Building Materials Science

Major: Hydraulic Engineering, Water Engineering and Water Technologies
Code of subject: 6.194.00.O.16
Credits: 3.00
Department: Building Production
Lecturer: Ph.D., assoc. prof. Novosad P.V.
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • to know the basic principles of production as the main factors that regulate the composition, structure and properties of building materials and products; • to be able to evaluate the properties of materials and their efficient use in modern construction; • to have an idea about the basics and peculiarities of technologies of building materials and products obtaining for various purposes, relation of raw materials properties, technological parameters of production and quality control of products.
Required prior and related subjects: • Physics • Mathematics
Summary of the subject: The basic properties of building materials, ceramic materials and products, materials and products from mineral melt, inorganic binders, concretes, building mortars, artificial materials and products on the basis of mineral binders, materials and products on organic binders, polymeric materials and products, materials and products from wood, insulation and acoustic materials and products, paint and other finishing materials.
Assessment methods and criteria: • written reports from laboratory work, oral examination (30%) • final control (70% control measure, test), written and oral form (70%)
Recommended books: 1. Електронний навчально-методичний комплекс, який використовується для забезпечення дисципліни "Будівельне матеріалознавство" ( 2. Будівельне матеріалознавство : Підручник / [Кривенко П. В., Пушкарьова К. К., Барановський В. Б. та ін.]. – К. : Видавництво Ліра-К, 2012. – 624 с. 3. Дворкін Л.Й. Будівельне матеріалознавство. Підручник. – Рівне : НУВГП, 2009. – 309 с.