Fundamentals of Occupational Safety and Health

Major: Management
Code of subject: 6.073.00.O.064
Credits: 3.00
Department: Civil safety
Lecturer: Associate Professor Korzh Galina
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: PLO 1. Know their rights and responsibilities as a member of society, understand the values of civil society, the rule of law, human and civil rights and freedoms in Ukraine PLO 2. Preserve moral, cultural, scientific values and increase the achievements of society, use different types and forms of physical activity to lead a healthy lifestyle
Required prior and related subjects: prerequisites: Human Resource Management. co-requisites: Bachelor Thesis Completion, Defence of Bachelor’s Thesis.
Summary of the subject: Introduction. General issues of labor protection (OP). Legal issues with OP Organizational issues with OP Occupational safety training. Occupational hygiene and industrial sanitation Analysis of working conditions. General approaches to the assessment of working conditions. Microclimate of industrial premises. Production noise. Sources, classification. Normalization. Control, protection measures. Fundamentals of industrial safety. Electrical safety The effect of electric current on the body of the worker. Electrical safety Conditions of defeat. Single-phase and two-phase connection to the network. Touch voltage, step voltage. Fundamentals of fire prevention at production facilities Fire safety. Smoke and explosion protection of buildings and structures. Occupational safety measures when working with computer equipment Categorical apparatus for life safety, taxonomy of dangers. Risk as a quantitative assessment of danger. Socio-political dangers Life safety in emergency situations. Organization and management of life safety
Assessment methods and criteria: • • Current control (written reports on laboratory work, execution of calculation and graphic works) (60%) • • final control (40%, control measure)
Recommended books: 1. Батлук В.А., Кулик В.М., Яцюк Р.А. (2011). Охорона праці: навч. Посібник; Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 388 с. 2. Гогіташвілі Г.Г. та ін. (2007).Управління охороною праці та ризиком за міжнародними стандартами; К.: Знання, 367с. 3. Гогіташвілі Г.Г., Лапін В.М (2008). Основи охорони праці; К.: Знання, 302 с. 4. Катренко Л.А., Кіт Ю.В., Пістун І.П. (2007). Охорона праці. Курс лекцій. Практикум: Нав. посібник. 2-ге вид.; Суми: ВТД «Університетська книга», 496 с. 5. Кучерявий В.П., Павлюк Ю.Є., Кузик А.Д. (2007). Охорона праці: нав. Посібник; Львів: Оріяна-Нова, 368 с.