Ancient and Medieval History of Ukraine

Major: Museum, Monument Protection Activity and Cultural Tourism
Code of subject: 6.027.03.O.001
Credits: 6.00
Department: History of Ukraine and Ethnic Communication
Lecturer: PhD Melnyk R.P.
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: a system of knowledge about particular aspects of ancient and medieval Ukrainian history and practical skills to work with a historical source; - knowledge of problematic, debatable and irritating pages of ancient and medieval history of Ukraine; - acquaintance with the latest views of historians and researchers on the discussion issues of ancient and medieval history of Ukraine. - the ability to independently study problematic issues in ancient and medieval history of Ukraine, turning to the primary sources; - formation of active citizenship and a sense of responsibility in society; - skills of working historiography on particular problems of Ukrainian history; - Critical thinking and analysis skills and adequate assessment of historical information.
Required prior and related subjects: The school course on the history of Ukraine.
Summary of the subject: Ancient Slavs in Ukraine. Ukrainian medieval Kyivan Rus. Galicia-Volyn state - successor of the traditions of Kievan Rus-Ukraine. Ukrainian lands in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Kingdom of Poland Ukrainian Cossacks (con. HU - among. XVII centuries). National War led by Bohdan Khmelnytsky (1648-1657 gg.). Ukrainian Cossack state in the second half of the XVII century. Hetman late XVII - in the late eighteenth century.
Assessment methods and criteria: Semester evaluation of student learning is carried out according to the total number of points - 100, obtained according to the results of current control - 40 p. (surveys, presentations, oral and written answers, and one control paperwork) and the implementation of control measures – 60 p.(written zalik/credit ).
Recommended books: Бойко О. Історія України: навчальний посібник. – Київ, 2005; Історія України. Неупереджений погляд / Петровський В.В. та інші. - Харків, 2007 Історія України. Неупереджений погляд / Петровський В.В. та інші. - Харків, 2007; Історія України та її державності: Навчальний посібник / За редакцією Дещинського Л.Є. – Львів, 2005; Історія України / Кер. авт. кол. Ю.Зайцев. – Львів, 2002; Литвин В. Історія України: Підручник. – Київ, 2006; Історія українського козацтва. У 3-х т. - К., 2005-2008 Чухліб Т.В. Гетьмани Правобережної України в історії Центрально-Східної Європи. 1663-1713.-К., 2004.