Fundamentals of Oil and Gas Industry (курсова робота)

Major: Oil and Gas Engineering and Technology
Code of subject: 6.185.00.O.010
Credits: 2.00
Department: Department of Oil and Gas Engineering and Welding
Lecturer: Lazorco O. I.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Ability to solve specialized problems and solve practical problems in the field of well construction, production, transportation and storage of hydrocarbons. characterized by complexity and uncertainty of conditions, based on the application of basic theories and methods of applied sciences. Ability to identify, set and solve professional problems, make informed decisions in conditions of limited information Using modern information technology, the ability to design and calculate technologies for well construction, production, transportation and storage of hydrocarbons.
Required prior and related subjects: Previous disciplines Physics Chemistry Computer Science Technical mechanics Related and subsequent disciplines Metal structures Interchangeability, standardization and technical measurement Fundamentals of welding technology Fundamentals of technology of oil and gas complex engineering
Summary of the subject: The aim of the course is to prepare students to understand and study the basics of oil and gas, the main components of the process of production, transportation and storage of hydrocarbons. As a result of studying the discipline the student acquires the ability to demonstrate learning outcomes: - the specialist must know: • basics of oil and gas geology; • basics of well construction; • technique and technology of extraction, transportation and storage of hydrocarbons; • safety rules in the oil and gas industry of Ukraine. a trained specialist must be able to: • practically implement the acquired theoretical knowledge in the choice of techniques and technologies for well construction, production, transportation and storage of hydrocarbons.
Assessment methods and criteria: Course defense 100 роints Criteria for assessing the knowledge and skills of the student based on the results of studying the study material of the module in the 100-point scale and the ECTS scale: • 100-88 points - grade A ("excellent") is given for a high level of knowledge (some inaccuracies are allowed) of the training material of the module contained in the main and additional recommended literature sources, the ability to analyze the studied phenomena in their relationship and development, clearly, concisely, logically, consistently answer questions, the ability to apply theoretical principles in solving practical problems; • 87–80 points - grade B (“very good”) is given for knowledge of the training material of the module above the average level, including calculations, reasoned answers to questions (a small number of inaccuracies), the ability to apply theoretical principles in development. solving practical tasks; • 79–71 points - grade C (“good”) is given for the general correct understanding of the training material of the module, including calculations, reasoned answers to the questions, which, however, contain certain (insignificant) shortcomings, for the ability to apply theoretical provisions in solving practical problems; • 70–61 points - grade D (“indirectly”) is given for mediocre knowledge of the training material of the module, poorly reasoned answers, poor application of theoretical principles in solving practical problems; - 60-50 points - grade E ("satisfactory") is given for poor knowledge of the training material of the module, inaccurate or poorly reasoned answers, with a violation of the sequence of presentation, for poor application of theoretical principles in solving practical problems; • 49–26 points - FX grade (“unsatisfactory”) with the possibility of retake the exam or test) is set for ignorance of a significant part of the training material of the module, significant errors in answering questions, inability to apply theoretical principles in solving practical tasks; • 25–00 points - grade F (“unsatisfactory”) with obligatory re-study of the module) is set for ignorance of a significant part of the study material of the module, significant errors in answering questions, inability to navigate during the solution practical tasks, ignorance of the basic fundamentals.
Recommended books: Рекомендована література Базова 1. Суярко В. Г. Загальна та нафтогазова геологія : навчальний посібник / В. Г. Суярко, О. О. Сердюкова, В. В. Сухов. – Х. : ХНУ імені В. Н. Каразіна, 2013. – 212 с. 2. Білецький В. С. Основи нафтогазової справи / В. С. Бі¬лецький, В. М. Орловський, В. І. Дмитренко, А. М. Похилко. – Полтава : ПолтНТУ, Київ : ФОП Халіков Р.Х., 2017. – 312 с. Допоміжна 3. Бойко В.С., Бойко Р.В. Тлумачно-термінологічний словник-довідник з нафти і газу. Тт. 1-2, 2004-2006 рр. 560 + 800 с. 4. Коцкулич, Я. С. Буріння нафтових і газових свердловин : підручник / Я. С. Коцкулич, Я. М. Кочкодан. - Коломия : ВІК, 1999. - 504 с. 9. Інформаційні ресурси 1. Електронний навчальний посібник «Буріння нафтових і газових свердловин» для студентів спеціальностей 184 Гірництво, 185 Нафтогазова інженерія та технологія, / Укладачі: Коцкулич Я. С., Кочкодан Я. М. - Коломия : ВІК, 1999. - 504 с. 2. Електронний навчальний посібник «Основи нафтогазової справи», для студентів спеціальностей 184 Гірництво, 185 Нафтогазова інженерія та технологія, / Укладач: Пилипів Л. Д. . - Івано-Франківськ : ІФНТУНГ, 2012. - 312 с.

Fundamentals of Oil and Gas Industry

Major: Oil and Gas Engineering and Technology
Code of subject: 6.185.00.O.009
Credits: 7.50
Department: Department of Oil and Gas Engineering and Welding
Lecturer: Lazorco O. I.
Semester: 2 семестр
Mode of study: денна
Learning outcomes: Ability to solve specialized problems and solve practical problems in the field of well construction, production, transportation and storage of hydrocarbons. characterized by complexity and uncertainty of conditions, based on the application of basic theories and methods of applied sciences. Ability to identify, set and solve professional problems, make informed decisions in conditions of limited information Using modern information technology, the ability to design and calculate technologies for well construction, production, transportation and storage of hydrocarbons.
Required prior and related subjects: Previous disciplines Physics Chemistry Computer Science Technical mechanics Related and subsequent disciplines Metal structures Interchangeability, standardization and technical measurement Fundamentals of welding technology Fundamentals of technology of oil and gas complex engineering
Summary of the subject: The aim of the course is to prepare students to understand and study the basics of oil and gas, the main components of the process of production, transportation and storage of hydrocarbons. As a result of studying the discipline the student acquires the ability to demonstrate learning outcomes: - the specialist must know: • basics of oil and gas geology; • basics of well construction; • technique and technology of extraction, transportation and storage of hydrocarbons; • safety rules in the oil and gas industry of Ukraine. a trained specialist must be able to: • practically implement the acquired theoretical knowledge in the choice of techniques and technologies for well construction, production, transportation and storage of hydrocarbons.
Assessment methods and criteria: Defense of practical works (20 points); Protection of laboratory works (20 points); Current Express - control (60 points). Criteria for assessing the knowledge and skills of the student based on the results of studying the study material of the module in the 100-point scale and the ECTS scale: • 100-88 points - grade A ("excellent") is given for a high level of knowledge (some inaccuracies are allowed) of the training material of the module contained in the main and additional recommended literature sources, the ability to analyze the studied phenomena in their relationship and development, clearly, concisely, logically, consistently answer questions, the ability to apply theoretical principles in solving practical problems; • 87–80 points - grade B (“very good”) is given for knowledge of the training material of the module above the average level, including calculations, reasoned answers to questions (a small number of inaccuracies), the ability to apply theoretical principles in development. solving practical tasks; • 79–71 points - grade C (“good”) is given for the general correct understanding of the training material of the module, including calculations, reasoned answers to the questions, which, however, contain certain (insignificant) shortcomings, for the ability to apply theoretical provisions in solving practical problems; • 70–61 points - grade D (“indirectly”) is given for mediocre knowledge of the training material of the module, poorly reasoned answers, poor application of theoretical principles in solving practical problems; - 60-50 points - grade E ("satisfactory") is given for poor knowledge of the training material of the module, inaccurate or poorly reasoned answers, with a violation of the sequence of presentation, for poor application of theoretical principles in solving practical problems; • 49–26 points - FX grade (“unsatisfactory”) with the possibility of retake the exam or test) is set for ignorance of a significant part of the training material of the module, significant errors in answering questions, inability to apply theoretical principles in solving practical tasks; • 25–00 points - grade F (“unsatisfactory”) with obligatory re-study of the module) is set for ignorance of a significant part of the study material of the module, significant errors in answering questions, inability to navigate during the solution practical tasks, ignorance of the basic fundamentals.
Recommended books: Рекомендована література Базова 1. Суярко В. Г. Загальна та нафтогазова геологія : навчальний посібник / В. Г. Суярко, О. О. Сердюкова, В. В. Сухов. – Х. : ХНУ імені В. Н. Каразіна, 2013. – 212 с. 2. Білецький В. С. Основи нафтогазової справи / В. С. Бі¬лецький, В. М. Орловський, В. І. Дмитренко, А. М. Похилко. – Полтава : ПолтНТУ, Київ : ФОП Халіков Р.Х., 2017. – 312 с. Допоміжна 3. Бойко В.С., Бойко Р.В. Тлумачно-термінологічний словник-довідник з нафти і газу. Тт. 1-2, 2004-2006 рр. 560 + 800 с. 4. Коцкулич, Я. С. Буріння нафтових і газових свердловин : підручник / Я. С. Коцкулич, Я. М. Кочкодан. - Коломия : ВІК, 1999. - 504 с. 9. Інформаційні ресурси 1. Електронний навчальний посібник «Буріння нафтових і газових свердловин» для студентів спеціальностей 184 Гірництво, 185 Нафтогазова інженерія та технологія, / Укладачі: Коцкулич Я. С., Кочкодан Я. М. - Коломия : ВІК, 1999. - 504 с. 2. Електронний навчальний посібник «Основи нафтогазової справи», для студентів спеціальностей 184 Гірництво, 185 Нафтогазова інженерія та технологія, / Укладач: Пилипів Л. Д. . - Івано-Франківськ : ІФНТУНГ, 2012. - 312 с.