Hydraulic Engineering, Water Engineering and Water Technologies Hydraulic Engineering, Water Engineering and Water Technologies
Qualification awarded: Bachelor in Hydrotechnical Construction, Water Engineering and Water Technologies
Entry year: 2020
Mode of study: full
Program duration: 4 years
Institute: Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Systems
Number of credits: 240 ECTS credits
Level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework: NQF Level 6 (First cycle of QF-EHEA / EQF Level 6)
Field(s) of study: Architecture and construction
Characteristics of the educational program: Objects of study and professional activity: structure and processes of creation and functioning of hydraulic, hydro-ameliorative, water treatment and other objects of water engineering. Learning objectives: formation of higher education students with a set of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to solve complex specialized problems and practical problems, characterized by the complexity and uncertainty of conditions in the field of hydraulic engineering, water engineering and water technology. Theoretical content of the subject area: theoretical foundations of hydraulic engineering, water engineering and water technologies. Methods, techniques and technologies: methods of collecting, processing and interpreting information; methods of engineering calculations, field and laboratory research; technologies of construction, operation and reconstruction of objects of study and professional activity. Tools and equipment: geodetic instruments, construction machines, control and measuring instruments, means of technological, informational, instrumental, metrological and diagnostic support for solving applied problems in construction and water engineering, specialized software. Orientation of the educational program: The program is based on well-known scientific results taking into account the current state of construction and environmental engineering, focuses on current specializations, within which further professional and scientific career is possible: water management and environmental construction; hydraulic construction. The main focus of the educational program and specialization: Aims to create the personality of a specialist in construction and environmental engineering, ready for professional activity: solving design, technological, operational and organizational tasks in the field of water management. Features and differences: Academic mobility for educational and internship programs in European countries is possible. Some courses can be taught in English.
Gained competence: Know the technological processes of manufacture and applications of building materials, products and structures. Demonstrate knowledge of the composition, requirements and methods of implementation of project documentation of water management networks and structures. Demonstrate knowledge of the composition, requirements and methods of design documentation of reinforced concrete and metal structures of water management structures. Demonstrate knowledge of the principles, methods and tools for the implementation of technological processes and modes of operation of equipment and facilities of water management systems. Demonstrate knowledge of methods and procedures for controlling the use of water resources.
Formulate tasks for solving problem situations in professional and / or academic activities. Identify ways to solve engineering problems in professional activities, interpret their results. Perform experimental studies of water flow, evaluate and justify the significance of their results in the design of professional activities. Describe the structure of objects of professional activity, explain their purpose, principles and modes of operation. Identify and take into account climatic, engineering-geological, hydrogeological, hydrological and ecological features of territories in the design, construction and operation of professional activities. Perform engineering calculations of soil foundations and structures of objects of professional activity. Solve qualitative and quantitative tasks on water extraction, preparation and distribution, wastewater treatment and drainage. To find optimal engineering solutions when choosing water technologies, constructions of objects, energy saving measures in the field of professional activity. Use modern information technologies in the design, construction and operation of professional activities. Perform feasibility studies of design solutions, engineering measures, technological processes. Organize and manage the technological processes of construction, operation, repair and reconstruction of professional activities, in accordance with the requirements of labor protection, life safety and environmental protection. Carry out technical operation, inspection, supervision and maintenance of professional facilities. Identify measures for the rational use, protection and reproduction of water and land resources, improving the hydrological and ecological condition of surface and groundwater, natural landscapes. Carry out hydrological, hydraulic and hydraulic calculations using modern software packages and specialized databases. Assess the environmental consequences of man-made activities in compliance with legal and social norms. Apply technical regulations and legal norms in the operation of hydraulic facilities. To determine the indicators of natural and man-made conditions of the territory, object, working zone, as well as construction materials and quality of finished products with the use of specialized tools, devices and equipment in accordance with the standards and requirements of the metrological service of Ukraine.
Conveying information, ideas, problems, solutions, own experience and arguments to specialists and nonspecialists. The ability to effectively form a communication strategy.
Academic mobility: National (international) credit mobility: Based on bilateral agreements between Lviv Polytechnic National University and other universities of Ukraine (higher education institutions of partner countries).
Work placement(s): The program provides practical training.
Occupational profiles of graduates: The bachelor can hold primary positions in the field of hydraulic engineering, construction and water management at the enterprises, establishments and the organizations of all patterns of ownership, namely: the civil engineer; design engineer; reclamation engineer; technical supervision engineer (construction); engineer for operation of buildings and equipment of water supply and sewerage facilities; design engineer (water management); junior researcher (projects and programs in the field of tangible and intangible production); water resources specialist; water resources engineer; pump station engineer (station group); hydraulic engineer; inspector for the use of water resources; construction technician (construction caretaker, estimator, technician of sanitary systems, construction technician, care technician, laboratory technician (construction), design technician); technical specialists-mechanics (technician for operation of networks and structures of water supply and sewerage, technician for operation and repair of equipment); draftsmen (design technician, design draftsman); technical specialists in the field of physical sciences and technology (production preparation technician, technical documentation preparation technician, planning technician); junior specialists in agronomy, forestry, water management and nature reserve (hydraulic technologist, hydraulic technician).
Access to further studies: Obtaining the second (master's) level