Innovative Products Market Research

Major: Management
Code of subject: 6.073.03.E.108
Credits: 3.00
Department: Organizational Management
Lecturer: Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Vitalii Boiko
Semester: 7 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: 1. Identify skills of search, collection, and analysis of information, calculation of indicators to justify management decisions. 2. Basic knowledge for the implementation of innovative activities in the linear and functional units of organizations of tourism and recreation of various forms of ownership and organizational - legal forms, in public authorities, local governments. 3. Ability to establish and maintain relationships with the external environment, analyze the market situation of tourist and recreational innovative products, make optimal management decisions in the field of tourism and recreational activities, provide documentary support and effective implementation at all levels of management.
Required prior and related subjects: prerequisites: International Business, Marketing Research. co-requisites: Investment Decisions in Innovation Activities.
Summary of the subject: Characteristics of the market for innovations and its actors. Studying the consumer behavior of the market actors. Forecasting the purchasing power of buyers of innovative products. Methods of research of the market for innovations of industrial use. Methods of research of the market for innovations of final consumption. Studying the customers’ response to the new product (service). Studying the innovation diffusion process. Studying the life cycle of innovation.
Assessment methods and criteria: written reports of laboratory works, oral quiz (30%); final examination: written- oral form (70%).
Recommended books: 1. Ілляшенко С.М. Маркетинг. Менеджмент. Інновації. Суми: ТОВ «Папірус», 2010. 624 с. 2. Чухрай Н.І. Маркетинг інновацій. Вид-во НУ “Львівська політехніка”, 2011. 262 с. 3. Чухрай Н.І., Лісовська Л.С. Управління інноваціями. Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015. 280 с. 4. Мельников С.В. Маркетингові стратегії в умовах нформаційної та цінової асиметрії: Монографія. Одеса: ОНМУ, 2015. 107 с. 5. Яшкіна О.І. Маркетингові дослідження інновацій. О.: ОНПУ, 2018. 102 с.