Social Management

Major: Management
Code of subject: 6.073.01.E.080
Credits: 3.00
Department: Organizational Management
Lecturer: Associate Professor Halyna Rachynska
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • To know their rights and responsibilities as a member of society, to understand the values of civil society, the rule of law, human and civil rights, and freedoms in Ukraine. • Preserve moral, cultural, scientific values and increase the achievements of society, use different types and forms of physical activity to lead a healthy lifestyle. • Assess the legal, social, and economic consequences of the organization. • Demonstrate the ability to act socially responsibly and socially consciously based on ethical considerations (motives), respect for diversity, and interculturalism. • Deliver information, ideas, problems, solutions, and personal experience in the area of professional activity to experts and non-experts. • Management of complex actions or projects, responsibility for taking decisions in unexpected situations.
Required prior and related subjects: prerequisites: Public administration. co-requisites: Strategic management of the enterprise, Social Management (CR).
Summary of the subject: Social management: the essence of principles, methods and its scientific schools. Social management system. Social management mechanism. Social management decisions. Social partnership in the social and labor sphere. Social policy as a tool of social management. Corporate social responsibility. Culture as a means of social mechanism of team management. Moral and psychological climate in the team. Social leadership. Conflicts in the team and their management. Communications in social management. Information support in social management. Types of social control, determining the effectiveness of social management. Approaches to social design.
Assessment methods and criteria: • written reports on laboratory work (20%); • oral interview (20%); • final control - exam (control measure: written - oral form) (60%).
Recommended books: 1.Актуальні проблеми освітнього, публічного та соціального менеджменту: колект. монографія/Є. М. Хриков [та ін.] Держ. закл. "Луган. нац. ун - т ім. Тараса Шевченка". Харків:ХОГОКЗ, 2019. 326 с. 2.Рачинська Г.В., Копець Г. Р. Інструменти активізування соціальної відповідальності підприємств в концепції ділової досконалості бізнесу / "European Journal of Economics and Management".URL: content/uploads/2019/eujem2019 5 2.pdf no2, p.45- 54.2019 3.Рачинська Г. В., Гарасюк І. Р. Соціальна відповідальність банків у контексті забезпечення соціально - економічного розвитку країни//Приазовський економічний вісник. №2(25). 2021. URL: 4.Тернавська Т.А., Раєвська Я.М., Мельник Ж.В. Менеджмент соціальної роботи:навчально-методичний посібник Кам’янець-Подільський:Видавець Панькова А.С., 2020. 262 с.

Social Management (курсова робота)

Major: Management
Code of subject: 6.073.01.E.081
Credits: 2.00
Department: Organizational Management
Lecturer: Associate Professor Halyna Rachynska
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: • To know their rights and responsibilities as a member of society, to understand the values of civil society, the rule of law, human and civil rights, and freedoms in Ukraine. • Demonstrate knowledge of theories, methods, and functions of management, modern concepts of leadership. • Identify skills of search, collection, and analysis of information, calculation of indicators to justify management decisions. • Apply management methods to ensure the effectiveness of the organization’s activity. • Assess the legal, social, and economic consequences of the organization. • Demonstrate the ability to act socially responsibly and socially consciously based on ethical considerations (motives), respect for diversity, and interculturalism. • Deliver information, ideas, problems, solutions, and personal experience in the area of professional activity to experts and non-experts. • Management of complex actions or projects, responsibility for taking decisions in unexpected situations.
Required prior and related subjects: prerequisites: • Social management. co-requisites • Quality management.
Summary of the subject: Introduction: relevance of the problem to be solved by the course work, target groups of the social project, the geographical area covered by the activity, the main objectives of the project, the list of main activities and expected results from the implementation of the social project. Section I. Team part: description of the social project, characteristics of participants, key partners, resources, relations with contractors, market analysis, project planning and implementation, creation of the Internet page, team results and conclusions. Section II. Individual part: personal responsibility of the participant for the development and implementation of a social project. Conclusions (final presentation of project results).
Assessment methods and criteria: • meaningful execution of sections - 60 points; • registration of work - 10 points; • oral defense of work and project presentation -30 points.
Recommended books: 1.Соціальне підприємництво: від ідеї до суспільних змін. Посібник / Свинчук А.А., Корнецький А.О., Гончарова М.А., Назарук В.Я., Гусак Н.Є., Туманова А.А. К:ТОВ «ПІДПРИЄМСТВО «ВІ ЕН ЕЙ», 2017.188 с. 2. Безпалько О.В. Соціальне проектування: навч. посібник / О.В. Безпалько; Київ. ун-т ім. Б. Грінченка, Ін-т психології та соц. педагогіки. – К. : [б.в.], 2010. 127 с. 3. Смаглій К. Зміни творить кожен із нас: соціальне підприємництво та стратегічна філантропія. Київ:Видавничий дім "Києво-Могилянська Академія", 2014.207 с.