Computer Simulation of Electric Renewable Elements and Systems

Major: Sustainable Energy Systems
Code of subject: 6.141.09.E.085
Credits: 6.00
Department: Electric Power Engineering and Control Systems
Lecturer: Ph.D., associate professor Kozovyi Andrii
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of studying the academic discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes: 1. The ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of scientific physical and mathematical principles necessary for solving engineering problems and conducting research in the field of electric power, electrical engineering and electromechanics. 2. Reasonably choose methods for modeling modes and processes in dynamic systems, as well as analyze the obtained results. 3. Apply information technologies and programming skills to solve typical engineering problems in the field of electric power. 4. Apply knowledge and understanding to solve problems of synthesis and analysis of system elements characteristic of the chosen specialization. 5. Independently perform experimental research and apply research skills on professional topics. 6. Apply a systematic approach, integrating knowledge from other disciplines when solving engineering problems of the chosen specialization and conducting research. 7. Assess the expediency and possibility of applying new methods and technologies in the problems of synthesis of electric power, electrotechnical and electromechanical systems. 8. Argue the choice of methods for solving a specialized problem, critically evaluate the obtained results and defend the adopted engineering solutions.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: • Automatic control in sustainable energy systems, • Electricity storage systems, • Modes of operation of transmission and energy consumption systems.
Summary of the subject: The mathematical principles of the methods used in the solution of power engineering problems are described: elements of similarity theory, set theory and graph theory, formalized methods of electric circuit analysis, special computational methods, methods of solving algebraic and transcendental equations of one variable, methods of solving of systems and nonlinear equations and systems of differential equations, mathematical foundations of analysis of steady states and transient processes in electrical, electric power, power supply systems and alternative power systems.
Assessment methods and criteria: • written reports, oral questioning (30%) • final control - exam: written and oral form (70%)
Recommended books: 1. Кириленко О.В., Сегеда М.С., Буткевич О.Ф., Мазур Т.А. Математичне моделювання в електроенергетиці: Підручник / – Львів: 2-е видання. Вид-во нац. ун-ту «Львівська політехніка», 2013. – 608 с. 2. Перхач В.С. Математичні задачі електроенергетики – 3-е вид., перероб. і доп. – Львів: Вища шк., 1989. – 464 с. 3. Сегеда М.С. Математичне моделювання в електроенергетиці: Навч. посібник / Мін. освіти і науки України; Національний університет “Львівська політехніка” – Львів: Видавництво Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”, 2002. – 300 с.