Basics of the Scientific Work

Major: Museum, Monument Protection Activity and Cultural Tourism
Code of subject: 6.027.03.O.017
Credits: 4.00
Department: History of Ukraine and Ethnic Communication
Lecturer: PhD Yaroslav Lyseyko
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: The study of the discipline involves the formation of students with the necessary competencies: - general competencies: ability to work taking into account the domestic and international context; ability to identify, pose and solve problems. - professional competencies: the ability to implement the latest museological and monument protection practices in the domestic museum and monument protection industry; implementation of research, scientific and pedagogical, management activities. The learning outcomes of this discipline detail the following program learning outcomes: know the basic algorithms for conducting research in the field of museum work and protection of historical and cultural monuments; methods of search, accumulation and processing of scientific information; methods and techniques of theoretical and practical research; the role and diversity of historical sources in the study of historical and cultural processes.
Required prior and related subjects: basic knowledge of European history and the history of Ukraine
Summary of the subject: To acquaint students with general information on science and research, concept, function and value of science and research, organization of science and research in Ukraine, scientific ethics, hygiene of mental work, research methodology, special and general research methods. Learn to identify the object and subject of study, choose a theme study to prove its relevance, formulate and solve specific goals and objectives of the study, seek and work with historical sources and literature at libraries, archives, Internet. Introduction to the methodology of writing a term or research paper.
Assessment methods and criteria: rating assessment on a 100-point system: current tests - 40 points (quiz, presentation, oral and written answers), final test - 60 points (written exam).
Recommended books: Основи наукових досліджень / Л.Л. Галаманжук, Г.А. Єдинак. – Кам’янець-подільський, 2019. – 153 с. Основи наукових досліджень і методика та організація їх проведення : посібник до практичних занять і самостійної роботи / Н.О. Макаренко, О.Г. Гринь, С.Г. Пліс. – Краматорськ, 2020. – 175 с. Іщенко Ю. Філософські основи наукових досліджень. – К., 2019. – 239 с. Психолого-педагогічні основи організації наукової діяльності здобувачів наукових ступенів : практичний посібник / [Н.Г. Іванова ... [та ін.]. – К., 2019. – 127 с. Теорія і методологія наукових досліджень : навчальний посібник для студентів (магістрів) усіх форм навчання / Ю.Д. Костін. – Харків. – 2021. – 152 с.