Computer-Aided Design in Hydrotechnics (курсова робота)

Major: Hydraulic Engineering, Water Engineering and Water Technologies
Code of subject: 6.194.00.O.10
Credits: 2.00
Department: Department of Hydraulic and Water Engineering
Lecturer: Assoc. Prof., PhD Іgor Popadiuk
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • explore opportunities to create and edit graphics in an environment of Microsoft Office (through programs Word and Excel) and using specialized graphics editor AutoCAD; • learning needed to work with image files, record, overwriting the file, change the type of graphical file transfer graphical object from one software environment to another; Basics of scanned images; • explore the possibilities of printing techniques and practical skills of printing graphics.
Required prior and related subjects: • Higher mathematics, • Engineering graphics.
Summary of the subject: Review software to work with graphic images on a computer. The main characteristics of computer-aided design AutoCAD. Building and editing graphic objects in AutoCAD. Means of precision constructions. Working with layers. Additional office functions. Drawing of dimensions and tolerances. Layout drawings in AutoCAD. Export and import of drawings in AutoCAD. Purpose and structure of the software package Microsoft Office. Plotting and charts among Excel. Creating graphics program Power Point specialized programs for working with graphics.
Assessment methods and criteria: • current oral examination (30%) • final control (exam): written-oral form (70%)
Recommended books: 1. Ванін В.В., Перевертун В.В., Надкернична Т.О. Комп'ютерна інженерна графіка в середовищі Auto CAD:Навч. посібник.-Київ:Каравела,2006. - 336с. 2. Інженерна та комп’ютерна графіка: Підручник/ В.Є. Михайленко, В.М. Найдиш, А.М. Підкоритов, І.А. Скидан; За ред.. В.Є. Михайленко – К.,:Вища школа. 2001-350с. 3. Є.О.Іванов, В.Т.Матвієнко, Ю.Д.Попов. Основи роботи з системою Microsoft Excel: Учбовий посібник для студентів всіх факультетів — К.: ВПЦ «Київський унiверситет», 1999, — 80 с.

Computer-Aided Design in Hydrotechnics

Major: Hydraulic Engineering, Water Engineering and Water Technologies
Code of subject: 6.194.00.O.9
Credits: 6.00
Department: Department of Hydraulic and Water Engineering
Lecturer: Assoc. Prof., PhD Іgor Popadiuk
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • explore opportunities to create and edit graphics in an environment of Microsoft Office (through programs Word and Excel) and using specialized graphics editor AutoCAD; • learning needed to work with image files, record, overwriting the file, change the type of graphical file transfer graphical object from one software environment to another; Basics of scanned images; • explore the possibilities of printing techniques and practical skills of printing graphics.
Required prior and related subjects: • Higher mathematics, • Engineering graphics.
Summary of the subject: Review software to work with graphic images on a computer. The main characteristics of computer-aided design AutoCAD. Building and editing graphic objects in AutoCAD. Means of precision constructions. Working with layers. Additional office functions. Drawing of dimensions and tolerances. Layout drawings in AutoCAD. Export and import of drawings in AutoCAD. Purpose and structure of the software package Microsoft Office. Plotting and charts among Excel. Creating graphics program Power Point specialized programs for working with graphics.
Assessment methods and criteria: • current oral examination (30%) • final control (exam): written-oral form (70%)
Recommended books: 1. Ванін В.В., Перевертун В.В., Надкернична Т.О. Комп'ютерна інженерна графіка в середовищі Auto CAD:Навч. посібник.-Київ:Каравела,2006. - 336с. 2. Інженерна та комп’ютерна графіка: Підручник/ В.Є. Михайленко, В.М. Найдиш, А.М. Підкоритов, І.А. Скидан; За ред.. В.Є. Михайленко – К.,:Вища школа. 2001-350с. 3. Є.О.Іванов, В.Т.Матвієнко, Ю.Д.Попов. Основи роботи з системою Microsoft Excel: Учбовий посібник для студентів всіх факультетів — К.: ВПЦ «Київський унiверситет», 1999, — 80 с.