Computer Engineering Graphics

Major: Biotechnology and Bioengineering
Code of subject: 6.162.00.O.012
Credits: 3.00
Department: Department of Technical Mechanics and Engineering Graphics
Lecturer: Boyko Alexander Omelyanovich
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: 1. Theoretical construction of graphical models (images) of methods of rectangular projection of elements of spatial forms: points, lines, planes, individual lines and surfaces. 2. Solve problems of mutual identity and intersection (geometric shapes), to determine the natural size of individual geometric shapes. 3. Perform the construction of images (types, sections, January, isometric and dimetric surfaces) on the drawings and sketches of parts of the assembly units from nature according to the drawings of the assembly unit using the conventions of the standards. 4. Apply sizes on working drawings and sketches of details. 5. Draw drawings of parts, assemblies, specification in accordance with the requirements of standards.
Required prior and related subjects: Geometry, drawing
Summary of the subject: The purpose of the discipline "Computer Graphic Engineering" is to teach future metrology specialists to read and draw the details of machines, mechanisms and structures; analyze the geometric shapes of objects, think abstractly, logically and spatially. The course consists of two sections: Engineering Graphics and Computer Graphics. In the section "Engineering Graphics" we study the theory of projection systems, properties of the represented elementary figures, methods and algorithms for solving complex and metric problems of positional and metric character. Descriptive geometry methods make it possible to get clarity of images. Topics of the section: The subject of sketching geometry; problems of point, line, plane and polyhedra in the complex drawing of Monge; surfaces of rotation, polyhedra; Design documentation; drawing drawings; elements of geometry of details; images, inscriptions, markings; axonometric projections of parts; image and designation of elements of parts; images and markings of the thread; working drawings of details; sketching of machine parts; images of assembly units; detailing the assembly drawing of products. The Computer Graphics section addresses the issues of projecting images of technical products, assemblies, and parts with the AutoCAD Graphics Editor.   Full mastery of the drawing as a means of expression of technical thought is achieved by mastering descriptive geometry and technical drawings and improved by the use of computer technology.
Assessment methods and criteria: Diagnosis of students' theoretical knowledge is conducted using the virtual educational environment of NU "Lviv Polytechnic" MT Engineering & Computer Graphics. Knowledge Diagnostic Tools (SC) Maximum score. 1 Test # 1. "Drawing standards" 5.5 2 Test # 2. "Descriptive geometry" 6 3 Test # 3. "Points on surfaces" 3.5 4 Test # 4. "Types of cuts and sections" 4.5 5 Test # 5. "Threads" 5.5 6 Scoreboarding work "Drawing details" 20 A total of 45 Criteria for evaluating student learning outcomes Score distribution in a 100-point scale Together for discipline Current Control (PC) 55 Control Measure (CC) 45 Semester Assessment (PC + CP) 100
Recommended books: 1. Descriptive geometry, engineering and computer graphics: Textbook / P.P.Voloshkevich, O.O.Boyko, B.V.Pankevich, E.V.Martin, A.L.Bespalov. - Lviv: Publisher of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2007. -240 p. 2. Course in Descriptive Geometry, Engineering and Computer Graphics: Textbook / P.P.Voloshkevich, O.O.Boyko, A.L.Bespalov, B.V.Pankevich, E.V.Martin. - Distance Learning Series Lviv: Publisher of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2007. 3. Fundamentals of graphic and computer design of entrepreneurial projects: Training manual / P.P.Voloshkevich, O.O.Boyko, A.L.Bespalov, B.V.Pankevich. - Distance Learning Series Lviv: Publisher of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2008. -172 p. 4. Course of descriptive geometry, engineering and architectural drawing with the basics of computer graphics: Tutorial / Methodical manual / P.P.Voloshkevich, O.O.Boyko, B.V.Pankevich, I.G. Svidrak, O.P. Kalinovskaya, I.Y.Vrublevsky, A.O.Shevchuk, A.L.Bespalov, P.P.Voloshkevich. - Lviv: 2nd ed., Revised. And supplemented by the National University "Lviv Polytechnic", 2010. 5. AutoCAD graphical system. Fundamentals of geometric constructions, drawings and modeling .: A manual / ISAftanazov, V.I.Topchiy, I.J.Vrublevsky, A.L.Bespalov. - Lviv: Publisher of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic", 2013. 6. Technical drawings and computer graphics: Textbook / P.P.Voloshkevich, O.O.Boyko, P.A.Bazishin, N.O.Matsura. Lviv: World, 2014.-224p. 7. Engineering Graphic Workshop for Computational Geometry and Computer Graphics. Part II: A training manual / ISAftanazov, P.P.Voloshkevich, O.O.Boyko. - Lviv: Publisher of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2015. -236 p