Economics of Water Resources Industry

Major: Hydraulic Engineering, Water Engineering and Water Technologies
Code of subject: 6.194.00.O.76
Credits: 3.00
Department: Business Economics and Investment
Lecturer: Ph.D., assoc. prof. Anatolii Havryliak
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • know the essence and structure of capital investments, indicators of definition of efficiency and planning of capital investments that carrying out of civil and erection works; • know the method of determining the value and features of pricing structures for water management; • know the basics of economic analysis business enterprises water management; • be able to determine the cost of construction and installation works, generate cost estimates, contract prices for works; • be able to analyze the use of funds, logistical support, production activity and key financial indicators of water management enterprises • possess modern methods of calculation, analysis and planning indicators of the activity of enterprises, skills of independent work and execution of economic calculations related to the activities of enterprises.
Required prior and related subjects: • Principles of Management and Marketing, • Foundations of economic theory.
Summary of the subject: Essence of economics of water resources. Investment activities: types of investments, sources of investment capital, economic efficiency of investments. Fixed assets: classification, accounting, valuation, performance efficiency, depreciation and amortization, production capacity of the company. Classification of expenses, group expenses, calculation of production costs. The system pricing in construction: the estimated cost of construction, regulatory documentation, structure and type of investor estimates. Contractual prices in construction. Personnel: workforce, their composition and structure, the concept of rate setting, forms and systems of remuneration, performance efficiency. Revenue, earnings and profitability, sources and types of income, concept, types and functions of profit, concepts and types profitability.
Assessment methods and criteria: • fulfillment individual work , oral examination (50%) • final control (50% control measure, test), written and oral form (50%)
Recommended books: 1. А.С. Гавриляк, Т.О. Петрушка. Електронний навчально-методичний комплекс «Економіка водного господарства». Віртуальне середовище НУЛП. Сертифікат Е41-232-607/2016 від 18.11.2016 р. 2. Бардаков В.А. Економіка водопостачання та водовідведення: навч. посібник. – Харків: ХНАМГ, 2006. – 334с. 3. Економіка підприємства : підручник / за заг. ред. С. Ф. Покропивного. - 3-є вид., перероб. та доп. - К. : КНЕУ, 2002. - 528 с. 4. Облік в будівництві: Підручник / Я.Д. Крупка, З.В. Задорожний, Р.О. Мельник. – Тернопіль: Економічна думка, 2006. – 608с. 5. ДБНУ, ДСТУ, Податковий кодекс України.