Special Historical Subjects

Major: Museum, Monument Protection Activity and Cultural Tourism
Code of subject: 6.027.03.O.062
Credits: 6.00
Department: History of Ukraine and Ethnic Communication
Lecturer: PhD Lyseyko Yaroslav
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: The study of the discipline involves the formation of students with the necessary competencies: - general competencies: ZK1. Knowledge and understanding of the subject area and implementation of professional activity; ZK5. Ability to search, process and critically analyze information from various sources; - professional competencies: SC2. Ability to develop public awareness of the role of cultural heritage; SC4. Ability to exposition, scientific-fund, educational, cultural-educational activity on the basis of professionally profiled knowledge; FCS1.3. Ability to independently conduct scientific research in archives; Program learning outcomes As a result of studying the discipline, the student must be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes: know: the development of historiography of each of the special historical disciplines; basic laws of heraldry and principles of genealogy; basics of sphragistics, paleography, faleristics and other special historical disciplines; translate dates from different chronology systems; know the historical units of distance and weight; the importance of historical sources in the study of historical processes. be able to: read historical sources, classify and analyze them; apply in practice the acquired theoretical knowledge; work with specialized scientific literature; create and report coats of arms and genealogical tables; be able to read and date seals; to prepare historical sources for publication, to generalize the information received in the course of studying; be able to communicate with others and have a constructive dialogue; apply knowledge to collect and process information about the historical and social significance of a cultural property or cultural heritage site.
Required prior and related subjects: basic knowledge of European history and the history of Ukraine
Summary of the subject: 1. The object and purpose of special historical disciplines. 2. Classification of special historical disciplines. 3. The history of evolution and special historical disciplines. 4. The object and purpose paleography. 5. Materials and implements writing from ancient times to today. 6. History Cyrillic writing. 7. History of any number in Latin and Cyrillic writing. 8. The object and purpose of diplomatics. 9. The history of the document. 10. Features of evolution FORM document. 11. Subject, object and task Archeology. 12. Archeology as a special historical discipline. Heuristic archaeography and a desk. 14. Activities Archaeological Commission Shevchenko Scientific Society. 15. Activities Archaeological Commission UAS in 1920h years. 17. Ukrainian Archeology at present, its prospects and challenges. 18. Family heraldry on Ukrainian territory. 19. Ukrainian municipal heraldry. 20. Stamps state Cossack Army. 21. The functioning church seals on Ukrainian territory. 22. Stamps the time of the liberation struggle of 1917-1921. 23. Features historical anthroponimics. 24. Prosopography: subject and tasks. 25. The history of my family. 26. Methods of measuring time in Kievan Rus. 27. Methods of measuring time in Early-modern day. 28. Era and how to transfer dates to the modern era. 29. The beginning of the year and the division, in the ancient world, medieval and modern times. 30. Shooting date and their transfer to the current date. 31. The object and purpose of metrology. 32. metrological system in Kievan Rus. 33. Metrological system on Ukrainian territory until mid XVII. 34. Metrological system on Ukrainian lands in the old Commonwealth. 35. Metrological system of Ukrainian lands in the Russian Empire. 36. Metrological system on Ukrainian lands within the Austrian Empire. 37. Research on historical demography in Ukrainian historiography. 38. History of offices and document in the Galicia-Volyn principality. 39. The organization of city and county offices and classification of their documents. 40. Features of Office documents and Hetman. 41. History of Ukrainian paper and papiren. 42. Watermarks in documents from the Ukrainian lands XVI - XVIII centuries. 43. Features of determining the day of the week for the formulas Perevozchikova, Cheruhina, Kara. 44. Method of determining the day of the week for the tables. Vrutselito. 45. History State Emblem of Ukraine. 46. The history of the flag of Ukraine. 48. Genesis reward system of the USSR. Diplomas and titles; 49. Awards of Soviet Ukraine: projects not implemented. 50. Awards and distinctions period of national liberation (1917-1921.): Projects and their implementation 51. Awards and distinctions UPA 52. Awards and distinctions Ukrainian emigration.
Assessment methods and criteria: 100-point rating: current control - 40 points (polls. presentations, oral and written answers); final control - 60 points (exam), including creative work
Recommended books: Бондаренко Г. В. Спеціальні історичні дисципліни: навчальний посібник / Східноєвропейський національний університет ім. Л. Українки, Центр дослідів Волині при СНУ ім. Л. України, Кафедра документознавства і музейної справи. ? Луцьк: Вежа-Друк, 2015. ? 424 с. Воронов В. Спеціальні історичні дисципліни : підручник. - Дніпро : Ліра, 2019. – 160 с. Звонська Л. Грецька епіграфіка і палеографія : підручник. – К., 2016. – 310 с. Смуток І. Руська шляхта Перемишльської землі (ХIV-XVIII ст.). – Львів, 2019 Переписна книга Сумського полку 1691 / упорядники : Олександр Алфьоров, Олександр Різніченко. – К., 2019