Defence of Bachelor’s Thesis

Major: Museum, Monument Protection Activity and Cultural Tourism
Code of subject: 6.027.03.O.083
Credits: 1.50
Department: History of Ukraine and Ethnic Communication
Lecturer: teachers of the department
Semester: 8 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: In the bachelor's thesis student must certify that he has mastered the necessary theoretical knowledge and skills of their practical application in specific conditions. Writing course work aims to stimulate students to independent research and deepen their knowledge of actual professional problems. bachelor's thesis gives an opportunity to reveal the student's ability to independently comprehend the problem, creatively and critically examine, collect, analyze and systematize literary sources; the ability to apply the knowledge gained while solving practical problems; to formulate conclusions, suggestions, recommendations on the subject of the study. Materials of bachelor's thesis work can be used for further research work of the student - writing master's work.
Required prior and related subjects: History of Ukraine Museology
Summary of the subject: Coursework is an independent research work of the student, summarizing his acquired knowledge, skills and skills from the discipline envisaged by the curriculum. Coursework is carried out in order to consolidate, deepen and generalize the knowledge gained by the student during the study, and their application to a comprehensive solution to a particular professional task. Writing course work is an important stage of training a specialist in the professional field to perform independent work in the specialty
Assessment methods and criteria: The quality of completed and protected coursework is estimated by a number of indicators: relevance, novelty of the chosen topic and the practical value of the results obtained; clarity of structure and logical sequence of material presentation; presence of controversial and polemical material, reasoning and accuracy of the given data; the quality and depth of the scientific, theoretical, methodological and practical analysis of the problem; the content of the student's report on the main results of the research during the defense; the systematic and systematic nature of the student's work on the topic; correctness of coursework and timeliness of its delivery. Coursework is evaluated on a 4-point scale, namely: "Perfectly". Coursework completed on a high scientific level; contains elements of scientific novelty; has practical value; the report is logical and brief, proclaimed freely. "Fine". The theme of work is revealed, but there are disadvantages of a non-fundamental nature: in the theoretical part, literary sources are analyzed superficially; elements of novelty and practical value are not clearly presented; the report is logical, proclaimed freely; work is executed within the established requirements. "Satisfactorily". The theme of the work, basically, is revealed, but there are shortcomings of the content nature: the unclear formulation of the purpose of the study; there is no analysis of scientific polemics; in the analytical part there is an excess of the elements of the narrative; the selection of information materials (tables, diagrams) is not always justified, there is no generalization of the results obtained; low practical significance of work; there is a note regarding the job design. "Unsatisfactorily". Unclear formulation of the purpose of the study. There is no logical connection between sections of work; review of modern literary sources carried out without analysis and generalization; the descriptiveness of individual scientific facts prevails. There are significant shortcomings in the design of work.
Recommended books: Academic Plagiarism. [Електрон. ресурс]. Режим доступу: Данильян О. Г. Організація та методологія наукових досліджень : навч. посіб. / О. Г. Данильян, О. П. Дзьобань. – Харків : Право, 2017. – 448 с. Закон України «Про авторське право і суміжні права». [Електрон. ресурс]. Режим доступу: Конверський А. Основи методології та організації наукових досліджень. К. : Центр навчальної літератури, 2017. 350 с. Корягін М. В., Чік М. Ю. Основи наукових досліджень. Навчальний посібник. 2-ге вид. К. Алерта, 2019. 492 с Товт В.А. Основи наукових досліджень та методика підготовки дипломних робіт: навч. посіб. Ужгород: «ТОВ "РіК-У"», 2019. 139 с.