Defence of Bachelor’s Thesis

Major: Management
Code of subject: 6.073.04.O.141
Credits: 3.00
Department: Foreign Trade and Customs
Lecturer: Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Olha H. Melnyk
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: PLO 3. Demonstrate knowledge of theories, methods, and functions of management, modern concepts of leadership. PLO 4. Demonstrate skills to identify problems and justify management decisions. PLO 6. Identify skills of search, collection, and analysis of information, calculation of indicators to justify management decisions. PLO 12. Assess the legal, social, and economic consequences of the organization. PLO 16. Demonstrate skills of independent work, flexible thinking, openness to new knowledge, be critical and self-critical. PLO 18. Ability to demonstrate basic knowledge in the field of strategic, operational, innovation, anticrisis, financial, investment, anticipatory, creative management of organizations and their departments. PLO 19. Basic knowledge for the implementation of innovative activities in the linear and functional units of organizations of tourism and recreation of various forms of ownership and organizational - legal forms, in public authorities, local governments. PLO 20. Ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of the processes of international economic operations, their organizational, financial, resource, legal, logistical, customs, transport, forwarding, insurance, management support. PLO 21. Ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of the processes of international cooperation and business, integration and globalization, factors and parameters of the modern international economic environment, management systems of international economic and customs activities. PLO 24. Ability to plan various activities, build organizational structures for the management of organizations and departments, use effective systems of employee motivation and remuneration, ensure effective quality control and management processes regulation. PLO 25. Ability to establish and maintain relationships with the external environment, analyze the market situation of tourist and recreational innovative products, make optimal management decisions in the field of tourism and recreational activities, provide documentary support and effective implementation at all levels of management.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Pre-diploma practice on the subject of the bachelor's qualification work Requirements: defense of a bachelor's thesis
Summary of the subject: The analysis of enterprise - the research object: general characteristics of enterprise’s activity, characteristics of management system, diagnozing the enterprise’s production and commercial activities, analyzing the enterprise’s foreign economic activity, analyzing the research management or economic sphere of enterprise, identification and grounding the problems in research management or economic sphere at enterprise. Development of proposals for improving the research management or economic sphere at enterprise: grounding and complex characteristics of the proposals for improving the specific management or economic sphere of enterprise, preparing the technological and organizational support for the proposals, financial and economic grounding of proposals for improving the specific management or economic sphere at enterprise.
Assessment methods and criteria: The bachelor's qualification work should be characterized by logic, evidence, argumentation and meet the following requirements: • contain an in-depth analysis of the researched tasks; • contain calculations made using modern software; • contain well-founded proposals for improving certain areas of the object's marketing activity, based on the materials of which the bachelor's qualification work is being performed; • have proper registration; • have all the necessary accompanying documents.
Recommended books: 1. Дипломна кваліфікаційна робота (ОР «Бакалавр»): метод. вказівки до дипломної роботи для студентів напряму підготовки 6.030601 «Менеджмент» усіх форм навчання / укл. О.Є. Кузьмін, О.Г. Мельник, Ю.Л. Чиркова, М.Є. Адамів, А.В. Тодощук. – Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016. – 56 с. 2. Кузьмін О.Є. Теоретичні та прикладні засади менеджменту: [навч. посібн.] / О.Є. Кузьмін, О.Г. Мельник. – 3-є вид. доп. і перероб. – Львів: Національний університет «Львівська політехніка», «Інтелект-Захід», 2007. – 384 с. 3. Кузьмін О.Є. Економічна діагностика: [навч. посіб.] / О.Є. Кузьмін, О.Г. Мельник. – К.: Знання, 2012. – 318 с. 4. Бюджетування зовнішньоекономічної діяльності: [навч. посібник] / О.Є. Кузьмін, О.Г. Мельник, О.В. Мукан, М.Є. Адамів, А.В. Тодощук. – Львів: Видавництво «Растр-7», 2014. – 242 с.

Defence of Bachelor’s Thesis

Major: Management
Code of subject: 6.073.05.O.165
Credits: 3.00
Department: Foreign Trade and Customs
Lecturer: Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Olha H. Melnyk
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: PLO 3. Demonstrate knowledge of theories, methods, and functions of management, modern concepts of leadership. PLO 4. Demonstrate skills to identify problems and justify management decisions. PLO 6. Identify skills of search, collection, and analysis of information, calculation of indicators to justify management decisions. PLO 12. Assess the legal, social, and economic consequences of the organization. PLO 16. Demonstrate skills of independent work, flexible thinking, openness to new knowledge, be critical and self-critical. PLO 18. Ability to demonstrate basic knowledge in the field of strategic, operational, innovation, anticrisis, financial, investment, anticipatory, creative management of organizations and their departments. PLO 19. Basic knowledge for the implementation of innovative activities in the linear and functional units of organizations of tourism and recreation of various forms of ownership and organizational - legal forms, in public authorities, local governments. PLO 20. Ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of the processes of international economic operations, their organizational, financial, resource, legal, logistical, customs, transport, forwarding, insurance, management support. PLO 21. Ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of the processes of international cooperation and business, integration and globalization, factors and parameters of the modern international economic environment, management systems of international economic and customs activities. PLO 24. Ability to plan various activities, build organizational structures for the management of organizations and departments, use effective systems of employee motivation and remuneration, ensure effective quality control and management processes regulation. PLO 25. Ability to establish and maintain relationships with the external environment, analyze the market situation of tourist and recreational innovative products, make optimal management decisions in the field of tourism and recreational activities, provide documentary support and effective implementation at all levels of management.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Pre-diploma practice on the subject of the bachelor's qualification work Requirements: defense of a bachelor's thesis
Summary of the subject: The analysis of enterprise - the research object: general characteristics of enterprise’s activity, characteristics of management system, diagnozing the enterprise’s production and commercial activities, analyzing the enterprise’s foreign economic activity, analyzing the research management or economic sphere of enterprise, identification and grounding the problems in research management or economic sphere at enterprise. Development of proposals for improving the research management or economic sphere at enterprise: grounding and complex characteristics of the proposals for improving the specific management or economic sphere of enterprise, preparing the technological and organizational support for the proposals, financial and economic grounding of proposals for improving the specific management or economic sphere at enterprise.
Assessment methods and criteria: The bachelor's qualification work should be characterized by logic, evidence, argumentation and meet the following requirements: • contain an in-depth analysis of the researched tasks; • contain calculations made using modern software; • contain well-founded proposals for improving certain areas of the object's marketing activity, based on the materials of which the bachelor's qualification work is being performed; • have proper registration; • have all the necessary accompanying documents.
Recommended books: 1. Дипломна кваліфікаційна робота (ОР «Бакалавр»): метод. вказівки до дипломної роботи для студентів напряму підготовки 6.030601 «Менеджмент» усіх форм навчання / укл. О.Є. Кузьмін, О.Г. Мельник, Ю.Л. Чиркова, М.Є. Адамів, А.В. Тодощук. – Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016. – 56 с. 2. Кузьмін О.Є. Теоретичні та прикладні засади менеджменту: [навч. посібн.] / О.Є. Кузьмін, О.Г. Мельник. – 3-є вид. доп. і перероб. – Львів: Національний університет «Львівська політехніка», «Інтелект-Захід», 2007. – 384 с. 3. Кузьмін О.Є. Економічна діагностика: [навч. посіб.] / О.Є. Кузьмін, О.Г. Мельник. – К.: Знання, 2012. – 318 с. 4. Бюджетування зовнішньоекономічної діяльності: [навч. посібник] / О.Є. Кузьмін, О.Г. Мельник, О.В. Мукан, М.Є. Адамів, А.В. Тодощук. – Львів: Видавництво «Растр-7», 2014. – 242 с.

Defence of Bachelor’s Thesis

Major: Management
Code of subject: 6.073.06.O.187
Credits: 3.00
Department: Human Resource Management and Administration
Lecturer: Chairman and members of the examination committee
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Students are expected to acquire following knowledges: - the general laws of functioning and development of the economy of labor and personnel management; - development and implementation of personnel policy in modern organizations; - the conditions for the emergence and effective functioning of the labor market and the mechanism for its self-regulation; - theoretical foundations of labor economics and personnel management, necessary for the development of professionally oriented disciplines; - content of the personnel management process, regulation and stimulation of labor and methods for improving its efficiency; - the social, ecological, ethical, technical and technological aspects that influence the formation of decisions in the field of labor economics and personnel management. Students are expected to acquire following skills: - identify problems of personal development and self-actualization of the person in the labor market and to use synergy of human potential through motivation of personnel, corporate culture, personnel behavior management and modern technologies of leadership in the organization; - understand and consider social, ecological, ethical, technical and technological aspects affecting decisions in the field of labor economics and personnel management; - demonstrate knowledge of ways of motivating employees of enterprises and organizations to work effectively and increase their performance; - evaluate and analyze the level of satisfaction of employees by the organization of labor and to apply the basic methods of labor valuation at the enterprise; - segment the labor market by different attributes (territorial and professional approach) and analyze the characteristics of employment and unemployment of the population; - develop and implement modern technologies of personnel management into the practice of business entities in compliance with the requirements of Ukrainian legislation.
Required prior and related subjects: Korrequisites: Bachelor Thesis Defence.
Summary of the subject: Abstract. Introduction. Research and analytical part. The methodological part. Recommendations part. Conclusions. References. Attachments.
Assessment methods and criteria: Final state examination includes the defence of bachelor thesis (100%).
Recommended books: 1. Економіка праці: навч. посібник / Т.В. Склярук, Я.В. Панас. – Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки. – 2017. – 236 с. 2. Економічний аналіз: Підручник. – 3-тє вид., перероб. і доп. Затверджено МОН / Кіндрацька Г.І., Білик М.С., Загородній А.Г. – К.: Знання, 2008. – 487 с. 3. Захарчин Г.М. Корпоративна культура: навчальний посібник / Г.М. Захарчин, Н.П. Любомудрова, Р.О. Винничук, Н.В. Смолінська. – Львів: «Новий світ-2000», 2011. – 342 с. 4. Захарчин Г.М. Основи підприємництва: Навчальний посібник / Г.М. Захарчин, 2-ге вид., перероблене і доповнене – К.: Знання, 2013. – 407с. 5. Захарчин Г.М. Управління конфліктами: навчальний посібник / Г.М. Захарчин, Р.О. Винничук. – Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2017. – 160 c. 6. Захарчин Г.М. Управління персоналом: Навчальний посібник / Г.М. Захарчин, Л.Р. Струтинська, Н.П. Любомудрова, Р.О. Винничук. – Львів: Вид-во Львівської політехніки, 2013. – 260 с. 7. Кузьмін О.Є. Теоретичні та практичні засади менеджменту: Навч. посібник / О.Є. Кузьмін, О.Г. Мельник. – Львів: 2002. – 228 с. 8. Ситник Й.С. Економіка і фінанси підприємства: Навчальний посібник / Й.С. Ситник, 2-ге вид., перероблене і доповнене. – Львів: «Тріада плюс», 2013. – 244с.

Defence of Bachelor’s Thesis

Major: Management
Code of subject: 6.073.07.O.210
Credits: 3.00
Department: Marketing and Logistics
Lecturer: Dr. Evgen V. Krykavskyy, secretary – Tayisiya V. Nakonechna.
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: The graduate get the degree of "Bachelor in Management by Logistics specialization" and state diploma on the basis of the decision of State Examination Commission in accordance with the public defense of master's qualification work.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: pre-diploma practical, Fulfillment of Bachelor’s Thesis.
Summary of the subject: Preparation of Bachelor’s Thesis to defense: graphic material development, supervisor and consultants signing, getting reference from the company and supervisor, preliminary defense, signing of the work by the head of the department, reviewing. The organization of Bachelor’s Thesis defense: preparing the report and illustrations. Defense of Bachelor’s Thesis: public report with the demonstration of main research results, answers to questions of the State Examination Commission and other participating specialists.
Assessment methods and criteria: Defense of Bachelor’s Thesis (100 %).
Recommended books: Методичні рекомендації до виконання бакалаврських кваліфікаційних робіт для студентів напряму підготовки 6.030601 «Менеджмент» освітньо-кваліфікаційного рівня «Бакалавр» (фахове спрямування «Логістика») / Укл. Крикавський Є.В., Гринів Н.Т., Чорнописька Н.В.. - Львів: НУ «Львівська політехніка», 2015. – 30 с.

Defence of Bachelor’s Thesis

Major: Management
Code of subject: 6.073.01.O.093
Credits: 3.00
Department: Organizational Management
Lecturer: Chairman of the EC: Chelak Natalia - Head of the Reinsurance Department of PJSC ASSK "SKARBNYTSYA". Secretary: PhD Yuliia Bondarenko. EC members: Karyy Oleg - Doctor of Economics, Professor; Dziubina Andrii - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Matviy Ihor - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor: Protsak Kateryna - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor.
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: 1. Demonstrate knowledge of theories, methods, and functions of management, modern concepts of leadership. 2. Demonstrate skills to identify problems and justify management decisions. 3. Identify skills of search, collection, and analysis of information, calculation of indicators to justify management decisions. 4. Assess the legal, social, and economic consequences of the organization. 5. Demonstrate skills of independent work, flexible thinking, openness to new knowledge, be critical and self-critical. 6. Ability to demonstrate basic knowledge in the field of strategic, operational, innovation, anticrisis, financial, investment, anticipatory, creative management of organizations and their departments. 7. Basic knowledge for the implementation of innovative activities in the linear and functional units of organizations of tourism and recreation of various forms of ownership and organizational - legal forms, in public authorities, local governments. 8. Ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of the processes of international economic operations, their organizational, financial, resource, legal, logistical, customs, transport, forwarding, insurance, management support. 9. Ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of the processes of international cooperation and business, integration and globalization, factors and parameters of the modern international economic environment, management systems of international economic and customs activities. 10. Ability to plan various activities, build organizational structures for the management of organizations and departments, use effective systems of employee motivation and remuneration, ensure effective quality control and management processes regulation. 11. Ability to establish and maintain relationships with the external environment, analyze the market situation of tourist and recreational innovative products, make optimal management decisions in the field of tourism and recreational activities, provide documentary support and effective implementation at all levels of management. 12. Deliver information, ideas, problems, solutions, and personal experience in the area of professional activity to experts and non-experts.
Required prior and related subjects: prerequisites: successfully delivered state examination in the specialty. co-requisites: completed undergraduate program of training and successfully put measures semester control training program for bachelors on this specialty.
Summary of the subject: Introduction (relevance of the subject; purpose, object and subject of the research; methods of the research; elements of scientific novelty; practical significance of the research). Research and analytical section. Project-oriented and recommendation section. Conclusions. References. Annexes.
Assessment methods and criteria: Based on the results of public defense of the bachelor's qualification work at a closed meeting of the examination commission by a majority vote decides on the evaluation of defense and work (taking into account the response of the head, external reviewer, content of the report, answers to questions).
Recommended books: 1. Господарський кодекс України. Документ №436-IV, Дата оновлення: 06.10.2021, підстава №1630-IX URL: 2. Кодекс законів про працю України. Документ № 322-08, Дата оновлення: від 14.08.2021, підстава №1667-IX. URL: 3. Податковий кодекс України. Документ № 2755-VI, Дата оновлення: від 01.08.2021, підстава №1600-IX URL: 4. Про акціонерні товариства. Закон України. Документ №14-VI, Дата оновлення: від 06.10.2021, підстава №1630-IX URL: 5. Про господарські товариства. Закон України Документ №1576-XII, Дата оновлення: від 03.07.2020, підстава №720-IX URL: 6. Про державну реєстрацію юридичних осіб, фізичних осіб - підприємців та громадських формувань: Закон України. Документ №755-IV, Дата оновлення: від 14.08.2021, підстава №1667-IX URL: 7. Про підприємництво: Закон України. Документ №698-XII, Дата оновлення: від 29.01.2020, підстава №143-IX URL: 8. Про розвиток та державну підтримку малого і середнього підприємництва в Україні: Закон України. Документ №4618-VI, Дата оновлення: від 10.12.2020, підстава №1071-IX URL: 10. Про Антимонопольний комітет України. Закон Документ №3659-XII, Дата оновлення: від 05.08.2021, підстава №1587-IX URL: 11. Про засади державної регуляторної політики у сфері господарської діяльності. Документ №1160-IV, Дата оновлення: від 01.07.2020, підстава №79-IX URL: 12. Державна служба статистики України URL:

Defence of Bachelor’s Thesis

Major: Management
Code of subject: 6.073.03.O.117
Credits: 3.00
Department: Organizational Management
Lecturer: Chairman of the EC: Halyna Hovda – PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting and Auditing at National Forestry University. Secretary: assistant Bozhena Sheremeta. EC members: Lyubov Halkiv - Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; Lina Halaz - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Ihor Novakivskyy - Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor: Halyna Rachynska - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor.
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: 1. Demonstrate knowledge of theories, methods, and functions of management, modern concepts of leadership. 2. Demonstrate skills to identify problems and justify management decisions. 3. Identify skills of search, collection, and analysis of information, calculation of indicators to justify management decisions. 4. Assess the legal, social, and economic consequences of the organization. 5. Demonstrate skills of independent work, flexible thinking, openness to new knowledge, be critical and self-critical. 6. Ability to demonstrate basic knowledge in the field of strategic, operational, innovation, anticrisis, financial, investment, anticipatory, creative management of organizations and their departments. 7. Basic knowledge for the implementation of innovative activities in the linear and functional units of organizations of tourism and recreation of various forms of ownership and organizational - legal forms, in public authorities, local governments. 8. Ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of the processes of international economic operations, their organizational, financial, resource, legal, logistical, customs, transport, forwarding, insurance, management support. 9. Ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of the processes of international cooperation and business, integration and globalization, factors and parameters of the modern international economic environment, management systems of international economic and customs activities. 10. Ability to plan various activities, build organizational structures for the management of organizations and departments, use effective systems of employee motivation and remuneration, ensure effective quality control and management processes regulation. 11. Ability to establish and maintain relationships with the external environment, analyze the market situation of tourist and recreational innovative products, make optimal management decisions in the field of tourism and recreational activities, provide documentary support and effective implementation at all levels of management. 12. Deliver information, ideas, problems, solutions, and personal experience in the area of professional activity to experts and non-experts.
Required prior and related subjects: prerequisites: successfully delivered state examination in the specialty. co-requisites: completed undergraduate program of training and successfully put measures semester control training program for bachelors on this specialty.
Summary of the subject: Introduction (relevance of the subject; purpose, object and subject of the research; methods of the research; elements of scientific novelty; practical significance of the research). Research and analytical section. Project-oriented and recommendation section. Conclusions. References. Annexes.
Assessment methods and criteria: Based on the results of public defense of the bachelor's qualification work at a closed meeting of the examination commission by a majority vote decides on the evaluation of defense and work (taking into account the response of the head, external reviewer, content of the report, answers to questions).
Recommended books: 1. Карий О.І. та інші Менеджмент інноваційної діяльності: 1001 тест: збірник тестових завдань: навч. посіб. Львів: Растр-7, 2018. 264 c. 2. Карий О.І. та інші Менеджмент організацій і адміністрування: 1001 тест : збірник тестових завдань: навч. посіб. Львів: Растр-7, 2018. 278 c. 3. Карий О. І. та інші Публічне адміністрування: навч. посіб. Львів: ЛА "Піраміда", 2018. 227 c. 4. Новаківський І.І. та інші Інформаційно-комунікаційний менеджмент в організаціях: навч. посіб. Львів: Видавництво ННВК "АТБ", 2018. 210 c. 5. Гальків Л.І. та інші Оцінювання та підвищення ефективності інноваційних процесів: монографія. Львів: Растр-7, 2019. 250 c. 6. Новаківський І. І. та інші Інформаційні системи в менеджменті: адаптивний підхід.: підручник. Львів: Видавничий дім «Кондор», 2019. 440 c. 7. Фещур Р. В. та інші Прийняття проектних рішень: підручник. Львів: Растр-7, 2019. 402 c. 8. Матвій І. Є. та інші Управління змінами та проектами: навч. посіб. Львів: Центр Європи, 2017. 169 c. 8. Мірошник Р. О. та інші Організація та проектування операційних систем: навч.посіб. Львів: Центр Європи, 2017. 174 c. 9. Подольчак Н.Ю. та інші Управління економічними ризиками: 1001 тест: навч. посіб. Львів: Растр-7, 2017. 268 c.