Technical Mechanics of Liquid and Gas (курсова робота)

Major: Hydraulic Engineering, Water Engineering and Water Technologies
Code of subject: 6.194.00.O.20
Credits: 2.00
Department: Department of Hydraulic and Water Engineering
Lecturer: Assoc. Prof., PhD Volodymyr Zhuk
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • Be able to calculate the water supply distribution network; • Be able to develop designs for construction of water networks.
Required prior and related subjects: • Higher mathematics, • Physics; • Theoretical mechanics.
Summary of the subject: The hydraulic calculation of branched or looped pipeline in different modes of work. Longitudinal profiles with piezometric pressure lines. Design of the water supply structures (water manhole, water tower, switching manhole).
Assessment methods and criteria: final control (test): defense of the course project (100%)
Recommended books: 1. Konstantinov Yu. M. Tekhnichna mekhanika ridyny i hazu: Pidruchnyk / Yu. M. Konstantinov, O. O. Hizha — K.: Vyshcha shkola, 2002. — 277 s. 2. Spravochnyk po hydravlyke / Pod red. V. A. Bolshakova — 3-e yzd., pererab. y dop. — K.: Vyshcha shkola, 1984. — 343 s.

Technical Mechanics of Liquid and Gas

Major: Hydraulic Engineering, Water Engineering and Water Technologies
Code of subject: 6.194.00.O.19
Credits: 8.00
Department: Department of Hydraulic and Water Engineering
Lecturer: Assoc. Prof., PhD Volodymyr Zhuk
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • knowledge of the theory of equilibrium and flow of fluids and gases; • knowledge of basic equations and dependencies required to perform hydraulic calculations of the elements of hydraulic structures, pipelines etc.; • knowledge of the methods of hydraulic calculations; • ability to analyze and solve problems to determine the pressure and the forces on the elements of hydraulic structures, walls of reservoirs and pipelines; • ability to determine the diameters and pressures in the pipeline, the capacity of holes and nozzles in steady and unsteady movement.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: • High Mathematics • Physics
Summary of the subject: Hydrostatics. Pressure force on flat and curved surfaces. Fundamentals of kinematics and dynamics of liquid. Bernoulli equation for viscous flow of liquid and gas. Flow regimes. Hydraulic resistance. Loss of pressure. Loss of pressure on the length in laminar and turbulent flows. Local hydraulic resistance. Weisbach equation. Relative motion of solids and flows. Steady flows of fluids and gases in pressurized pipelines. Hydraulic calculation of short simple conduits. Siphon pipelines. Sequential and parallel connection of pipes. The hydraulic characteristics of the pipeline. Pipelines with variable discharge along the length. Steady flows of liquids and gases through the holes and nozzles. Unsteady fluid flows in pressure systems. Hydraulic hammer in pipelines. Uniform stationary motion in open channels and non-pressurized pipelines. Flow of groundwater. Fundamentals of hydraulic modelling.
Assessment methods and criteria: • current oral examination (30%) • final control (exam): written-oral form (70%)
Recommended books: 1. Konstantinov Yu.M., Hizha O.O. Tekhnichna mekhanika ridyny i hazu: Pidruchnyk. – K.: Vyshcha shkola, 2002. – 277 s. 2. Mandrus V.I. Hidravlika, hidro- ta pnevmopryvody viiskovykh mashyn: Pidruchnyk / V.I. Mandrus, V.M. Zhuk. – Lviv: ASV, 2013. – 372 s. 3. Naumenko I.I. Tekhnichna mekhanika ridyny i hazu. – Rivne: Vyd-vo Rivnen. derzh. un-tu, 2000.