability to apply professional knowledge profiled and practical skills for solving typical problems specialty; • Ability to identify, classify and describe the work related to legal activities by using analytical methods and modeling techniques; • The ability to conduct business communication, knowledge and understanding of the subject area and understanding of the profession. Learning outcomes of the course detailing results such training program: • Analyze the grounds of, modification and termination of legal relations; • Understand the status and functions of the judiciary in the system of law; • Analyze the current status and legal practice; • Navigate in the system of international legal institutions for the protection of human rights; • Guided system applicable law, interpret existing legislation; • The ability to use a variety of methods, including modern information technologies to effectively communicate on a professional and social level; • Ability to understand the need for lifelong learning to enhance the acquired and acquiring new expertise; • Ability to demonstrate understanding of basic legal standards and ability to apply them.
Required prior and related subjects: Criminal Law Criminal proceedings Theoretical problems of pre-trial investigation
Summary of the subject: "Workshop on drafting procedural documents " as an academic discipline refers to the fundamental, normative, obligatory, professionally-oriented legal subjects and is a leader in the training of lawyers. Academic discipline is based on a procedural law, its application and Science. It examines the current procedural legislation, investigative work and legal proceedings, the whole process of investigation during the proceedings. The trajectory of monitoring is to study the patterns and trends of the investigation process, actual problems of theory and practice of the measures of investigation, the effectiveness of procedural forms and procedural guarantees during this, especially the status of individual subjects of the investigation, the problem of human rights and freedoms during the conduct of the investigation.
Assessment methods and criteria: For discipline "Workshop on drafting procedural documents" means the evaluation of knowledge (training success) are: preliminary, current and final control of students knowledge. Previous control is a diagnostics entry-level knowledge, which allows to identify the level of students ' knowledge at the beginning of the discipline or at the beginning of the study of a particular topic. The form of previous control is entrance control of knowledge. It is held on the first the seminar with the aim of testing students ' knowledge obtained from the study subjects at the previous levels of education. Previous control in the type of verification and estimation of remaining knowledge is also carried out at some time in the beginning of the next seminars. Incoming control of knowledge is carried out in the form of written work with the definition of certain concepts, categories, or procedural - legal phenomena for 10 to 15 minutes at the beginning of class. The estimation of entrance control of knowledge of students is set off to the estimation for seminar or practice session. Current control knowledge is an integral part of the entire educational process and serves as a means of identifying the degree of perception (assimilation) training material on discipline "Criminal law". Evaluation of knowledge of students on the basis of the current knowledge control is done by monitoring activity while studying the program material of the discipline "Criminal law", including responses to seminars, preparation of reports and analysis reports etc. Current control at seminars held to ascertaining the readiness of students to classes in the following forms: - frontal standardized verbal questioning of students after the basic questions of seminar; - Frontal checking homework; - call individual students for independent solving practical problems or situations; - Blitz - polls, which is either a complete survey of all present students or sample survey of the participants. Questions on the topic (several topics), which was preparing for seminars, provide a clear answer short. In a blitz poll every graduate student has the right to answer only once; - Other. Independent and individual work of students provides targeted search for effective ways to study the subjec «Criminal Low», awareness and consistency in work, ability to use existing literature and regulatory framework, plan own work. The final control of students' knowledge in favor of offset (exam). The structure of tasks record, according to the specifics include: - Tests of different difficulty levels, - A theoretical issue or problem regulatory nature. Criteria for evaluating learning outcomes: Practical seminars - 40, Test - 50 points Oral component - 10 points
Recommended books: Запотоцький А. П. Документи як процесуальні джерела доказів у кримінальному судочинстві : [монографія] / А. П. Запотоцький, Д. О. Савицький. — К. : Бізнес Медіа Консалтінг, 2011. Збірка взірців процесуальних документів та коментарів до них / С.М. Алфьоров, С.М. Міщенко, О.Ю. Татаров, В.І. Фаринник та ін.; за заг. ред. В.І. Сліпченка. – Київ: ТОВ «Арт-Дизайн», 2012. – 198 с. Кримінальний процесуальний кодекс України: структурно-логічні схеми і таблиці, типові бланки та зразки процесуальних документів: науково- практичний посібник / Р.Г. Андрєєв, Є.М. Блажівський, М.І. Гошовський та ін. – К.: Алерта, 2012. – 736 с. Кримінальний процес: підручник / за заг. ред. В. В. Коваленка, Л. Д. Удалової, Д. П. Письменного. – К.: ЦУЛ, 2013. – 544 с. Кримінальний процес України: навч. посібник / Ортинський В.Л., Гумін О.М., Канцір В.С., Гузела М.В… – Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020. – 444 с. Зіньковський І.П. Повноваження слідчого при обранні, зміні та скасуванні заходів забезпечення кримінального провадження. Дис. … канд юр. наук: 12.00.09. – Одеса, 2020. URL: Складання процесуальних документів у досудовому розслідуванні: навчально-метод. посібник / Аленін Ю.П., В.Г. Пожар, О.О. Торбас. [електронний ресурс] Одеса, 2020. 79 с. URL: