Methods of Modelling of Foreign Economic Activity

Major: Management
Code of subject: 6.073.04.E.132
Credits: 3.00
Department: Foreign Trade and Customs
Lecturer: Dvulit Zoriana Petrivna, Doctor of Economics, prof.
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: 6. Identify skills of search, collection, and analysis of information, calculation of indicators to justify management decisions. 8. Apply management methods to ensure the effectiveness of the organization’s activity. 20. Ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of the processes of international economic operations, their organizational, financial, resource, legal, logistical, customs, transport, forwarding, insurance, management support. 21. Ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of the processes of international cooperation and business, integration and globalization, factors and parameters of the modern international economic environment, management systems of international economic and customs activities.
Required prior and related subjects: Prerequisites: Development of a management system for export-import operations in the context of European integration (CD) Co-requisites: Development of a system of diagnostics of foreign economic activity (CP)
Summary of the subject: Statistical methods and models in foreign economic activity. Foundations of mathematical modeling in foreign economic activity. Methods of forecasting foreign economic activity. Optimization methods and models in foreign economic activity. Models of linear programming problems and methods for solving them. Transport task in foreign economic activity. Integer linear programming problems and methods for solving them. Nonlinear optimization models of economic systems. Fundamentals of econometric modeling in foreign economic activity. Methods of constructing a general linear model. Methods of construction of nonlinear econometric models. Game methods and models in foreign economic activity. Multidimensional ranking and rating in foreign economic activity.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control (100): performance and protection of laboratory works (10%); execution and protection of individual control works (40%); oral express-survey, speeches, presentations, performance and defense of practical works (30%); control testing (20%).
Recommended books: 1. Мазник Л.В. Економіко-математичні методи та моделі в галузі управління персоналом: навчальний посібник: / Л.В.Мазник, Т.В.Березянко, О.В.Безпалько, А.Д. Бергер, Ю.М.Гринюк, О.І.Драган, О.М.Олійниченко; за заг. ред. Л.В. Мазник. К.: Кафедра, 2019. - 278 с. 2. Бережна Л.В., Снитюк О.І. Економіко-математичні моделі в зовнішньоекономічній діяльності: навчальний посібник для студентів економічних напрямів підготовки / Л.В. Бережна, О.І.Снитюк. К.: Кондор-Видавництво, 2016. - 386 с. 3. Іващук О. Т. Економіко-математичне моделювання: Навчальний посібник; за ред. О.Т.Іващук. Тернопіль: ТНЕУ «Економічна думка», 2008. - 704 с. 4. Кучеренко В.Р. Економічний ризик та методи його вимірювання: Навчальний посібник / В.Р.Кучеренко, В.А.Карпов, А.В.Карпов. Одеса, 2011. - 191 с.