Theoretical Mechanics

Major: Hydraulic Engineering, Water Engineering and Water Technologies
Code of subject: 6.194.00.O.22
Credits: 4.00
Department: Department of Technical Mechanics and Engineering Graphics
Lecturer: Zinko Y. A. Dzyubyk L. V.
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Master the main theorems and equations of theoretical mechanics. To acquire skills in applying equations of mechanics for solving concrete problems that arise during calculations of building constructions. To lay the foundation of scientific knowledge for studying other engineering disciplines, special courses. For the specialist of the builder, theoretical mechanics provides a method for calculating construction structures under different power factors. As a result of studying the discipline, the specialist must know the laws, theorems and principles of classical mechanics: the method of knocking out and the Ritter method for calculating the structural building structures, the principle of possible displacements for the calculation of complex beams and frames, the methods of dynamic calculations of building structures under the influence of variable force factors on them (drums, periodicals). The trained specialist must be able to apply the provisions of theoretical mechanics in scientific research and to solve practical engineering problems, to conduct a static and dynamic calculation of building structures.
Required prior and related subjects: Previous disciplines: mathematics, physics, computer science. Concomitant and following disciplines: resistance of materials, parts of machines.
Summary of the subject: Description of the discipline Lecture classes: 1. Section I. Static of a solid Axiom static. Mechanical bands and their reactions. Classification of forces; external and internal, given (active) and reactions of ligaments (passive). System of convergence forces. Purpose Equilibrium system of convergence forces. Geometric and analytic conditions for the equilibrium of the system of convergent forces. Moments of forces relative to the center and the axis. Algebraic determination of the moment of force relative to the center. Expression of the moment of force relative to the center through the square of the triangle. The moment of force relative to the center as a vector: the direction and the vector-momentum module. Moment of force relative to the axis: the definition, the rule of finding, cases of equality to zero. Dependence between the moments of force relative to the axis and the center lying on this axis. The theory of pairs of forces. The concept of a pair of forces. The main components of a pair of forces. Couple moment as vector. Adding pairs of forces. Equilibrium conditions of the system of pairs of forces. An arbitrary system of forces. The main vector and the main point. Geometric equilibrium conditions. Analytical finding of the principal vector and the momentum. Different systems of forces and analytical conditions of equilibrium of these systems of forces. Flat farm Definition of a flat farm. Statically defined and statically uncertain farms. Determination of the efforts in the rods of a flat farm by the method of cutting knots and the method of Ritter. Friction. Slip friction. Equilibrium in the presence of frictional forces. Friction coefficient. Angle and friction cone. Rolling Friction. Center of gravity. Reduction of the system of parallel forces to the ancestral. Center of parallel forces and its coordinates. Ways to determine the position of the center of gravity of the solid, flat shapes, lines. Section II. Kinematics. Introduction to kinematics. Space and time in classical mechanics. Relative mechanical motion. Reference frame Problems of kinematics. Kinematics point. Ways to determine the point movement. Speed Point Definition of velocity in vector, coordinate and natural ways of describing the motion of a point. Speed up the point. Determination of acceleration in vector, coordinate and natural ways of describing the motion of a point. Simple types of motion of a rigid body. Continuous motion of a solid body. Theorem on the speed and speed of points of a body with its translational motion. Rotation of the solid body around the stationary axis. Equation of rotational motion of a body. Angular velocity and angular expansion of points of a solid body with its rotational motion. Vector expression of linear point speed. Transmission of simple movements. Flat-surface (flat) motion of a rigid body. The motion of a flat figure in its plane. Decomposition of the motion of a flat figure on the translational along with the pole and rotating around the pole. Equation of motion of a flat figure. Theorem on the speed of points and its consequences. Mitt center of speed and ways of its determination. Determination of the velocities of points of a plane figure using the Mitt Center of Velocities. Speeding points of a flat figure. Section III. Point dynamics and mechanical system. Introduction to Speech. Basic concepts and definitions. Laws of Galileo-Newton. Differential equations of motion of a material point. Two main tasks of the dynamics. Oscillating motion of the material point. Free oscillations of the material point. Differential equations and the law of free oscillations. Quenching fluctuations of the material point. Coefficient and decrement decreasing. Periodic motion of a point. Forced oscillations of the material point under the action of periodic perturbing force. Properties of forced oscillations. Amplitude-frequency characteristic. The phenomena of beating and resonance. Mechanical system. Geometry of masses System weight. Center of the masses of the mechanical system and its coordinates. Classification of forces acting on a mechanical system. General dynamics theorems. Number of movement of the material point and the mechanical system. Impulse of force. Theorem on the change in the number of motion of a point and system. The law of conservation of movement. Theorem on the motion of the center of mass of the system. The law of preservation of movement of the center of masses. The moment of the number of motion of a point relative to the center and the axis. Theorem on the change of the moment of the amount of motion of a material point. The kinetic moment of the mechanical system relative to the center and axis. Theorem on the change of kinetic moment. The law of kinetic moment conservation. Differential equations of rotation of a rigid body around a stationary axis. Theorem on the change of kinetic energy. Elemental work of power. Work force at the final movement. Work of gravity, elasticity. Power. The kinetic energy of the material point and the mechanical system. Calculation of the kinetic energy of a solid in various cases of its motion. Theorem on the change of kinetic energy of a material point and a mechanical system. Power field, potential force field. Potential energy. The law of conservation of mechanical energy. Dalmber's principle. Inertia force. Dalmber's principle for the material point and the mechanical system. The main vector and the main moment of the forces of inertia. The principle of possible moves. Classification of ligaments. Possible moves. The number of degrees of freedom of the system. Ideal links The principle of possible moves. General equation of dynamics. Practical training: Section I. Static of a solid. 1. Nails and their reactions. 2. A convergent system of forces. 3. An arbitrary flat system of forces. Equilibrium distributed load. 4. Calculation of flat trusses. 5. An arbitrary spatial system of forces. 6. Center of gravity. Section II Kinematics. 1. Kinematics point. Equation and trajectory of the point movement. Speed point. Speed up the point. 2. The rotational motion of a rigid body around a stationary axis. Transmission of rotations. 3. Flat motion of a solid body. Speed point of a flat figure. Section III. Point dynamics and mechanical system. 1. Differential equations of motion of a point. The first point dynamics task. The second is the point dynamics task. 2. Vibrations of the material point. Free, fading and forced oscillations. 3. Theorem on the change in the amount of motion of a material point and a mechanical system. Theorem on the change of the moment of the amount of motion of the material point and the mechanical system. Theorem on the motion of the center of mass. 4. Theorem on the change of the kinetic energy of the material point and the mechanical system. 5. Dalmber's principle for the material point and the mechanical system. 6. Principle of possible moves.
Assessment methods and criteria: Reporting form is an exam Current control: 30 points Examination Control (written work): 60 points Oral component: 10 points
Recommended books: Література 1. І.В.Кузьо, Т.-Н. М. Ванькович, Я. А. Зінько. Теоретична механіка. Статика. Кінематика. Навчальний посібник. – Львів: «Растр-7», 2010. - 324 с. 2. І. В.Кузьо, Т.-Н. М. Ванькович, Я. А. Зінько, М. В. Боженко. Теоретична механіка. Динаміка твердого тіла. Принципи механіки: Навч. посібник/. – Львів: Видавництво Національного університету «Львівська політехніка». 2009. - 132 с. 3. Смерека І. П., Кузьо І. В., Придиба В. Т., Зінько Я. А.Теоретична механіка. Навчальний посібник для студентів дистанційної форми навчання. Львів. 2004. 4. Смерека І.П., Барвінський А.Ф., Білоус Б.Д., Кузьо І.В., Зінько Я.А. Короткий довідник з теоретичної механіки. Навчальний посібник. Львів, 2001. 5. Божидарнік В.В.. Величко Л.Д. Методика розв’язування і збірник задач з теоретичної механіки. Луцьк. 2003. 6. І. В .Кузьо, Т.-Н. М. Ванькович, Я. А. Зінько. Теоретична механіка. Спеціальні розділи: Навч. посібник/. – Львів: Видавництво Національного університету «Львівська політехніка». 2011. - 110 с. 7. І. В. Кузьо, Т.-Н. М. Ванькович, Я. А. Зінько. Теоретична механіка. Динаміка. Кн. 1. Навчальний посібник. – Львів: «Растр-7», 2012. – 442 с. 8. І. В. Кузьо, Т.-Н. М. Ванькович, Я. А. Зінько.Т еоретична механіка. Динаміка. Кн. 2. Навчальний посібник. – Львів: «Растр-7», 2012. – 336 с. 9. Зінько Я. А. , Кузьо І. В. Збірник задач з теоретичної механіки. Ч. 1 . Статика. Львів: Видавництво Національного університету „Львівська політехніка”. 2015. – 85 с. 10. Кузьо І. В., Зінько Я. А., Ванькович Т.-Н. М. та ін. Теоретична механіка. Підручник для студентів Вищих навч. закл. Харків, Фоліо. 2017. 780 с. 11. Зінько Я. А., Кузьо І. В., Дзюбик Л. В. Збірник задач з теоретичної механіки. ч. ІІ. Кінематика: навч. посібник. Львів: Вид-во НУ «Львівська політехніка», 2017. – 92 с.