Sewerage Networks and Structures

Major: Hydraulic Engineering, Water Engineering and Water Technologies
Code of subject: 6.194.01.E.86
Credits: 5.00
Department: Department of Hydraulic and Water Engineering
Lecturer: Senior lecturer Bohdan Pitsyshyn
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • Demonstrate knowledge of the composition, requirements and methods of implementation of project documentation of water management networks and structures
Required prior and related subjects: • Fundamentals of hydraulic engineering • CAD in hydraulic engineering • Technical mechanics of liquids and gases • Engineering hydraulics • Hydrotechnical structures • Management of actual processes • Fishery facilities
Summary of the subject: Introduction. Determining the course of water drainage as one of the branches of technology. Sanitary and economic importance of drainage. Historical overview of the development of drainage systems. Growth of sanitary and hygienic improvement of settlements. Wastewater and its characteristics. The general drainage scheme and its main elements. Drainage systems. Comparative and economic assessment of the drainage system. Selection of drainage system. Conditions for accepting wastewater into drainage networks. Designing schemes of drainage networks. Classification of drainage network schemes. Development of schemes of water supply networks. Conditions for designing drainage systems. Pre-project developments. Source documents and data for design. Design stages. Basics of hydraulic calculation of drainage networks. Peculiarities of the movement of wastewater in the drainage network. Minimum slopes of neighborhood and street networks. Minimum and maximum speeds. The main tasks of calculating the water supply network. Estimated waste water consumption. Drinking water drainage. Coefficient of unevenness. Determination of estimated costs of domestic and industrial wastewater. Graphs of fluctuations in sewage inflow. Total waste water consumption. Calculation and elevation design of drainage networks. Determination of estimated waste water consumption for individual sections of the network. Minimum and maximum depth of laying pipelines. Hydraulic calculation and elevation design of the drainage network. Calculation of the drainage network using a computer. Construction of drainage network. The location of the pipelines in the cross-section of the passageways. Networks for removal of atmospheric precipitation. Measurement of the amount of atmospheric precipitation. The main calculation parameters of rain. Formulas for determining the estimated intensity of rain. Flow coefficient. Estimated duration of rain. Formulas for determining the estimated flow of rainwater. Determination of estimated costs. Hydraulic calculation of open and closed drains. Calculation of a rain network operating in pressure mode. Design and installation of a rain network. Tracing of the rain network. Determination of estimated costs of rainwater. Hydraulic calculation and construction of longitudinal profiles of household and rain networks of semi-separated drainage system. Hydraulic calculation and construction of longitudinal profiles of the network of the all-alloy system. Mode of operation of downspouts. Design and installation of a rain network. Tracing of the rain network. Determination of estimated costs of rainwater. Hydraulic calculation and construction of longitudinal profiles (to the main collector) of household and rain networks of the semi-separated drainage system. Hydraulic calculation and construction of longitudinal profiles of the network of the all-alloy system. Mode of operation of downspouts. Inspection wells. Overflow wells. Cameras and their calculation. Crossing gravity pipelines with obstacles (dukers, transitions). Outfalls and separation chambers, discharges of wastewater into reservoirs. Laying pipes and making their connections. Arrangement of collectors from prefabricated reinforced concrete elements. Protection of pipelines from the aggressive action of sewage and groundwater.
Assessment methods and criteria: • current oral examination (30%) • final control (exam): written-oral form (70%)
Recommended books: 1. DBN V.2.5-75:2013. Kanalizatsiia. Zovnishni merezhi ta sporudy. Osnovni polozhennia proektuvannia. 2. Konstantinov Yu.M., Hizha O.O. Inzhenerna hidravlika. Pidruchnyk dlia studentiv vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladiv. K.: Vydavnychyi Dim «Slovo», 2006. 439 s. 3. Vasylenko A.A. Vodovidvidni merezhi. Navchalnyi posibnyk. – K: KNUBA, 2006. - 97s 4. Shadura V.O., Martynov S.Iu., Orlov V.O. Miski inzhenerni merezhi ta sporudy. Navchalnyi posibnyk. – Rivne: NUVHP, 2010. – 102 s. 5. Blahodarna H. I. Konspekt lektsii z dystsyplin «Vodovidvidni merezhi i sporudy» ta «Sporudy i obladnannia vodovidvedennia (Modul 1)» (dlia studentiv dennoi ta zaochnoi form navchannia za spetsialnistiu 192 – Budivnytstvo ta tsyvilna inzheneriia) / H. I. Blahodarna. O. O. Kovalova ; Kharkiv. nats. un-t misk. hosp-va im. O. M. Beketova. – Kharkiv : KhNUMH im. O. M. Beketova, 2018. – 145 s. 6. Rekonstruktsiia i intensyfikatsiia sporud vodopostachannia ta vodovidvedennia. Navchalnyi posibnyk. K.: IVNVKP "Ukrheliotekh", 2010. 272 s 7. Metodychni rekomendatsiii do praktychnykh zaniat i samostiinoi roboty z navchalnykh dystsyplin «Vodovidvidni merezhi i sporudy» ta «Sporudy i obladnannia vodovidvedennia (Modul 1)» (dlia studentiv dennoi ta zaochnoi form navchannia za spetsialnistiu 192 – Budivnytstvo ta tsyvilna inzheneriia) / Kharkiv. nats. un-t misk. hosp-va im. O. M. Beketova; uklad. O. O. Kovalova. – Kharkiv : KhNUMH im. O. M. Beketova, 2018. – 69 s. 8. Systemy vodovidvedennia: navch. Posib. / M. Hirol, B. Okhrymiuk, H. Sobchuk, H. Lahud. Rivne: NUVHP, 2011. 444s. 9. Vodovidvedennia ta ochystka stichnykh vod mista. Kursove i dyplomne proektuvannia. Pryklady ta rozrakhunky: Navchalnyi posibnyk / Vasylenko O.A., Epoian S.M. ta in.. Kyiv-Kharkiv, KNUBA, KhNUBA, TO Ekskliuzyv, 2012, 540 s. 10. Miski inzhenerni merezhi ta sporudy: pidruchnyk / A.M. Tuhai ta in.. Kyiv: KNUBA, 2016. 288 s. 11. Kravchenko, V. S. Vodopostachannia ta kanalizatsiia : pidruch. dlia vyshch. navch. zakl. / V. S. Kravchenko. - Kyiv : Kondor, 2007. - 286 s. 12. Orlov, V. O. Vodopostachannia ta vodovidvedennia : pidruchnyk / V. O. Orlov, Ya. A. Tuhai, A. M. Orlova. - K. : Znannia, 2011. - 359 c. 13. Poriadok rozrobky proektiv vodopostachannia ta vodovidvedennia: navch. posibnyk dlia stud. vyshchykh navch. zakl. / I.L. Kopelevych, H.M. Smyrnova [ta in.]; Kharkivskyi derzh. tekhnichnyi un-t budivnytstva ta arkhitektury. - Kh. : Vydavnycha hrupa "RA-Karavella", 2001. - 212 s.

Sewerage Networks and Structures (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Hydraulic Engineering, Water Engineering and Water Technologies
Code of subject: 6.194.01.E.89
Credits: 3.00
Department: Department of Hydraulic and Water Engineering
Lecturer: Senior lecturer Bohdan Pitsyshyn
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • Demonstrate knowledge of the composition, requirements and methods of implementation of project documentation of water management networks and structures
Required prior and related subjects: • Fundamentals of hydraulic engineering • CAD in hydraulic engineering • Technical mechanics of liquids and gases • Engineering hydraulics • Hydrotechnical structures • Management of actual processes • Fishery facilities
Summary of the subject: Course project Water drainage network of the city (complete separate drainage system) 1. Calculation and explanatory note with sections: selection of the city's drainage scheme, network routing, determination of estimated waste water consumption, hydraulic calculation and design of domestic and rainwater networks. 2. Graphic part on a sheet of A1 format paper: general plan of the city's drainage network; sewage well: plan and section; node or scheme as directed by the manager.
Assessment methods and criteria: • final control (credit): defense of the course project (100%)
Recommended books: 1. DBN V.2.5-75:2013. Kanalizatsiia. Zovnishni merezhi ta sporudy. Osnovni polozhennia proektuvannia. 2. Konstantinov Yu.M., Hizha O.O. Inzhenerna hidravlika. Pidruchnyk dlia studentiv vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladiv. K.: Vydavnychyi Dim «Slovo», 2006. 439 s. 3. Vasylenko A.A. Vodovidvidni merezhi. Navchalnyi posibnyk. – K: KNUBA, 2006. - 97s 4. Shadura V.O., Martynov S.Iu., Orlov V.O. Miski inzhenerni merezhi ta sporudy. Navchalnyi posibnyk. – Rivne: NUVHP, 2010. – 102 s. 5. Blahodarna H. I. Konspekt lektsii z dystsyplin «Vodovidvidni merezhi i sporudy» ta «Sporudy i obladnannia vodovidvedennia (Modul 1)» (dlia studentiv dennoi ta zaochnoi form navchannia za spetsialnistiu 192 – Budivnytstvo ta tsyvilna inzheneriia) / H. I. Blahodarna. O. O. Kovalova ; Kharkiv. nats. un-t misk. hosp-va im. O. M. Beketova. – Kharkiv : KhNUMH im. O. M. Beketova, 2018. – 145 s. 6. Rekonstruktsiia i intensyfikatsiia sporud vodopostachannia ta vodovidvedennia. Navchalnyi posibnyk. K.: IVNVKP "Ukrheliotekh", 2010. 272 s 7. Metodychni rekomendatsiii do praktychnykh zaniat i samostiinoi roboty z navchalnykh dystsyplin «Vodovidvidni merezhi i sporudy» ta «Sporudy i obladnannia vodovidvedennia (Modul 1)» (dlia studentiv dennoi ta zaochnoi form navchannia za spetsialnistiu 192 – Budivnytstvo ta tsyvilna inzheneriia) / Kharkiv. nats. un-t misk. hosp-va im. O. M. Beketova; uklad. O. O. Kovalova. – Kharkiv : KhNUMH im. O. M. Beketova, 2018. – 69 s. 8. Systemy vodovidvedennia: navch. Posib. / M. Hirol, B. Okhrymiuk, H. Sobchuk, H. Lahud. Rivne: NUVHP, 2011. 444s. 9. Vodovidvedennia ta ochystka stichnykh vod mista. Kursove i dyplomne proektuvannia. Pryklady ta rozrakhunky: Navchalnyi posibnyk / Vasylenko O.A., Epoian S.M. ta in.. Kyiv-Kharkiv, KNUBA, KhNUBA, TO Ekskliuzyv, 2012, 540 s. 10. Miski inzhenerni merezhi ta sporudy: pidruchnyk / A.M. Tuhai ta in.. Kyiv: KNUBA, 2016. 288 s. 11. Kravchenko, V. S. Vodopostachannia ta kanalizatsiia : pidruch. dlia vyshch. navch. zakl. / V. S. Kravchenko. - Kyiv : Kondor, 2007. - 286 s. 12. Orlov, V. O. Vodopostachannia ta vodovidvedennia : pidruchnyk / V. O. Orlov, Ya. A. Tuhai, A. M. Orlova. - K. : Znannia, 2011. - 359 c. 13. Poriadok rozrobky proektiv vodopostachannia ta vodovidvedennia: navch. posibnyk dlia stud. vyshchykh navch. zakl. / I.L. Kopelevych, H.M. Smyrnova [ta in.]; Kharkivskyi derzh. tekhnichnyi un-t budivnytstva ta arkhitektury. - Kh. : Vydavnycha hrupa "RA-Karavella", 2001. - 212 s.