Water Engineering (курсовий проєкт)

Major: Hydraulic Engineering, Water Engineering and Water Technologies
Code of subject: 6.194.00.O.30
Credits: 3.00
Department: Department of Hydraulic and Water Engineering
Lecturer: Hnativ R.M.
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: General: - possession of a culture of thinking, the ability to generalize, analyze, perceive information, set goals and choose ways to achieve it; - use of the basic laws of natural disciplines in professional activity, application of methods of mathematical analysis and modeling, theoretical and experimental research; - the ability to identify the natural science essence of the problems that arise in the process of professional activity, to involve for their solution the appropriate physical and mathematical apparatus. Professional: - knowledge of the regulatory framework in the field of engineering research, the principles of design of buildings, structures, engineering systems and equipment, planning and development of settlements; - ability to carry out preliminary feasibility studies of design calculations, develop design and working technical documentation, draw up completed design and construction works, control compliance of developed projects and technical documentation of the building, standards, specifications and other regulations.
Required prior and related subjects: Previous disciplines: - Higher mathematics; - Physics; - Engineering geodesy; - Strength of Materials. Related and the following disciplines: - Technical mechanics of liquids and gases; - Hydraulic structures; - Hydraulic and aerodynamic machines, pumping stations; - Operation of water management facilities.
Summary of the subject: 1. Calculation of water balance of the rhizome layer of soil. 2. Determining the irrigation regime of crops. 3. Calculation of closed drainage and determination of elements of the regulating drainage network of drainage systems of permeable and poorly permeable soils. 4. Determination of the elements of the conductive and enclosing drainage network, the estimated water consumption. 5. Hydraulic calculation of the sizes of conducting channels and calculation of the closed collector of a drainage network. 6. Calculation of a closed irrigation network when watering with a sprinkler. Calculation of irrigation from the pond on the local runoff. 7. Calculation of the system of washing and drainage of irrigated lands. 8. Determining the parameters of the main elements of the irrigation pumping station. 9. Calculation of embankment to prevent flooding of lands in the river floodplain. Calculation of water retention shaft in preventing the growth of ravines and landslides.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control (PC): 30. Examination control: - written component 40 - oral component 30. Total for the discipline: 100.
Recommended books: Basic 1. Agricultural hydraulic reclamation (edited by S.M. Goncharova, S.M. Korobchenko) .: Textbook.- Lviv: Higher School., 1988. 2. Agricultural land reclamation (edited by S.M. Goncharov, G.S. Potocki) .: Textbook. -K .: Higher school, 1991.-3 89p. 3. Lazarchuk M.O. Land drainage .: Textbook.- K .: 1997. 244 p. 4. Design of drainage systems with CAD basics. workshop (Lazarchuk M.O., Rokochinsky A.M., Cherenkov A.V.). K .: ISDO, 1994. 5. Oleynik A.Ya., Polyakov V.L. Drainage of overhumidified lands.- K .: Scientific Opinion, 1987. 6. Land reclamation and water management. 3. Drainage. Handbook (ed. Maslova BS). M .: Agropromizdat, 1990. 7. Land reclamation and water management. 6. Irrigation. Handbook (ed. Chumakova B.B.). M .: Agropromizdat, 1990. 8. DBN V. 2.4.-1-99 Reclamation systems and structures. K .: State Construction Committee of Ukraine, 2000. Auxiliary 1. Workshop on agricultural hydraulic reclamation (ES Markov, IP Aidarov, AA Bogushchansky, etc.) - M .: Agropromizdat, 1986. 2. Enlarged norms of water consumption for irrigation in the climatic zones of the USSR, 1984. 3. Agricultural reclamation (edited by SM Goncharova, SM Korobchenko) .: Textbook.-K .: Higher School, 1985. 4. Goncharov L.V. Fundamentals of artificial soil improvement (technical land reclamation) .: Ed. Moscow University, 1973. 5. Land reclamation and water management. 2. Construction: M 47 Handbook (edited by LG Balaev). M .: Kolos, 1984. 6. Pumps and reclamation pumping stations (edited by A.D. Petrik) .: Textbook.- Lviv: Higher school. Ed. near Lviv. un.-te., 1987. 7. Lazarchuk M.O. Basics of land reclamation: Land drainage. Tutorial. - Rivne: NUVGP, 2006. 8. Konstantinov Yu.M. Hydraulics.-K .: Higher School, 1981.

Water Engineering

Major: Hydraulic Engineering, Water Engineering and Water Technologies
Code of subject: 6.194.00.O.24
Credits: 4.00
Department: Department of Hydraulic and Water Engineering
Lecturer: Hnativ R.M.
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: General: - possession of a culture of thinking, the ability to generalize, analyze, perceive information, set goals and choose ways to achieve it; - use of the basic laws of natural disciplines in professional activity, application of methods of mathematical analysis and modeling, theoretical and experimental research; - the ability to identify the natural science essence of the problems that arise in the process of professional activity, to involve for their solution the appropriate physical and mathematical apparatus. Professional: - knowledge of the regulatory framework in the field of engineering research, the principles of design of buildings, structures, engineering systems and equipment, planning and development of settlements; - ability to carry out preliminary feasibility studies of design calculations, develop design and working technical documentation, draw up completed design and construction works, control compliance of developed projects and technical documentation of the building, standards, specifications and other regulations.
Required prior and related subjects: Previous disciplines: - Higher mathematics; - Physics; - Engineering geodesy; - Strength of Materials. Related and the following disciplines: - Technical mechanics of liquids and gases; - Hydraulic structures; - Hydraulic and aerodynamic machines, pumping stations; - Operation of water management facilities.
Summary of the subject: Topic 1. Types and development of land reclamation. Efficiency of land reclamation. Topic 2. Natural and climatic conditions and the need for land reclamation. Topic 3. Water regime of soils of reclaimed territories. Causes of unsatisfactory soil water regime. Topic 4. Norms of drainage of agricultural lands, settlements, industrial territories. Critical depth of groundwater level. Topic 5. Water balance calculations. Methods of soil water regime regulation. Topic 6. Methods of drainage and irrigation of agricultural land. Irrigation regime of agricultural lands. Topic 7. Types of irrigation systems depending on natural-agro-ameliorative conditions. Topic 8. Stages of creation of water management and reclamation facilities: design, construction, operation. Topic 9. Types of reclamation systems of the humid zone. Elements of drainage systems. Topic 10. Design in terms of components of drainage systems. Topic 11. Regulating drainage network. Construction and parameters of closed drainage, open channels. Calculations of elements of the regulating drainage network. Topic 12. Conductive and fencing drainage network. Water consumption in the canals and the size of the canals. Topic 13. Designs of drainage systems. Buildings on drainage systems. Moistening of drained lands. Topic 14. Features of drainage and wetting measures in poorly permeable soils. Water regime control with the help of drainage and drainage-humidification systems. Topic 15. Types and elements of irrigation systems. Methods and techniques of watering. Topic 16. Design in terms of irrigation network in different ways irrigation. Topic 17. Water consumption in the irrigation network, the size of canals and closed pipelines. Topic 18. Sources of irrigation. Designs of irrigation systems, constructions on them. Topic 19. Irrigation systems in saline lands. Irrigation systems in the conditions of sewage irrigation. Rice irrigation systems. Water regime control by means of irrigation systems. Topic 20. Regulation of groundwater levels in settlements and industrial areas. Flooding of lands. Topic 21. Methods and structures for protection of areas from surface flooding and flooding. Topic 22. Reconstruction of irrigation systems. The main tasks and necessary measures. Topic 23. Soil erosion and control. Topic 24. Environmental measures in areas of drainage and irrigation reclamation.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control (PC): 30. Examination control: - written component 40 - oral component 30. Total for the discipline: 100.
Recommended books: Basic 1. Agricultural hydraulic reclamation (edited by S.M. Goncharova, S.M. Korobchenko) .: Textbook.- Lviv: Higher School., 1988. 2. Agricultural land reclamation (edited by S.M. Goncharov, G.S. Potocki) .: Textbook. -K .: Higher school, 1991.-3 89p. 3. Lazarchuk MO Land drainage .: Textbook.- K .: 1997. 244 p. 4. Design of drainage systems with CAD basics. workshop (Lazarchuk M.O., Rokochinsky A.M., Cherenkov A.V.). K .: ISDO, 1994. 5. Oleynik A.Ya., Polyakov V.L. Drainage of overhumidified lands.- K .: Scientific Opinion, 1987. 6. Land reclamation and water management. 3. Drainage. Handbook (ed. Maslova BS). M .: Agropromizdat, 1990. 7. Land reclamation and water management. 6. Irrigation. Handbook (ed. Chumakova B.B.). M .: Agropromizdat, 1990. 8. DBN V. 2.4.-1-99 Reclamation systems and structures. K .: State Construction Committee of Ukraine, 2000. Auxiliary 1. Workshop on agricultural hydraulic reclamation (ES Markov, IP Aidarov, AA Bogushchansky, etc.) - M .: Agropromizdat, 1986. 2. Enlarged norms of water consumption for irrigation in the climatic zones of the USSR, 1984. 3. Agricultural reclamation (edited by SM Goncharova, SM Korobchenko) .: Textbook.-K .: Higher School, 1985. 4. Goncharov L.V. Fundamentals of artificial soil improvement (technical land reclamation) .: Ed. Moscow University, 1973. 5. Land reclamation and water management. 2. Construction: M 47 Handbook (edited by LG Balaev). M .: Kolos, 1984. 6. Pumps and reclamation pumping stations (edited by A.D. Petrik) .: Textbook.- Lviv: Higher school. Ed. near Lviv. un.-te., 1987. 7. Lazarchuk M.O. Basics of land reclamation: Land drainage. Tutorial. - Rivne: NUVGP, 2006. 8. Konstantinov Yu.M. Hydraulics.-K .: Higher School, 1981.