Historical Memory and Museum Narratives

Major: Museum, Monument Protection Activity and Cultural Tourism
Code of subject: 6.027.03.E.093
Credits: 8.00
Department: History of Ukraine and Ethnic Communication
Lecturer: Kuzmyn Roman, Ph.D. in History
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: As a result of the discipline the student should know: - to integrate into the social and economic sector (revitalize) the historical and cultural environment as a resource for the development of local communities (PR 3); - knowledge and understanding of methodologies for design and modernization of museum and monument protection institutions and objects in accordance with regulatory requirements, current standards and technical conditions (PR 8); - understand the problems of preservation, interpretation and use of historical and cultural heritage, assess and analyze the current state and key trends in the development of museum and monument protection in general (PR 13); - to substantiate and create new and modernize existing expositions, exhibitions, excursion and tourist routes, etc. (PR 16). - ability to communicate through all existing channels of communication, including oral and written communication in Ukrainian and foreign languages ??(English, German, Italian, French, Spanish, etc.) (COM 1); - ability to quickly adapt to new situations and changes in the situation and make appropriate decisions; - ability to realize the need for lifelong learning in order to deepen the acquired and acquire new professional knowledge.
Required prior and related subjects: Historical and cultural tourism Material culture and collecting Monument studies of Ukraine in modern scientific discourse
Summary of the subject: Acquaint students with international and national legislation in the field of cultural heritage and museum activities. Develop the skills of international, intercultural and interreligious dialogue as a guarantee of the museum in today's globalized world. Involve students in the process of transformation of museums in the agents of change, based on the interpretation of the museum as an expression of cultural and social diversity of the past. 1. History and memory. Definition of concepts tradition, heritage, historical consciousness. 2. Genesis of the study of historical memory: from Aristotle to memory studies. Memorial riot of the 1960s and 1970s. 3. Cultural and communication memory. Mechanisms of remembering and forgetting. Triumph and trauma. 4. Ethnicity, nation and memory. The nation as a "community of memory". 5. The relationship of memory and identity. 6. Identity - marginality - alienation. Glocalization and multiculturalism. 7. Visualized memory: museums and monuments 8. Museum as a subject of historical memory.
Assessment methods and criteria: Methods and criteria of assessment: rating assessment on a 100-point system: current tests - 40 points (quiz, presentation, oral and written answers), final test - 60 points (written exam).
Recommended books: 1. Ассман А. Простори спогаду. Форми та трансформації культурної пам'яті / А. Ассман. К.: Ніка-Центр, 2012. 440 с. 2. Бродель Ф. Ідентичність Франції. Простір та історія / Ф. Бродель. К.: Вид-во Жупанського, 2013. Кн. 1. 268 с. 3. Киридон А. Гетеротопії пам’яті: теоретико-методологічні проблеми студій памяті. Київ: Ніка-Центр, 2016. 320 с. 4. Мастеница Е.Н. Наследие в музее: границы и горизонты интерпретации / Е.Н. Мастеница. Точка доступу: http://www.bvahan.com/museologypro/muzeevedenie.asp?li2=1&c_text=17 5. Нагорна Л.П. Історична пам'ять: теорії, дискурси, рефлексії / Л.П. Нагорна. К.: ІПіЕНД ім. І. Ф. Кураса НАН України, 2012. 328 с. 6. Нора П. Теперішнє, нація, пам'ять / П. Нора. К.: КЛІО,2014.272 с. 7. Сафронова Ю.А. Историческая память: введение. СПб: Из-во Европейского университета, 2019. 220 с. 8. Daphi P. Becoming a Movement. Identity, Narrative and Memory in the European Global Justice Movement. London-New York, Rowman&Littlefield, 2017. 152 p. 9. European Identity / ed. J. Checkel, P. Katzenstein. Cambridge, 2009. 265 p.