Intellectual Property

Major: Architecture of Buildings and Structures
Code of subject: 7.191.01.M.021
Credits: 3.00
Lecturer: Davidenko Iryna
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: The purpose of teaching this discipline is for students to acquire theoretical knowledge and acquire practical skills in the regulatory and legal regulation of intellectual property rights, it is aimed at protecting the interests of authors and other creators of the results of intellectual activity, by granting them certain defined, time-limited rights that allow them to dispose these results, control their use by third parties, receive a certain economic effect from such use. At the same time, the specified rights apply not only to the material object in which the result of creative activity is embodied or can be embodied.
Завдання: General competences: ZK02. Ability to communicate in the national language both orally and in writing. ZK04. Ability to use information and communication technologies. ZK06. Ability to act on the basis of ethical considerations (motives). ZK07. Knowledge and understanding of the subject area and understanding of professional activity. ZK08. Ability to communicate with representatives of other professional groups at different levels (with experts from other fields of knowledge/types of economic activity). Professional competences: SK01. Ability to integrate knowledge and solve complex problems of architecture and urban planning in broad or multidisciplinary contexts. SK02. Ability to solve architectural and urban planning problems in new or unfamiliar environments in the presence of incomplete or limited information, taking into account aspects of social and ethical responsibility. SK04. Ability to continue learning with a high degree of autonomy. SK05. Ability to develop and implement projects in the field of architecture and urban planning, design and interior design SK06. The ability to analyze international and domestic experience, to collect, accumulate and use information necessary for solving problems of a research and innovation nature in the field of architecture and urban planning. SK09. Ability to manage work processes in the field of architecture and urban planning, which are complex, unpredictable and require new strategic approaches. SK11. The ability to critically consider the problems of architecture and urban planning.
Learning outcomes: PH02. Have the specialized skills/problem-solving skills necessary to conduct research and/or conduct innovative activities in the field of architecture and urban planning in order to develop new knowledge and procedures. PH10. Discuss the results of professional activities, research and innovative projects in the field of architecture and urban planning in national and foreign languages ??orally and in writing. PH11. Make effective decisions in the field of architecture and urban planning, develop and compare alternatives, consider limitations, assess possible side effects and risks. PH12. Know and apply in practice the legislation and regulatory framework regarding research and development of architectural and urban planning projects. PH14. Understand the procedure for the author's supervision of the implementation of projects in the field of architecture and urban planning.
Required prior and related subjects: Necessities: - Architectural design Pro-requisites: -Performance of master's qualification work
Summary of the subject: The content of the optional discipline "Intellectual property" aims to give students knowledge about the main institutions of intellectual property, about the system of sources of legislation in the field of intellectual property, about the principles of protection of copyright and related rights, patent rights, designation rights and other rights of intellectual property subjects .
Опис: Copyright and related rights. Industrial property rights. Means of individualization of participants in civil turnover. Non-traditional intellectual property. A trade secret. Non-disclosure agreement. Commercialization of intellectual property. Intellectual property law on the Internet. Protection of intellectual property rights in Ukraine
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control (performance of control work) - 30 points. Semester control (differentiated test) - 70 points. Total - 100 points.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: Control work - 30 points. Differentiated assessment - 70 points. Total - 100 points.
Recommended books: 1. Бондаренко С.В. Авторське право і суміжні права: [навч. посіб.] / С.В. Бондаренко. – К.: Ін-т. інт. власн. і права, 2009. – 260 с. 2. Бутнік – Сіверський О. Б. Економіка інтелектуальної власності / О. Б. Бутнік-Сіверський. – К.: Інст. інт. власн. і права, 2004. – 296 с. 3. Демченко Т.С. Охорона товарних знаків (порівняльн-правовий аналіз): [монограф.] / Т.С. Демченко. – Ін-т. держави і права ім. М. В. Корецького НАН України, 2008. – 184 с. 4. Жаров В. О. Захист права інтелектуальної власності в Україні: [навч. посіб.] / В.О. Жаров. – К.: Інст. інт. власн. і права, 2005. – 88 с. 5. Кожарская И.Ю. Патентное право / И.Ю. Кожарская, Б.Г. Прахов. – К.: Інст. інт. власн. і права, 2009. – 140 с. 6. Крайнєв П. П. Інтелектуальна економіка: управління промисловою власністю: [монограф.] / П.П. Крайнєв. – К.: Видавничий Дім “ІнЮре”, 2007. – 448 с. 7. Крайнєв П.П. Патентування винаходів в Україні: [монограф.] / Крайнєв П.П., Роботягова Л.І., Дятлик І.І. – К.: Видавничий Дім “ІнЮре”, 2009. – 340 с. 8. Мендрул А.Г. Оценка стоимости нематериальных активов / А.Г. Мендрул, В.С. Карцев. – К.: ООО “Полиграф-Информ”, 2008. – 264 с. 9. Цибульов П. М. Популярно про інтелектуальну власність / П.М. Цибульов, В.П. Чеботарьов. – К.: ТОВ “Альфа – ПІК”, 2010. – 56 с. 10. Тофило А.В. Экспертиза обьектов интеллектуальной собственности: заявки на изобретения и полезные модели / А.В. Тофило. – К.: Інст. інт. власн. і права, 2007. – 176 с.