Pumping Stations (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Hydraulic Engineering, Water Engineering and Water Technologies
Code of subject: 6.194.00.O.71
Credits: 3.00
Department: Department of Hydraulic and Water Engineering
Lecturer: Senior lecturer Bohdan Pitsyshyn
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • Formulate tasks for solving problem situations in professional and/or academic activities. • Describe the structure of objects of professional activity, explain their purpose, principles and modes of operation • Find optimal engineering solutions when choosing water technologies, facility designs, energy-saving measures in the field of professional activity
Required prior and related subjects: • CAD in hydraulic engineering • Technical mechanics of liquids and gases • Engineering hydraulics • Hydrotechnical structures • Small hydropower • Water intake facilities • Fishery facilities
Summary of the subject: Types of pumping stations of water supply and drainage systems. Appointment of pumping stations. The main requirements for their buildings and equipment. Schematic diagrams of pumping stations. Types of pumping stations. The main power and auxiliary equipment of pumping stations. Composition of pump station equipment. Pump drive motors of various types. Garbage retention devices. Close it. Latches, valves. Lifting and transport mechanisms. Equipment for filling pumps, technical water supply, drainage and drainage systems. Control and measuring equipment of pumping stations. Pipes and shaped parts of intrastation communications. Selection of the main equipment of pumping stations. Requirements for the selection of calculation modes of operation of pumping stations. Calculation of the mode of operation of pumping stations. Peculiarities of water management calculations of industrial pumping stations. Determination of the calculated pressure. Selection of the type and number of pumps to be installed. Determination of the permissible height of suction and the mark of laying the foundation of the pumping unit. Determination of the permissible height of suction and the mark of laying the foundation of the pumping unit. Water pumping stations. Specific features of water pumping stations. Basic structural solutions of pump station buildings. Suction pipelines. Pressure pipelines. Location of pumping units and determination of the main dimensions of the buildings of the pumping station. The underground part of the pumping station building. Foundations and supporting structures. The above-ground part of the building of the pumping station. Pumping stations of I lift. Pumping stations of the II rise. Pumping stations and installations for taking underground water. Booster pumping stations. Circulating pumping stations. Mobile pumping stations. Sewage pumping stations. Appointment of sewage pumping stations. Their main elements. Schemes of sewage pumping stations. Classification of sewage pumping stations. Reception tanks of sewage pumping stations. Placement of pumping units. Peculiarities of arrangement of suction and pressure pipelines. Water supply of sewage pumping stations. Constructions of sewage pumping stations. Special types of sewage pumping stations.
Assessment methods and criteria: • current oral examination (30%) • final control (exam): written-oral form (70%)
Recommended books: 1. DBN V. 2.5.-74:2013. Vodopostachannia. Zovnishni merezhi ta sporudy. Osnovni polozhennia proektuvannia. Ministerstvo rehionalnoho rozvytku, budivnytstva ta zhytlovo-komunalnoho hospodarstva Ukrainy, 2013. 2. DBN V.2.5-75:2013. Kanalizatsiia. Zovnishni merezhi ta sporudy. Osnovni polozhennia proektuvannia. 3. Konstantinov Yu.M., Hizha O.O. Tekhnichna mekhanika ridyny i hazu: Pidruchnyk. – K.: Vyshcha shkola, 2002. – 277 s. 4. Sribniuk S.M. Hidravlichni ta aerodynamichni mashyny. Osnovy teorii i zastosuvannia: Navchalnyi posibnyk. – Kyiv: Tsentr navchalnoi literatury, 2004. – 328 s. 5. Yevreienko Yu.P., Herasymov H.H. Nasosni stantsii: interaktyvnyi kompleks navchalno-metodychnoho zabezpechennia. – Rivne: NUVHP, 2008. – 125 s. 6. Nasosni ta povitroduvni stantsii : navch. posibnyk / T. O. Shevchenko, Yu. V. Yaroshenko, M. M. Yakovenko, V. M. Bieliaieva ; Kharkiv. nats. un-t misk. hos- va im. O. M. Beketova. – Kharkiv : KhNUMH, 2014. – 195 s. 7. Hidroaerodynamichni mashyny ta nasosni stantsii: konstruktsii, ekspluatatsiia, nadiinist. Slovnyk-dovidnyk / V.A. Huryn, Yu.P. Yevreienko. Pid red. V.A. Huryna. – Rivne: NUVHP, 2008. – 188 s. 8. Grundfos System Guide Commercial Services : [kataloh nasosnoho oborudovanyia 2004 h.], 2004. – 229 s. 9. Calpeda Creative Tecnology : [kataloh nasosnoho oborudovanyia 01/2006], 2006. – 221 s. 10. Montazh system vneshneho vodosnabzhenyy y kanalyzatsyy / Pod red. A. K. Pereshyvkyna. – [4-e yzd., pererab. y dop.]. – Moskva : Stroiyzdat, 1988. – 563 s. 11. Naumenko I.I. Tekhnichna mekhanika ridyny i hazu. – Rivne: Vyd-vo Rivnen. derzh. un-tu, 2000. 12. Evett J.B., Liu Cheng. 2,500 Solved Problems In Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics.– McGraw-Hill; 1 ed., 1989. – 800 p. 13. Kundu P.K., Cohen I.M. Fluid Mechanics, Second Edition.– Academic Press; 2 ed. 2001. – 700 p.

Pumping Stations

Major: Hydraulic Engineering, Water Engineering and Water Technologies
Code of subject: 6.194.00.O.69
Credits: 4.00
Department: Department of Hydraulic and Water Engineering
Lecturer: Senior lecturer Bohdan Pitsyshyn
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • Formulate tasks for solving problem situations in professional and/or academic activities. • Describe the structure of objects of professional activity, explain their purpose, principles and modes of operation • Find optimal engineering solutions when choosing water technologies, facility designs, energy-saving measures in the field of professional activity
Required prior and related subjects: • CAD in hydraulic engineering • Technical mechanics of liquids and gases • Engineering hydraulics • Hydrotechnical structures • Small hydropower • Water intake facilities • Fishery facilities
Summary of the subject: Types of pumping stations of water supply and drainage systems. Appointment of pumping stations. The main requirements for their buildings and equipment. Schematic diagrams of pumping stations. Types of pumping stations. The main power and auxiliary equipment of pumping stations. Composition of pump station equipment. Pump drive motors of various types. Garbage retention devices. Close it. Latches, valves. Lifting and transport mechanisms. Equipment for filling pumps, technical water supply, drainage and drainage systems. Control and measuring equipment of pumping stations. Pipes and shaped parts of intrastation communications. Selection of the main equipment of pumping stations. Requirements for the selection of calculation modes of operation of pumping stations. Calculation of the mode of operation of pumping stations. Peculiarities of water management calculations of industrial pumping stations. Determination of the calculated pressure. Selection of the type and number of pumps to be installed. Determination of the permissible height of suction and the mark of laying the foundation of the pumping unit. Determination of the permissible height of suction and the mark of laying the foundation of the pumping unit. Water pumping stations. Specific features of water pumping stations. Basic structural solutions of pump station buildings. Suction pipelines. Pressure pipelines. Location of pumping units and determination of the main dimensions of the buildings of the pumping station. The underground part of the pumping station building. Foundations and supporting structures. The above-ground part of the building of the pumping station. Pumping stations of I lift. Pumping stations of the II rise. Pumping stations and installations for taking underground water. Booster pumping stations. Circulating pumping stations. Mobile pumping stations. Sewage pumping stations. Appointment of sewage pumping stations. Their main elements. Schemes of sewage pumping stations. Classification of sewage pumping stations. Reception tanks of sewage pumping stations. Placement of pumping units. Peculiarities of arrangement of suction and pressure pipelines. Water supply of sewage pumping stations. Constructions of sewage pumping stations. Special types of sewage pumping stations.
Assessment methods and criteria: • current oral examination (30%) • final control (exam): written-oral form (70%)
Recommended books: 1. DBN V. 2.5.-74:2013. Vodopostachannia. Zovnishni merezhi ta sporudy. Osnovni polozhennia proektuvannia. Ministerstvo rehionalnoho rozvytku, budivnytstva ta zhytlovo-komunalnoho hospodarstva Ukrainy, 2013. 2. DBN V.2.5-75:2013. Kanalizatsiia. Zovnishni merezhi ta sporudy. Osnovni polozhennia proektuvannia. 3. Konstantinov Yu.M., Hizha O.O. Tekhnichna mekhanika ridyny i hazu: Pidruchnyk. – K.: Vyshcha shkola, 2002. – 277 s. 4. Sribniuk S.M. Hidravlichni ta aerodynamichni mashyny. Osnovy teorii i zastosuvannia: Navchalnyi posibnyk. – Kyiv: Tsentr navchalnoi literatury, 2004. – 328 s. 5. Yevreienko Yu.P., Herasymov H.H. Nasosni stantsii: interaktyvnyi kompleks navchalno-metodychnoho zabezpechennia. – Rivne: NUVHP, 2008. – 125 s. 6. Nasosni ta povitroduvni stantsii : navch. posibnyk / T. O. Shevchenko, Yu. V. Yaroshenko, M. M. Yakovenko, V. M. Bieliaieva ; Kharkiv. nats. un-t misk. hos- va im. O. M. Beketova. – Kharkiv : KhNUMH, 2014. – 195 s. 7. Hidroaerodynamichni mashyny ta nasosni stantsii: konstruktsii, ekspluatatsiia, nadiinist. Slovnyk-dovidnyk / V.A. Huryn, Yu.P. Yevreienko. Pid red. V.A. Huryna. – Rivne: NUVHP, 2008. – 188 s. 8. Grundfos System Guide Commercial Services : [kataloh nasosnoho oborudovanyia 2004 h.], 2004. – 229 s. 9. Calpeda Creative Tecnology : [kataloh nasosnoho oborudovanyia 01/2006], 2006. – 221 s. 10. Montazh system vneshneho vodosnabzhenyy y kanalyzatsyy / Pod red. A. K. Pereshyvkyna. – [4-e yzd., pererab. y dop.]. – Moskva : Stroiyzdat, 1988. – 563 s. 11. Naumenko I.I. Tekhnichna mekhanika ridyny i hazu. – Rivne: Vyd-vo Rivnen. derzh. un-tu, 2000. 12. Evett J.B., Liu Cheng. 2,500 Solved Problems In Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics.– McGraw-Hill; 1 ed., 1989. – 800 p. 13. Kundu P.K., Cohen I.M. Fluid Mechanics, Second Edition.– Academic Press; 2 ed. 2001. – 700 p.