Theory and History of Social Welfare

Major: Social Welfare
Code of subject: 6.232.00.O.001
Credits: 9.00
Department: Sociology and Social Work
Lecturer: Аssistant Krasilych I. O.
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: 1. Identify the causal links of society and manifestations of socio-economic problems in different categories of the population. 2. Apply methods of collecting information: document analysis, surveys and observation. 3. Use basic knowledge of the principles of state social policies and ways of social security. 4. Determine the conditions of socio-economic support of different categories people. 5. Identify social problems and needs and the causes of their occurrence, development trends, consequences, social status of certain categories people. 6. Analyze the effectiveness of socio-economic support of the population and make appropriate adjustments within the competence. 7. Analyze and assess the level of material and economic protection different categories of the population. 8. Use relevant research and apply research professional skills in the provision of social assistance.
Required prior and related subjects: 1. History of statehood and culture of Ukraine 2. Legal regulation of social protection 3. Fundamentals of scientific research of social problems (KR) 4. Social policy and social security policy 5. Social protection systems of Ukraine
Summary of the subject: The discipline "Theory and History of Social Security" will be presented through a variety of methods, including lectures and discussions. Because students will have to work out the historical periodization of formation social protection systems and theoretical and methodological foundations of social providing, much of this course will be performed as a group course classroom and extracurricular work. The teacher will provide students individual consultations. Consultations between will also be applied students and supervision (professional support) of the teacher in order to elaboration of social security technologies, as well as the feeling of others students were involved in the course study process.
Assessment methods and criteria: Current control (40%): written reports on practical work, oral examination, individual research work. Final control (60%, exam)
Recommended books: 1. Bolotina NB The right of social protection of Ukraine: Textbook. way. - 2nd ed., rework. and ext. - К .: Знання, 2008. - 663 с. 2. Vasilchenko VS State regulation of employment: Textbook. manual. - К .: KNEU. - 2003. - 278 p. 3. State policy in the socio-humanitarian sphere: a textbook / VA Skuratovsky, VP Troshchynsky, PK Sytnyk and others. ; for general ed. V.A. Skuratovsky, VP Troshchinsky. - К.: НАДУ, 2010. - 284 с. 4. Dubic K.B. Introduction to social assistance: a textbook / K.V. Dubic. - Kyiv: Slovo Publishing House, 2015. - 224 p. 5. Zhernakov VV Pension provision in Ukraine: textbook. / VV Zhernakov. - К.: Юрінком Інтер, 2000. - 380 с. 6. Izha MM Organizational and legal principles of public administration: textbook. way. / MM Izha, TI Pakhomov, Ya. O. Riznikov. - Odessa: ORIDU NADU, 2008. - 380 s. 7. Hemp YS Social Insurance: A Study Guide. Sumy: VTD "University Book", 2008. - 224 p. 8. Kravchenko MV Development of models of social management protection of the population: national and foreign experience: textbook. way. / М. В. Kravchenko, OM Petroe; for general ed. MV Pittsyk. - К.: Асоц. cities of Ukraine and communities, 2007. - Book. 19. - 250 p. 9. Lukashevich MP, Tulenkov MV Management of social work: Theory and practice: Textbook. - К.: Каравела, 2007. - 296 с. 10. Pilipenko PD The right to social security: textbook. for students. higher textbook lock / PD Pilipenko, V. Ya. Burak, SM Sinchuk and others. - 2nd ed., rework. and ext. - К.: Вид. House "In Law", 2008. - 504 p.