Professional Ethics

Major: Museum, Monument Protection Activity and Cultural Tourism
Code of subject: 6.027.03.E.087
Credits: 6.00
Department: History of Ukraine and Ethnic Communication
Lecturer: Panas N.B., prof. assistant
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: A trained specialist must have the following competencies: - Ability to analyze and evaluate problems in various aspects of museum studies, monument studies and cultural tourism and offer scientifically sound solutions, taking into account a holistic, promising, interdisciplinary, axiological approaches to understanding and interpreting cultural heritage - Identify and comprehend the impact of social, cultural, political and ethical contexts, conditions and factors in professional activities; - Ability to act socially responsibly and consciously in accordance with the understanding of trends in the museum, monument protection and tourism industries; - Knowledge of ethical norms, rules and responsibilities in the professional sphere, approved in the national legislation and their observance in professional activity.
Required prior and related subjects: СК1.5 .. History and basics of museum work ВБ2.2. Public administration and legal regulation of the industry СК1.6. Fundamentals of professional communication
Summary of the subject: Subject and tasks of the discipline. Theoretical foundations of ethics as a socio-cultural phenomenon. Retrospective of ethics development. Philosophical and historical essence of ethics. General characteristics of morality. Professional ethics and professional morality. Features of the origin and functioning of moral and professional codes and applied professional ethics. Corporate culture. Ethics of business communication in the professional sphere. Ethics and professionalism of a museum worker. Code of Museum Ethics. Current issues of professional ethics of museum workers in the XXI century. Specifics of implementation and functioning of exposition ethics in the professional activity of an employee in the field of preservation of historical and cultural heritage. Professional culture and ethics in tourism. Cultural heritage and sustainable development of society.
Assessment methods and criteria: 100-point rating: current control - 50 points (polls. presentations, oral and written answers); final control work - 50 points.
Recommended books: 1. Арістотель. Нікомахова етика. - К.: Аквілон-Плюс, 2002. 480 с. 2. Sally Yerkovich. A Practical Guide to Museum Ethics Reprint Edition. Rl; Reprint edition. 2016. - 244 p. 3. Julia Courtney. The Legal Guide for Museum Professionals. Rl publisher. 2015 - 316 p. 4. Museums, Ethics and Cultural Heritage. 1st Edition. Edited by ICOM. 2017. - 410 p. 5. Robin W. Lovin. Writing a Museum Code of Ethics. Washington, DC: American Association of Museums, 1993. 6. Professional Ethics. Професійна етика: практ. завдання з розв. навичок усного мовлення англ. мовою для студ. усіх спец. / Нац. ун-т Львів. політехніка; укл.: Н.М. Водарська та ін. – Л., 2006. – 44 с. 7. Малахов В.А. Етика спілкування: навчальний посібник /В.А.Малахов. - К.: Либідь, 2006. – 400 с. 8. Палеха Ю.І., Леміш Н.О. Етика ділових відносин: навчальний посібник /Ю.І.Палеха, Н.О.Леміш. – Киів: Кондор, 2008. - 356 с. 9. Сичивиця О.М. Наука, мораль і моральний кодекс вченого /О.М.Сичевиця - Львів: УкрДЛТУ, 1999. – 123 с. 10. Управление музеем: практическое руководство ЮНЕСКО /Ред. Патрика Дж. Бойлана. - Париж: ЮНЕСКО, 2004. – 96 с. 11. Психология и этика делового общения: учебник /Ред. В.Н. Лавриненко. - М.: Культура и спорт, ЮНИТИ, 1997. - 279 с. 12. Палеха Ю.І. Ключі до успіху, або організаційна та управлінська культура /Ю.І.Палеха. - К. : ЕУФІСМБ, 2000. - 211 с. 13. Канке В.А. Сучасна етика: підручник /В.А. Канке. - М .: «Омега-Л», 2007. - 394 с. 14. Де Джордж Р. Т. Деловая этика. В 2 т. / Пер. с англ. Р. И. Столпера.- СПб.-М.: "Прогресс", 2001. – 112 с.