Master’s Thesis Defence

Major: Architecture of Buildings and Structures
Code of subject: 7.191.01.O.042
Credits: 3.00
Lecturer: Ph.D. Kotiv R.
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: PRN 1 To have knowledge of basic concepts, terms and meanings, the language of professional communication in the field of architecture and urban planning, to adhere to the norms of academic integrity. PRN 2 Apply software, modern IT technologies, information resources in the process of solving research and design architectural and urban planning problems. PRN 6 Understand the social role of architectural activities, provide responsibility for the effectiveness and consequences of decision-making in the field of architecture and urban planning in compliance with the principles of professional ethics. PRN 8 Generate data of pre-project analysis of architectural and urban planning objects and territories allocated for construction, reconstruction or restoration. PRN 9 To identify the specifics of designing complex architectural and urban planning objects, to develop complex projects of planning of territories, buildings and interiors taking into account modern world trends and innovations. PRN 11 Achieve the implementation in a timely manner of all stages and stages of architectural and urban design, development of all sections of the complex project and explanatory note. PRN 14 Conduct research and / or innovation activities, apply traditional and innovative methods of designing and conducting research. PRN 16 To develop theoretical, typological approaches to solving problems of formation and development of architectural and urban environment based on the systematization of data of natural, humanities and technical sciences.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Architectural design public building. Interior and public interior design buildings (architectural design). Comprehensive research architectural and urban planning object. Co-requisites: Practice on the topic of master's qualification work. Execution of master's qualification work.
Summary of the subject: The aim is to present to the public the results of a comprehensive study of the chosen problem of architecture and urban planning, to demonstrate knowledge, skills and competencies acquired as a result of mastering the educational program "Architecture of Buildings and Structures" in a high-quality graphic exhibition and master's thesis. Tasks of protection of master's qualification work: to present the relevance of the chosen topic, goals and objectives, research methods; to reveal the scientific concept of research based on the application of a systematic approach, to highlight the main stages and results of the research part of the work in accordance with the sections of the explanatory note, to present conclusions and recommendations; to present the implementation of the main conclusions and recommendations of the scientific part of the work in the author's project proposal; to present to the public defense high-quality and well-designed materials - graphic exposition, explanatory note, presentation and report.
Assessment methods and criteria: Criteria for evaluating master's theses: clarity of the provisions of the conducted scientific research of the problem; presentation of conclusions and recommendations, their reflection in the project proposal; soundness of pre-project analysis of the territory, solution of the master plan; literacy and expressiveness of the author's architectural decision; the quality of the graphic exposition of the qualification work; quality and completeness of the explanatory note; structure and clarity of the student's report. The evaluation of the assessments to the applicants who defended on a certain day takes place after a closed discussion by the EC members, at the end of the defense day, in public.
Recommended books: 1. Boiko Kh.S. Typy budynkiv ta arkhitekturni konstruktsii: Navchalnyi posibnyk. – Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2015. 204 s. 2. Botton. A. Arkhitektura shchastia. K.: ArtHuss, 2021. 296 s. 3. Vazhynskyi S.E., Shcherbak T.I. Metodyka ta orhanizatsiia naukovykh doslidzhen: navchalnyi posibnyk. Sumy. Sum. DPU, 2016. 260 s. 4. Vykhrushch V.O. ta in. Metodolohiia ta metodyka naukovoho doslidzhennia: Navch.posibnyk. Lviv : Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2018. 328 s. 5. Habrel M.M. Prostorova orhanizatsiia mistobudivnykh system. K.: Vydavnychyi dim A.S.S., 2004. 400 s. 6. Hetun H.V. Arkhitektura budivel ta sporud. Kn.1. Osnovy proektuvannia. Kyiv: Kondor, 2012. 380 s.; Kn.2. Zhytlovi budynky. K., 2017. 736 s. 7. Hydyon Z. Prostranstvo, vremia, arkhitektura. M.: Stroiyzdat, 2010. 885 s. 8. Hnes I.P. Bahatokvartyrne zhytlo: tendentsii evoliutsii. Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2013. 652 s. 9. Zatserkovnyi V.I., Tishaiev I.V., Demidov V.Zh. Metodolohiia naukovykh doslidzhen: navchalnyi posibnyk. Nizhyn, 2017. 236 s. 10. Kolesnikov O.V. Osnovy naukovykh doslidzhen: navchalnyi posibnyk. K.: Tsentr navchalnoi literatury (TsNL), 2017. 144 s. 11. Koriahin M., Chek V. Osnovy naukovykh doslidzhen: navchalnyi posibnyk. K.: Alerta. 2019. 492 s. 12. Kutsevych V.V. ta in. Normatyvno-metodychni osnovy arkhitekturnoho proektuvannia hromadskykh budivel i sporud: navch. posib. Kyiv, 2016. 111 c. 13. Linda S.M., Morklianyk O.I. Typolohiia hromadskykh budivel i sporud: Pidruchnyk. Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2015. 348 s. 14. Mistobudivne proektuvannia. Chastyna I: Misto yak obiekt proektuvannia: Navchalnyi posibnyk / H.P.Petryshyn, B.S.Posatskyi, Yu.I.Kryvoruchko ta in. Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2016. 328 s. 15. Mistobudivne proektuvannia. Chastyna II: Proektuvannia strukturnykh elementiv mista Navchalnyi posibnyk / H.P.Petryshyn ta in. Lviv : Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2017. 288 s. 16. Osnovy metodolohii ta orhanizatsii naukovykh doslidzhen: navchalnyi posibnyk. Pid red. A.Ie. Konverskoho. K.: Tsentr uchbovoi literatury, 2010.352 s. 17. Petrushenko V.L Filosofiia i metodolohiia nauky: Navchalnyi posibnyk. Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2016. 184 s. 18. Posatskyi B.S. Osnovy urbanistyky. Terytorialne ta prostorove proektuvannia: navch. posib. Lviv: Vyd-vo Lviv. politekhniky, 2011. 368 s. 19. Sushentseva L.L. ta in. Metodyka pidhotovky kvalifikatsiinoi roboty mahistra Navchalno-metodychnyi posibnyk. Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2018. 88 s. 20. Cherkes B.S., Linda S.M. Arkhitektura suchasnosti: ostannia tretyna KhKh – pochatok KhKhI stolit: Navchalnyi posibnyk. Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2014. 384 s.

Master’s Thesis Defence

Major: Architecture of Buildings and Structures
Code of subject: 7.191.01.O.050
Credits: 3.00
Department: Architectural Design
Lecturer: Kaidanovska O.O., Dukhniak I.O.
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Мета вивчення дисципліни: to present to the public defense the results of a complex study of the chosen problem in the field of architecture and urban planning, to demonstrate the knowledge, skills and competences acquired as a result of mastering the educational and professional program "Architecture of Buildings and Structures" in a high-quality graphic exposition and report on the topic of the master's qualification work.
Завдання: general competences: ZK 01 Ability to abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis. ZK 02 Ability to communicate in the national language both orally and in writing. ZK 03 Ability to communicate in a foreign language. ZK 04 Ability to use information and communication technologies. ZK 06 Ability to act on the basis of professional ethics. ZK 07 Ability to apply knowledge in practical situations. ZK 08 Knowledge and understanding of the subject area and understanding of professional activity. ZK 09 Ability to develop projects and manage them. ZK 12 Ability to conduct research at an appropriate level professional competences: SK 01. The ability to understand the main scientific and theoretical provisions of humanitarian, socio-economic and historical sciences, the ability to critically understand and apply research methods based on mathematical and natural sciences, informatics and computer modeling. SK 03. Ability to scientific analysis, development and justification of architectural and urban planning solutions taking into account natural-climatic, sanitary-hygienic, safety engineering-technical, energy-saving, ecological, technical-economic requirements. SK 05. Ability to design scientific and technical documentation using information technologies, production of models and visual illustrative materials for architectural and urban planning conceptual, experimental projects of new construction, reconstruction and restoration of existing objects. SK 08. Mastering the means of project modeling, execution of technical images using the methods and techniques of artistic and computer graphics for use in scientific and theoretical research, architectural design and landscape design, in projects of reconstruction and restoration of architectural monuments. SK 09. The ability to participate in the preparation of architectural and planning design tasks, in the organization of the process of developing a design strategy using data on field surveys, calculating the balance of the territory, the structure of the population, networks of cultural and household services. SC 11. The ability to understand the theory and practice of urban planning: the formation of settlement systems, district planning, urbanism, the structure of the master plan, the economy of urban planning systems, landscaping and engineering equipment of territories, renovation of territories, aesthetics of the architectural and urban planning environment. SK 12. The ability to understand the theoretical and practical principles of designing residential, public, industrial and innovative typological groups of buildings and structures, their structural basis, methods of achieving a rational architectural and planning, volumetric and spatial solution, energy efficiency, environmental friendliness, harmonization with the environment.
Learning outcomes: PRN 1 To have knowledge of basic concepts, terms and meanings, the language of professional communication in the field of architecture and urban planning, to adhere to the norms of academic integrity. PRN 2 Apply software, modern IT technologies, information resources in the process of solving research and design architectural and urban planning problems. PRN 6 Understand the social role of architectural activities, provide responsibility for the effectiveness and consequences of decision-making in the field of architecture and urban planning in compliance with the principles of professional ethics. PRN 8 Generate data of pre-project analysis of architectural and urban planning objects and territories allocated for construction, reconstruction or restoration. PRN 9 To identify the specifics of designing complex architectural and urban planning objects, to develop complex projects of planning of territories, buildings and interiors taking into account modern world trends and innovations. PRN 11 Achieve the implementation in a timely manner of all stages and stages of architectural and urban design, development of all sections of the complex project and explanatory note. PRN 14 Conduct research and / or innovation activities, apply traditional and innovative methods of designing and conducting research. PRN 16 To develop theoretical, typological approaches to solving problems of formation and development of architectural and urban environment based on the systematization of data of natural, humanities and technical sciences.
Required prior and related subjects: Previous: Scientific foundations of architectural environment formation; Architectural design, Methodology of architectural research and design; Practice on the topic of master's qualification work, Execution of master's qualification work.
Summary of the subject: Final attestation in the form of defense of a master's qualification thesis - establishing the actual compliance of the level of educational, professional and practical training of the applicant, acquired competencies with the requirements of the Standard of Higher Education and the educational program. The qualification work is the result of the professional training of the master's student, it is an independent complex scientific and practical study that combines research and design components, reflects the achieved level of professional qualification of the applicant. The content and nature of the final stage of professional training takes into account the requests and needs of the architectural and construction industry, qualification requirements for the Master of Architecture and Urban Planning, potential employment opportunities.
Опис: Admission to the defense is the student's fulfillment of all necessary conditions Preparation of the necessary materials for the defense - submission of a graphic exposition of the master's qualification work, an explanatory note within the specified period. Preparation of the report – the text of the report (up to 15 minutes), which reveals the relevance of the problem, the achieved scientific and practical results of working on the topic, conclusions and recommendations, presents the main positions of the project solution. Defense procedure - at an open meeting of the examination commission, teachers of the departments, invited, everyone can participate. The applicant is given up to 15 minutes for the report, the report is accompanied by a display of the main results of the work on a tablet, and in the case of the defense in remote mode - presentation slides.
Assessment methods and criteria: Manager's rating, reviewer's rating, average rating of members of the State Attestation Commission. The evaluation of the assessments to the applicants who defended on a certain day takes place after a closed discussion by the EC members, at the end of the defense day, in public.
Критерії оцінювання результатів навчання: the clarity of the provisions of the conducted scientific study of the problem; statement of conclusions and recommendations, their reflection in the project proposal; the thoroughness of the pre-project analysis of the territory, the decision of the master plan; literacy and expressiveness of the author's architectural solution; the quality of the graphic exposition of the qualification work; quality and completeness of the explanatory note; structuredness and clarity of the student's report.
Порядок та критерії виставляння балів та оцінок: When evaluating the qualification work, the level of theoretical, scientific and practical training of the applicant, the evaluation of the manager and the reviewer are taken into account. The evaluation of the defense of the qualification work takes place on a national scale with conversion to a 100-point scale (according to the average interval value of the evaluation scale at the University): excellent-94 points, good-80 points, satisfactory-60 points. The grade is given at a closed meeting of the examination commission, announced publicly at the end of the defense day.
Recommended books: 1.Methodical instructions for completing the master's qualification work for students of the "Architecture of Buildings and Structures" educational program. Inc.: O.O. Kaidanovska, I.O. Duhnyak - Lviv: Publishing House of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic", 2022 - 27 p. 2. Boyko H.S. Types of buildings and architectural structures: Study guide. – Lviv: Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic, 2015. 204 p. 3. Botton. A. Architecture of happiness. K.: ArtHuss, 2021. 296 p. 4. Vazhinsky S.E., Shcherbak T.I. Methodology and organization of scientific research: study guide. Sumy. Sumy DPU, 2016. 260 p. 5. V.O. Vikhrushch etc. Methodology and methods of scientific research: Study guide. Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2018. 328 p. 6. Gabrel M.M. Spatial organization of urban planning systems. K.: A.S.S. Publishing House, 2004. 400 p. 7. Getun G.V. Architecture of buildings and structures. Book 1. Basics of design. Kyiv: Condor, 2012. 380 p.; Book 2. Residential buildings. K., 2017. 736 p. 8. Hnes I.P. Multi-apartment housing: trends of evolution. Lviv: Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic, 2013. 652 p. 9. Zatserkovny V.I., Tishaev I.V., Demidov V.Zh. Methodology of scientific research: study guide. Nizhin, 2017. 236 p. 10. Kolesnikov O.V. Fundamentals of scientific research: a study guide. K.: Center for Educational Literature (CNL), 2017. 144 p. 11. Koryagin M., Chek V. Fundamentals of scientific research: study guide. K.: Alert. 2019. 492 p. 12. Kutsevich V.V. etc. Normative and methodical foundations of architectural design of public buildings and structures: teaching. manual Kyiv, 2016. 111 p. 13. Linda S.M., Morklyanyk O.I. Typology of public buildings and structures: Textbook. Lviv: Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic, 2015. 348 p. 14. Urban planning. Part I: The city as a design object: Study guide / H.P.Petryshyn, B.S.Posatskyi, Yu.I.Kryvoruchko and others. Lviv: Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic, 2016. 328 p. 15. Urban planning. Part II: Design of structural elements of the city Study guide / H.P.Petryshyn and others. Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2017. 288 p. 16. Fundamentals of methodology and organization of scientific research: study guide. Under the editorship A.E. Conversky K.: Center for Educational Literature, 2010.352 p. 17. Petrushenko V.L Philosophy and methodology of science: Study guide. Lviv: Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic, 2016. 184 p. 18. Posatsky B.S. Basics of urbanism. Territorial and spatial planning: education. manual Lviv: View of Lviv. polytechnics, 2011. 368 p. 19. Sushentseva L.L. etc. Methodology for preparation of master's qualification work. Educational and methodological manual. Lviv: Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic, 2018. 88 p. 20. Cherkes B.S., Linda S.M. Modern architecture: the last third of the 20th - the beginning of the 21st centuries: Study guide. Lviv: Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic, 2014. 384 p.
Уніфікований додаток: Lviv Polytechnic National University ensures the realization of the right of persons with disabilities to obtain higher education. Inclusive educational services are provided by the Service of accessibility to learning opportunities "Without restrictions", the purpose of which is to provide permanent individual support for the educational process of students with disabilities and chronic diseases. An important tool for the implementation of the inclusive educational policy at the University is the Program for improving the qualifications of scientific and pedagogical workers and educational and support staff in the field of social inclusion and inclusive education. Contact at: St. Karpinsky, 2/4, 1st floor, room 112 E-mail: Websites:
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