Architecture of Buildings and Structures

Major: Hydraulic Engineering, Water Engineering and Water Technologies
Code of subject: 6.194.00.O.8
Credits: 4.00
Lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Dmytro Hladyshev
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: - To know the general provisions of low-rise buildings designing; - To know the basics of physics and technical principles of building’s structural parts designing; - To be able to apply specific design solutions for structural parts of low-rise buildings; - To have an idea of main lines of architectural and building design of low-rise buildings development.
Required prior and related subjects: -
Summary of the subject: General information about buildings and structures. Space-planning decisions of buildings. The influence of external and internal environment for designing of buildings and their structural parts. Basic concepts of structural elements and structural systems of buildings. Structural solution of the structural parts of buildings (foundations, walls, slabs, partition walls, stairs, floors, roofs, roofing, windows, doors).
Assessment methods and criteria: - Graphic work (30%); - Final control (70%, control - test).
Recommended books: 1. Miziak M.I. (2008). Arkhitekturni konstruktsii [Architectural design]. Kharkiv: KhNAMH [in Ukraine]. 2. Rutkovska I.Z., Hladyshev D.H. ? Sokha Yu.I. (2015). Arkhitekturni konstruktsii malopoverkhovykh budivel [Architectural design of low-rise buildings]. Lviv: Rastr-7 [in Ukraine]. 3. Cherniavskyi V.V. Semko V.O. (2011). Arkhitektura budivel i sporud. Arkhitekturni konstruktsii malopoverkhovykh tsyvilnykh budivel [The architecture of the buildings and structures. Architectural design of low-rise civil buildings]. Poltava: PoltNTU [in Ukraine]. 4. Shereshevskiy I.A. (2005). Zhilyye zdaniya. Konstruktivnyye sistemy i elementy dlya industrialnogo stroitelstva: Posobiye dlya uchebnogo proyektirovaniya [Of a residential building. Structural systems and elements for industrial construction]. Moscow: Arkhitektura-S [in Russian]. 5. Rutkovskyi Z.M. Hladyshev D.H. (2010). Arkhitektura budivel i sporud [Architecture of buildings and structures]. Konspekt lektsii dlia studentiv bazovykh napriamiv: „Budivnytsvo”, „Pozhezhna bezpeka”. Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky [in Ukraine]. 6. Hladyshev D.H. Rymar Ya.V. (2016). Arkhitektura budivel i sporud [Architecture of buildings and structures]. Metodychni vkazivky do vykonannia kursovoi roboty na temu: „Odnorodynnyi zhytlovyi budynok” dlia studentiv bazovykh napriamiv: „Budivnytstvo”, „Pozhezhna bezpeka”. Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky [in Ukraine]. 7.