Heritage of Middle Ages: historical and Cultural Dimension

Major: Museum, Monument Protection Activity and Cultural Tourism
Code of subject: 6.027.03.O.009
Credits: 7.00
Department: History of Ukraine and Ethnic Communication
Lecturer: PhD Yaroslav Lyseyko
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: The study of the discipline involves the formation of students with the necessary competencies: - general competencies: ZK5. Ability to search, process and critically analyze information from various sources; ZK7. Appreciation and respect for diversity and multiculturalism; - professional competencies: FCS1.7. Ability to research and promote historical and cultural heritage; FCS2.2. Ability to comprehensively consider culture in the context of sustainable development; As a result of studying the discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following program learning outcomes: know: the ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of historical and cultural processes in the national and European context; knowledge of historiography on the problems of medieval studies; chronology of medieval history, biographies of the main figures of medieval Europe, cultural achievements and cultural wealth of medieval Europe and its influence on the development of modern European civilization; be able to: think critically, systematically and apply creative abilities to generate ideas; use historical sources in the study of historical processes; to identify the main changes that took place in the way of life and worldview of the peoples of Europe in the Middle Ages.
Required prior and related subjects: courses of ancient and ancient history
Summary of the subject: The formation of European nations and states, which appeared in the Middle Ages, the emergence of national cultures, psychology and features, as well as legacy left by modernity. Features of the formation and formation of medieval European culture
Assessment methods and criteria: Forms and methods of training: lectures, workshops, independent work. Assessment methods: - Current control (40%), oral examination, answers to seminars, writing essays. - Final evaluation (60%) in the form of exam testing.
Recommended books: 1. Гордієнко В., Гордієнко Г., Кривошея І., Салата О. Історія середніх віків. Практикум.– К., 2018. – Ч. 1, 2. 2. Еко У. Історія європейської цивілізації. Середньовіччя. Замки. Торговці. Поети. – К., 2018. 3. Le Goff J. Heroes and Marvels of the Middle Ages. – London: Reaktion Books, 2020. 4. Балух В., Коцур В. Ранньомодерна Європа. Чернівці, 2016 5. Балух В., Коцур В. Історія середніх віків. У 2 -х т. Том 1. Раннє Середньовіччя. – Чернівці, 2016